Advanced options
Fetch size
The maximum number of results (rows) to return in this request. For parameter information, see GetQuery MaxResults. For the streaming API, the maximum value is 10000000.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
RowsToFetchPerBlock | Optional |
RowsToFetchPerBlock=20000; |
Enable result reuse
Specifies if previous query results can be reused when the query is run. For parameter information, see ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
EnableResultReuse | Optional | 0 |
EnableResultReuse=1; |
Result reuse maximum age
Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. For parameter information, see ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
ReusedResultMaxAgeInMinutes | Optional | 60 |
ReusedResultMaxAgeInMinutes=90; |
Enable streaming API
Chooses whether to use the Athena streaming API to fetch the result set.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
UseResultsetStreaming | Optional | 0 |
UseResultsetStreaming=1; |
Enable S3 fetcher
Fetches the result set generated by Athena from the Amazon S3 bucket by interacting with Amazon S3 directly.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
EnableS3Fetcher | Optional | 1 |
EnableS3Fetcher=1; |
Use multiple S3 threads
Fetches data from Amazon S3 using multiple threads. When this option is enabled, the result file stored in the Amazon S3 bucket is fetched in parallel using multiple threads.
Enable this option only if you have good network bandwidth. For example, in our
measurements on an EC2 c5.2xlarge
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
UseMultipleS3Threads |
Optional | 0 |
UseMultipleS3Threads=1; |
Use single catalog and schema
By default, the ODBC driver queries Athena to get the list of available catalogs and schemas. This option forces the driver to use the catalog and schema specified by the ODBC Data Source Administrator configuration dialog box or connection parameters.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
UseSingleCatalogAndSchema | Optional | 0 |
UseSingleCatalogAndSchema=1; |
Use query to list tables
catalog types, enables the ODBC driver to submit a SHOW TABLES query to get a list of available
tables. This setting is the default. If this parameter is set to 0, the ODBC driver uses
the Athena ListTableMetadata API to get a list of available tables. Note that, for
catalog types, using ListTableMetadata
leads to
performance regression.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
UseQueryToListTables | Optional | 1 |
UseQueryToListTables=1; |
Use WCHAR for string types
By default, the ODBC driver uses SQL_CHAR
for Athena the string data types char
, varchar
, array
, map<>
, and row
. Setting this parameter to
forces the driver to use SQL_WCHAR
for string data types. Wide character and wide variable
character types are used to ensure that characters from different languages can be
stored and retrieved correctly.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
UseWCharForStringTypes | Optional | 0 |
UseWCharForStringTypes=1; |
Query external catalogs
Specifies if the driver needs to query external catalogs from Athena. For more information, see Migrate to the ODBC 2.x driver.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
QueryExternalCatalogs | Optional | 0 |
QueryExternalCatalogs=1; |
Verify SSL
Controls whether to verify SSL certificates when you use the Amazon SDK. This value is
passed to ClientConfiguration.verifySSL
parameter. For more information,
see Amazon Client configuration in the Amazon SDK for C++ Developer Guide.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
VerifySSL | Optional | 1 |
VerifySSL=0; |
S3 result block size
Specifies, in bytes, the size of the block to download for a single Amazon S3 GetObject API request. The default value is 67108864 (64 MB). The minimum and maximum values allowed are 10485760 (10 MB) and 2146435072 (about 2 GB).
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
S3ResultBlockSize | Optional | 67108864 |
S3ResultBlockSize=268435456; |
String column length
Specifies the column length for columns with the string
data type.
Because Athena uses the Apache Hive string data typeINT_MAX
). Because BI tools
usually pre-allocate memory for columns, this can lead to high memory consumption. To
avoid this, the Athena ODBC driver limits the reported precision for columns of the
data type and exposes the StringColumnLength
connection parameter so that the default value can be changed.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
StringColumnLength | Optional | 255 | StringColumnLength=65535; |
Complex type column length
Specifies the column length for columns with complex data types like map
, and array
. Like StringColumnLength, Athena reports 0 precision for columns with complex data
types. The Athena ODBC driver sets the default precision for columns with complex data
types and exposes the ComplexTypeColumnLength
connection parameter so that
the default value can be changed.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
ComplexTypeColumnLength | Optional | 65535 | ComplexTypeColumnLength=123456; |
Trusted CA certificate
Instructs the HTTP client where to find your SSL certificate trust store. This value
is passed to the ClientConfiguration.caFile
parameter. For more
information, see Amazon Client
configuration in the Amazon SDK for C++ Developer Guide.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
TrustedCerts | Optional | %INSTALL_PATH%/bin |
TrustedCerts=C:\\Program Files\\Amazon Athena ODBC
Driver\\bin\\cacert.pem; |
Min poll period
Specifies the minimum value in milliseconds to wait before polling Athena for query execution status.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
MinQueryExecutionPollingInterval | Optional | 100 |
MinQueryExecutionPollingInterval=200; |
Max poll period
Specifies the maximum value in milliseconds to wait before polling Athena for the query execution status.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
MaxQueryExecutionPollingInterval | Optional | 60000 |
MaxQueryExecutionPollingInterval=1000; |
Poll multiplier
Specifies the factor for increasing the poll period. By default, polling begins with the value of min poll period and doubles with each poll until it reaches the value of max poll period.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
QueryExecutionPollingIntervalMultiplier | Optional | 2 |
QueryExecutionPollingIntervalMultiplier=2; |
Max poll duration
Specifies the maximum value in milliseconds that a driver can poll Athena for query execution status.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
MaxPollDuration | Optional | 1800000 |
MaxPollDuration=1800000; |
Connection timeout
The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the HTTP connection waits to establish a
connection. This value is set for ClientConfiguration.connectTimeoutMs
Athena client. If not specified, the curl default value is used. For information about
connection parameters, see Client
Configuration in the Amazon SDK for Java Developer Guide.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
ConnectionTimeout | Optional | 0 |
ConnectionTimeout=2000; |
Request timeout
Specifies the socket read timeout for HTTP clients. This value is set for the
parameter of the Athena client. For
parameter information, see Client
Configuration in the Amazon SDK for Java Developer Guide.
Connection string name | Parameter type | Default value | Connection string example |
RequestTimeout | Optional | 10000 |
RequestTimeout=30000; |