Make schema updates - Amazon Athena
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Make schema updates

This topic describes some of the changes that you can make to the schema in CREATE TABLE statements without actually altering your data. To update a schema, you can in some cases use an ALTER TABLE command, but in other cases you do not actually modify an existing table. Instead, you create a table with a new name that modifies the schema that you used in your original CREATE TABLE statement.

Depending on how you expect your schemas to evolve, to continue using Athena queries, choose a compatible data format.

Consider an application that reads orders information from an orders table that exists in two formats: CSV and Parquet.

The following example creates a table in Parquet:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE orders_parquet ( `orderkey` int, `orderstatus` string, `totalprice` double, `orderdate` string, `orderpriority` string, `clerk` string, `shippriority` int ) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/orders_ parquet/';

The following example creates the same table in CSV:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE orders_csv ( `orderkey` int, `orderstatus` string, `totalprice` double, `orderdate` string, `orderpriority` string, `clerk` string, `shippriority` int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/orders_csv/';

The following topics show how updates to these tables affect Athena queries.