Query for blocked requests or addresses - Amazon Athena
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Query for blocked requests or addresses

The examples in this section query for blocked requests or addresses.

– Extract the top 100 IP addresses blocked by a specified rule type

The following query extracts and counts the top 100 IP addresses that have been blocked by the RATE_BASED terminating rule during the specified date range.

SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.clientIp) as count, httpRequest.clientIp FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND action='BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY httpRequest.clientIp ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100
– Count the number of times a request from a specified country has been blocked

The following query counts the number of times the request has arrived from an IP address that belongs to Ireland (IE) and has been blocked by the RATE_BASED terminating rule.

SELECT COUNT(httpRequest.country) as count, httpRequest.country FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruletype='RATE_BASED' AND httpRequest.country='IE' GROUP BY httpRequest.country ORDER BY count LIMIT 100;
– Count the number of times a request has been blocked, grouping by specific attributes

The following query counts the number of times the request has been blocked, with results grouped by WebACL, RuleId, ClientIP, and HTTP Request URI.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE action='BLOCK' GROUP BY webaclid, terminatingruleid, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
– Count the number of times a specific terminating rule ID has been matched

The following query counts the number of times a specific terminating rule ID has been matched (WHERE terminatingruleid='e9dd190d-7a43-4c06-bcea-409613d9506e'). The query then groups the results by WebACL, Action, ClientIP, and HTTP Request URI.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri FROM waf_logs WHERE terminatingruleid='e9dd190d-7a43-4c06-bcea-409613d9506e' GROUP BY webaclid, action, httprequest.clientip, httprequest.uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 100;
– Retrieve the top 100 IP addresses blocked during a specified date range

The following query extracts the top 100 IP addresses that have been blocked for a specified date range. The query also lists the number of times the IP addresses have been blocked.

SELECT "httprequest"."clientip", "count"(*) "ipcount", "httprequest"."country" FROM waf_logs WHERE "action" = 'BLOCK' and "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31' GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "httprequest"."country" ORDER BY "ipcount" DESC limit 100