Use ML with Athena syntax - Amazon Athena
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Use ML with Athena syntax

The USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION clause specifies an ML with Athena function or multiple functions that can be referenced by a subsequent SELECT statement in the query. You define the function name, variable names, and data types for the variables and return values.


The following syntax shows a USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION clause that specifies an ML with Athena function.

USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION ml_function_name (variable1 data_type[, variable2 data_type][,...]) RETURNS data_type SAGEMAKER 'sagemaker_endpoint' SELECT ml_function_name()


USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION ml_function_name (variable1 data_type[, variable2 data_type][,...])

ml_function_name defines the function name, which can be used in subsequent query clauses. Each variable data_type specifies a named variable and its corresponding data type that the SageMaker AI model accepts as input. The data type specified must be a supported Athena data type.

RETURNS data_type

data_type specifies the SQL data type that ml_function_name returns to the query as output from the SageMaker AI model.

SAGEMAKER 'sagemaker_endpoint'

sagemaker_endpoint specifies the endpoint of the SageMaker AI model.

SELECT [...] ml_function_name(expression) [...]

The SELECT query that passes values to function variables and the SageMaker AI model to return a result. ml_function_name specifies the function defined earlier in the query, followed by an expression that is evaluated to pass values. Values that are passed and returned must match the corresponding data types specified for the function in the USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION clause.


The following example demonstrates a query using ML with Athena.

USING EXTERNAL FUNCTION predict_customer_registration(age INTEGER) RETURNS DOUBLE SAGEMAKER 'xgboost-2019-09-20-04-49-29-303' SELECT predict_customer_registration(age) AS probability_of_enrolling, customer_id FROM "sampledb"."ml_test_dataset" WHERE predict_customer_registration(age) < 0.5;