Count referrers, IP addresses, or matched rules - Amazon Athena
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Count referrers, IP addresses, or matched rules

The examples in this section query for counts of log items of interest.

– Count the number of referrers that contain a specified term

The following query counts the number of referrers that contain the term "amazon" for the specified date range.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT header FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(httprequest.headers) AS t(header) WHERE "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31') SELECT COUNT(*) referer_count FROM test_dataset WHERE LOWER('referer' AND header.value LIKE '%amazon%'
– Count all matched IP addresses in the last 10 days that have matched excluded rules

The following query counts the number of times in the last 10 days that the IP address matched the excluded rule in the rule group.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT * FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST(rulegrouplist) AS t(allrulegroups)) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId" FROM test_dataset WHERE allrulegroups.excludedrules IS NOT NULL AND from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '10' day GROUP BY "httprequest"."clientip", "allrulegroups"."ruleGroupId", "allrulegroups"."excludedrules" ORDER BY count DESC
– Group all counted managed rules by the number of times matched

If you set rule group rule actions to Count in your web ACL configuration before October 27, 2022, Amazon WAF saved your overrides in the web ACL JSON as excludedRules. Now, the JSON setting for overriding a rule to Count is in the ruleActionOverrides settings. For more information, see Action overrides in rule groups in the Amazon WAF Developer Guide. To extract managed rules in Count mode from the new log structure, query the nonTerminatingMatchingRules in the ruleGroupList section instead of the excludedRules field, as in the following example.

SELECT count(*) AS count, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.rulegroupid, t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules FROM "waf_logs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(rulegrouplist) AS t(t) WHERE action <> 'BLOCK' AND cardinality(t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules) > 0 GROUP BY t.nonTerminatingMatchingRules, action, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.rulegroupid ORDER BY "count" DESC Limit 50
– Group all counted custom rules by number of times matched

The following query groups all counted custom rules by the number of times matched.

SELECT count(*) AS count, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip, t.ruleid, t.action FROM "waf_logs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(nonterminatingmatchingrules) AS t(t) WHERE action <> 'BLOCK' AND cardinality(nonTerminatingMatchingRules) > 0 GROUP BY t.ruleid, t.action, httpsourceid, httprequest.clientip ORDER BY "count" DESC Limit 50

For information about the log locations for custom rules and managed rule groups, see Monitoring and tuning in the Amazon WAF Developer Guide.