Create a table for Amazon WAF logs without partitioning - Amazon Athena
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Create a table for Amazon WAF logs without partitioning

This section describes how to create a table for Amazon WAF logs without partitioning or partition projection.


For performance and cost reasons, we do not recommend using non-partitioned schema for queries. For more information, see Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena in the Amazon Big Data Blog.

To create the Amazon WAF table
  1. Copy and paste the following DDL statement into the Athena console. Modify the fields as necessary to match your log output. Modify the LOCATION for the Amazon S3 bucket to correspond to the one that stores your logs.

    This query uses the OpenX JSON SerDe.


    The SerDe expects each JSON document to be on a single line of text with no line termination characters separating the fields in the record. If the JSON text is in pretty print format, you may receive an error message like HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is not a valid JSON Object or HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for OBJECT when you attempt to query the table after you create it. For more information, see JSON Data Files in the OpenX SerDe documentation on GitHub.

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `waf_logs`( `timestamp` bigint, `formatversion` int, `webaclid` string, `terminatingruleid` string, `terminatingruletype` string, `action` string, `terminatingrulematchdetails` array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, `httpsourcename` string, `httpsourceid` string, `rulegrouplist` array < struct < rulegroupid: string, terminatingrule: struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > > >, nonterminatingmatchingrules: array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, overriddenaction: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, excludedrules: string > >, `ratebasedrulelist` array < struct < ratebasedruleid: string, limitkey: string, maxrateallowed: int > >, `nonterminatingmatchingrules` array < struct < ruleid: string, action: string, rulematchdetails: array < struct < conditiontype: string, sensitivitylevel: string, location: string, matcheddata: array < string > > >, challengeresponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string >, captcharesponse: struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string > > >, `requestheadersinserted` array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, `responsecodesent` string, `httprequest` struct < clientip: string, country: string, headers: array < struct < name: string, value: string > >, uri: string, args: string, httpversion: string, httpmethod: string, requestid: string >, `labels` array < struct < name: string > >, `captcharesponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `challengeresponse` struct < responsecode: string, solvetimestamp: string, failureReason: string >, `ja3Fingerprint` string, `oversizefields` string, `requestbodysize` int, `requestbodysizeinspectedbywaf` int ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/'
  2. Run the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement in the Athena console query editor. This registers the waf_logs table and makes the data in it available for queries from Athena.