Shows one or more columns, including partition columns, for the specified table. This command is useful for examining the attributes of complex columns.
DESCRIBE [EXTENDED | FORMATTED] [db_name.]table_name [PARTITION partition_spec] [col_name ( [.field_name] | [.'$elem$'] | [.'$key$'] | [.'$value$'] )]
The syntax for this statement is DESCRIBE
, not table_name
. Using the latter syntax
results in the error message table_name
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10001]:
Table not found table
Determines the format of the output. Omitting these parameters shows column names and their corresponding data types, including partition columns, in tabular format. Specifying
not only shows column names and data types in tabular format, but also detailed table and storage information.EXTENDED
shows column and data type information in tabular format, and detailed metadata for the table in Thrift serialized form. This format is less readable and is useful primarily for debugging. - [PARTITION partition_spec]
If included, lists the metadata for the partition specified by
, wherepartition_spec
is in the format(partition_column = partition_col_value, partition_column = partition_col_value, ...)
. - [col_name ( [.field_name] | [.'$elem$'] | [.'$key$'] | [.'$value$'] )* ]
Specifies the column and attributes to examine. You can specify
for an element of a struct,'$elem$'
for array element,'$key$'
for a map key, and'$value$'
for map value. You can specify this recursively to further explore the complex column.
DESCRIBE FORMATTED mydatabase.mytable PARTITION (part_col = 100) columnA;
The following query and output shows column and data type information from an
table based on Amazon EMR sample data.
DESCRIBE impressions
requestbegintime string from deserializer adid string from deserializer impressionid string from deserializer referrer string from deserializer useragent string from deserializer usercookie string from deserializer ip string from deserializer number string from deserializer processid string from deserializer browsercokie string from deserializer requestendtime string from deserializer timers struct<modellookup:string,requesttime:string> from deserializer threadid string from deserializer hostname string from deserializer sessionid string from deserializer dt string # Partition Information # col_name data_type comment dt string
The following example query and output show the result for the same table when the
option is used.
requestbegintime string from deserializer adid string from deserializer impressionid string from deserializer referrer string from deserializer useragent string from deserializer usercookie string from deserializer ip string from deserializer number string from deserializer processid string from deserializer browsercokie string from deserializer requestendtime string from deserializer timers struct<modellookup:string,requesttime:string> from deserializer threadid string from deserializer hostname string from deserializer sessionid string from deserializer dt string # Partition Information # col_name data_type comment dt string # Detailed Table Information Database: sampledb Owner: hadoop CreateTime: Thu Apr 23 02:55:21 UTC 2020 LastAccessTime: UNKNOWN Protect Mode: None Retention: 0 Location: s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions Table Type: EXTERNAL_TABLE Table Parameters: EXTERNAL TRUE transient_lastDdlTime 1587610521 # Storage Information SerDe Library: InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat OutputFormat: Compressed: No Num Buckets: -1 Bucket Columns: [] Sort Columns: [] Storage Desc Params: paths requestbegintime, adid, impressionid, referrer, useragent, usercookie, ip serialization.format 1
The following example query and output show the result for the same table when the
option is used. The detailed table information is output
on a single line, but is formatted here for readability.
requestbegintime string from deserializer adid string from deserializer impressionid string from deserializer referrer string from deserializer useragent string from deserializer usercookie string from deserializer ip string from deserializer number string from deserializer processid string from deserializer browsercokie string from deserializer requestendtime string from deserializer timers struct<modellookup:string,requesttime:string> from deserializer threadid string from deserializer hostname string from deserializer sessionid string from deserializer dt string # Partition Information # col_name data_type comment dt string Detailed Table Information Table(tableName:impressions, dbName:sampledb, owner:hadoop, createTime:1587610521, lastAccessTime:0, retention:0, sd:StorageDescriptor(cols:[FieldSchema(name:requestbegintime, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:adid, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:impressionid, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:referrer, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:useragent, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:usercookie, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:ip, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:number, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:processid, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:browsercokie, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:requestendtime, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:timers, type:struct<modellookup:string,requesttime:string>, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:threadid, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:hostname, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:sessionid, type:string, comment:null)], location:s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions, inputFormat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat,, compressed:false, numBuckets:-1, serdeInfo:SerDeInfo(name:null,, parameters:{serialization.format=1, paths=requestbegintime, adid, impressionid, referrer, useragent, usercookie, ip}), bucketCols:[], sortCols:[], parameters:{}, skewedInfo:SkewedInfo(skewedColNames:[], skewedColValues:[], skewedColValueLocationMaps:{}), storedAsSubDirectories:false), partitionKeys:[FieldSchema(name:dt, type:string, comment:null)], parameters:{EXTERNAL=TRUE, transient_lastDdlTime=1587610521}, viewOriginalText:null, viewExpandedText:null, tableType:EXTERNAL_TABLE)