What is bucketing? - Amazon Athena
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What is bucketing?

Bucketing is a way to organize the records of a dataset into categories called buckets.

This meaning of bucket and bucketing is different from, and should not be confused with, Amazon S3 buckets. In data bucketing, records that have the same value for a property go into the same bucket. Records are distributed as evenly as possible among buckets so that each bucket has roughly the same amount of data.

In practice, the buckets are files, and a hash function determines the bucket that a record goes into. A bucketed dataset will have one or more files per bucket per partition. The bucket that a file belongs to is encoded in the file name.

Bucketing benefits

Bucketing is useful when a dataset is bucketed by a certain property and you want to retrieve records in which that property has a certain value. Because the data is bucketed, Athena can use the value to determine which files to look at. For example, suppose a dataset is bucketed by customer_id and you want to find all records for a specific customer. Athena determines the bucket that contains those records and only reads the files in that bucket.

Good candidates for bucketing occur when you have columns that have high cardinality (that is, have many distinct values), are uniformly distributed, and that you frequently query for specific values.


Athena does not support using INSERT INTO to add new records to bucketed tables.

Data types supported for filtering on bucketed columns

You can add filters on bucketed columns with certain data types. Athena supports filtering on bucketed columns with the following data types:


  • BYTE

  • DATE



  • INT

  • LONG




Hive and Spark support

Athena engine version 2 supports datasets bucketed using the Hive bucket algorithm, and Athena engine version 3 also supports the Apache Spark bucketing algorithm. Hive bucketing is the default. If your dataset is bucketed using the Spark algorithm, use the TBLPROPERTIES clause to set the bucketing_format property value to spark.


Athena has a limit of 100 partitions in a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) query. Similarly, you can add only a maximum of 100 partitions to a destination table with an INSERT INTO statement.

If you exceed this limitation, you may receive the error message HIVE_TOO_MANY_OPEN_PARTITIONS: Exceeded limit of 100 open writers for partitions/buckets. To work around this limitation, you can use a CTAS statement and a series of INSERT INTO statements that create or insert up to 100 partitions each. For more information, see Use CTAS and INSERT INTO to work around the 100 partition limit.

To create a table for an existing bucketed dataset, use the CLUSTERED BY (column) clause followed by the INTO N BUCKETS clause. The INTO N BUCKETS clause specifies the number of buckets the data is bucketed into.

In the following CREATE TABLE example, the sales dataset is bucketed by customer_id into 8 buckets using the Spark algorithm. The CREATE TABLE statement uses the CLUSTERED BY and TBLPROPERTIES clauses to set the properties accordingly.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales (...) ... CLUSTERED BY (`customer_id`) INTO 8 BUCKETS ... TBLPROPERTIES ( 'bucketing_format' = 'spark' )

To specify bucketing with CREATE TABLE AS, use the bucketed_by and bucket_count parameters, as in the following example.

CREATE TABLE sales WITH ( ... bucketed_by = ARRAY['customer_id'], bucket_count = 8 ) AS SELECT ...

The following example query looks for the names of products that a specific customer has purchased over the course of a week.

SELECT DISTINCT product_name FROM sales WHERE sales_date BETWEEN '2023-02-27' AND '2023-03-05' AND customer_id = 'c123'

If this table is partitioned by sales_date and bucketed by customer_id, Athena can calculate the bucket that the customer records are in. At most, Athena reads one file per partition.