Getting started with the JDBC 3.x driver - Amazon Athena
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Getting started with the JDBC 3.x driver

Use the information in this section to get started with the Amazon Athena JDBC 3.x driver.

Installation Instructions

You can use the JDBC 3.x driver in custom application or from a third-party SQL client.

In a custom application

Download the .zip file that contains the driver jar and its dependencies. Each dependency has its own .jar file. Add the driver jar as a dependency in your custom application. Selectively add the dependencies of the driver jar based on whether you have already added those dependencies to your application from another source.

In a third-party SQL client

Download the driver uber jar file and add it to the third-party SQL client following the instructions for that client.

Running the driver

To run the driver, you can use a custom application or a third-party SQL client.

In a custom application

Use the JDBC interface to interact with the JDBC driver from a program. The following code shows a sample custom Java application.

public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException { Properties connectionParameters = new Properties(); connectionParameters.setProperty("Workgroup", "primary"); connectionParameters.setProperty("Region", "us-east-2"); connectionParameters.setProperty("Catalog", "AwsDataCatalog"); connectionParameters.setProperty("Database","sampledatabase"); connectionParameters.setProperty("OutputLocation","s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET"); connectionParameters.setProperty("CredentialsProvider","DefaultChain"); String url = "jdbc:athena://"; AthenaDriver driver = new AthenaDriver(); Connection connection = driver.connect(url, connectionParameters); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); String query = "SELECT * from sample_table LIMIT 10"; ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); printResults(resultSet); // A custom-defined method for iterating over a // result set and printing its contents }

In a third-party SQL client

Follow the documentation for the SQL client that you are using. Typically, you use the SQL client's graphical user interface to enter and submit the query, and the query results are displayed in the same interface.

Configuring the driver

You can use connection parameters to configure the Amazon Athena JDBC driver. For supported connection parameters, see Amazon Athena JDBC 3.x connection parameters.

In a custom application

To set the connection parameters for the JDBC driver in a custom application, do one of the following:

  • Add the parameter names and their values to a Properties object. When you call Connection#connect, pass that object along with the URL. For an example, see the sample Java application in Running the driver.

  • In the connection string (the URL), use the following format to add the parameter names and their values directly after the protocol prefix.


    Use a semi-colon at the end of each parameter name/parameter value pair, and leave no white space after the semicolon, as in the following example.

    String url = "jdbc:athena://WorkGroup=primary;Region=us-east-1;...;";AthenaDriver driver = new AthenaDriver();Connection connection = driver.connect(url, null);

    If a parameter is specified both in the connection string and in the Properties object, the value in the connection string takes precedence. Specifying the same parameter in both places is not recommended.

  • Add the parameter values as arguments to the methods of AthenaDataSource, as in the following example.

    AthenaDataSource dataSource = new AthenaDataSource(); dataSource.setWorkGroup("primary"); dataSource.setRegion("us-east-2"); ... Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); ...

In a third-party SQL client

Follow the instructions of the SQL client that you are using. Typically, the client provides a graphical user interface to input the parameter names and their values.

Upgrading from the Athena JDBC v2 driver

Most of the JDBC version 3 connection parameters are backwards-compatible with the version 2 (Simba) JDBC driver. This means that a version 2 connection string can be reused with version 3 of the driver. However, some connection parameters have changed. These changes are described here. When you upgrade to the version 3 JDBC driver, update your existing configuration if necessary.

Driver class

Some BI tools ask you to provide the driver class from the JDBC driver .jar file. Most tools find this class automatically. The fully qualified name of the class in the version 3 driver is In the version 2 driver, the class was com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver.

Connection string

The version 3 driver uses jdbc:athena:// for the protocol at the beginning of the JDBC connection string URL. The version 3 driver also supports the version 2 protocol jdbc:awsathena://, but the use of the version 2 protocol is deprecated. To avoid undefined behaviors, version 3 does not accept connection strings that start with jdbc:awsathena:// if version 2 (or any other driver that accepts connection strings that start with jdbc:awsathena://) has been registered with the DriverManager class.

Credentials providers

The version 2 driver uses fully qualified names to identify different credentials providers (for example, com.simba.athena.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain. The version 3 driver uses shorter names (for example, DefaultChain). The new names are described in the corresponding sections for each credentials provider.

Custom credentials providers written for the version 2 driver need to be modified for the version 3 driver to implement the AwsCredentialsProvider interface from the new Amazon SDK for Java instead of the AWSCredentialsProvider interface from the previous Amazon SDK for Java.

The PropertiesFileCredentialsProvider is not supported in the JDBC 3.x driver. The provider was used in the JDBC 2.x driver but belongs to the previous version of the Amazon SDK for Java which is approaching end of support. To achieve the same functionality in the JDBC 3.x driver, use the Amazon configuration profile credentials provider instead.

Log level

The following table shows the differences in the LogLevel parameters in the JDBC version 2 and version 3 drivers.

JDBC driver version Parameter name Parameter type Default value Possible values Connection string example
v2 LogLevel Optional 0 0-6 LogLevel=6;

Query ID retrieval

In the version 2 driver, you unwrap a Statement instance to com.interfaces.core.IStatementQueryInfoProvider, an interface that has two methods: #getPReparedQueryId and #getQueryId. You can use these methods to obtain the query execution ID of a query that has run.

In the version 3 driver, you unwrap Statement, PreparedStatement, and ResultSet instances to the interface. The interface has one method: #getQueryExecutionId.