Query using date and time - Amazon Athena
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Query using date and time

The examples in this section include queries that use date and time values.

– Return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format

The following query uses the from_unixtime and to_iso8601 functions to return the timestamp field in human-readable ISO 8601 format (for example, 2019-12-13T23:40:12.000Z instead of 1576280412771). The query also returns the HTTP source name, source ID, and request.

SELECT to_iso8601(from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000)) as time_ISO_8601, httpsourcename, httpsourceid, httprequest FROM waf_logs LIMIT 10;
– Return records from the last 24 hours

The following query uses a filter in the WHERE clause to return the HTTP source name, HTTP source ID, and HTTP request fields for records from the last 24 hours.

SELECT to_iso8601(from_unixtime(timestamp/1000)) AS time_ISO_8601, httpsourcename, httpsourceid, httprequest FROM waf_logs WHERE from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '1' day LIMIT 10;
– Return records for a specified date range and IP address

The following query lists the records in a specified date range for a specified client IP address.

SELECT * FROM waf_logs WHERE httprequest.clientip='' AND "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31'
– For a specified date range, count the number of IP addresses in five minute intervals

The following query counts, for a particular date range, the number of IP addresses in five minute intervals.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT format_datetime(from_unixtime((timestamp/1000) - ((minute(from_unixtime(timestamp / 1000))%5) * 60)),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') AS five_minutes_ts, "httprequest"."clientip" FROM waf_logs WHERE "date" >= '2021/03/01' AND "date" < '2021/03/31') SELECT five_minutes_ts,"clientip",count(*) ip_count FROM test_dataset GROUP BY five_minutes_ts,"clientip"
– Count the number of X-Forwarded-For IP in the last 10 days

The following query filters the request headers and counts the number of X-Forwarded-For IP in the last 10 days.

WITH test_dataset AS (SELECT header FROM waf_logs CROSS JOIN UNNEST (httprequest.headers) AS t(header) WHERE from_unixtime("timestamp"/1000) > now() - interval '10' DAY) SELECT header.value AS ip, count(*) AS COUNT FROM test_dataset WHERE header.name='X-Forwarded-For' GROUP BY header.value ORDER BY COUNT DESC

For more information about date and time functions, see Date and time functions and operators in the Trino documentation.