Amazon Ion SerDe property reference - Amazon Athena
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Amazon Ion SerDe property reference

This topic contains information about the SerDe properties for CREATE TABLE statements in Athena. For more information and examples of Amazon Ion SerDe property usage, see SerDe properties in the Amazon Ion Hive SerDe documentation on GitHub.

How to specify Amazon Ion SerDe properties

To specify properties for the Amazon Ion Hive SerDe in your CREATE TABLE statement, use the WITH SERDEPROPERTIES clause. Because WITH SERDEPROPERTIES is a subfield of the ROW FORMAT SERDE clause, you must specify ROW FORMAT SERDE and the Amazon Ion Hive SerDe class path first, as the following syntax shows.

... ROW FORMAT SERDE '' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'property' = 'value', 'property' = 'value', ... )

Note that although the ROW FORMAT SERDE clause is required if you want to use WITH SERDEPROPERTIES, you can use either STORED AS ION or the longer INPUTFORMAT and OUTPUTFORMAT syntax to specify the Amazon Ion format.

Amazon Ion SerDe properties

Following are the Amazon Ion SerDe properties that can be used in CREATE TABLE statements in Athena.



Default: BINARY


This property declares whether new values added are serialized as Amazon Ion binary or Amazon Ion text format.

The following SerDe property example specifies Amazon Ion text format.

'ion.encoding' = 'TEXT'


Default: true

Values: true, false

Amazon Ion allows for arbitrarily large numerical types while Hive does not. By default, the SerDe fails if the Amazon Ion value does not fit the Hive column, but you can use the fail_on_overflow configuration option to let the value overflow instead of failing.

This property can be set at either the table or column level. To specify it at the table level, specify ion.fail_on_overflow as in the following example. This sets the default behavior for all columns.

'ion.fail_on_overflow' = 'true'

To control a specific column, specify the column name between ion and fail_on_overflow, delimited by periods, as in the following example.

'ion.<column>.fail_on_overflow' = 'false'


Default: false

Values: true, false

Determines whether to treat Amazon Ion field names as case sensitive. When false, the SerDe ignores case parsing Amazon Ion field names.

For example, suppose you have a Hive table schema that defines a field alias in lower case and an Amazon Ion document with both an alias field and an ALIAS field, as in the following example.

-- Hive Table Schema alias: STRING -- Amazon Ion Document { 'ALIAS': 'value1'} { 'alias': 'value2'}

The following example shows SerDe properties and the resulting extracted table when case sensitivity is set to false:

-- Serde properties 'ion.alias.path_extractor' = '(alias)' 'ion.path_extractor.case_sensitive' = 'false' --Extracted Table | alias | |----------| | "value1" | | "value2" |

The following example shows SerDe properties and the resulting extracted table when case sensitivity is set to true:

-- Serde properties 'ion.alias.path_extractor' = '(alias)' 'ion.path_extractor.case_sensitive' = 'true' --Extracted Table | alias | |----------| | "value2" |

In the second case, value1 for the ALIAS field is ignored when case sensitivity is set to true and the path extractor is specified as alias.



Default: NA

Values: String with search path

Creates a path extractor with the specified search path for the given column. Path extractors map Amazon Ion fields to Hive columns. If no path extractors are specified, Athena dynamically creates path extractors at run time based on column names.

The following example path extractor maps the example_ion_field to the example_hive_column.

'ion.example_hive_column.path_extractor' = '(example_ion_field)'

For more information about path extractors and search paths, see Use path extractors.



Default: 'Z'

Values: OFFSET, where OFFSET is represented as <signal>hh:mm. Example values: 01:00, +01:00, -09:30, Z (UTC, same as 00:00)

Unlike Apache Hive timestamps, which have no built-in time zone and are stored as an offset from the UNIX epoch, Amazon Ion timestamps do have an offset. Use this property to specify the offset when you serialize to Amazon Ion.

The following example adds an offset of one hour.

'ion.timestamp.serialization_offset' = '+01:00'


Default: OMIT


The Amazon Ion SerDe can be configured to either serialize or omit columns that have null values. You can choose to write out strongly typed nulls (TYPED) or untyped nulls (UNTYPED). Strongly typed nulls are determined based on the default Amazon Ion to Hive type mapping.

The following example specifies strongly typed nulls.



Default: false

Values: true, false

When true, ignores malformed entries or the whole file if the SerDe is unable to read it. For more information, see Ignore malformed in the documentation on GitHub.



Default: Default type for the column.

Values: String containing Amazon Ion type

Determines the Amazon Ion data type in which a value is serialized. Because Amazon Ion and Hive types do not always have a direct mapping, a few Hive types have multiple valid data types for serialization. To serialize data as a non-default data type, use this property. For more information about type mapping, see the Amazon Ion Type mapping page on GitHub.

By default, binary Hive columns are serialized as Amazon Ion blobs, but they can also be serialized as an Amazon Ion clob (character large object). The following example serializes the column example_hive_binary_column as a clob.

'ion.example_hive_binary_column.serialize_as' = 'clob'