Querying Amazon Route 53 resolver query logs - Amazon Athena
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Querying Amazon Route 53 resolver query logs

You can create Athena tables for your Amazon Route 53 Resolver query logs and query them from Athena.

Route 53 Resolver query logging is for logging of DNS queries made by resources within a VPC, on-premises resources that use inbound resolver endpoints, queries that use an outbound Resolver endpoint for recursive DNS resolution, and queries that use Route 53 Resolver DNS firewall rules to block, allow, or monitor a domain list. For more information about Resolver query logging, see Resolver query logging in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. For information about each of the fields in the logs, see Values that appear in resolver query logs in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

Creating the table for resolver query logs

You can use the Query Editor in the Athena console to create and query a table for your Route 53 Resolver query logs.

To create and query an Athena table for Route 53 resolver query logs
  1. Open the Athena console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/athena/.

  2. In the Athena Query Editor, enter the following CREATE TABLE statement. Replace the LOCATION clause values with those corresponding to the location of your Resolver logs in Amazon S3.

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE r53_rlogs ( version string, account_id string, region string, vpc_id string, query_timestamp string, query_name string, query_type string, query_class string, rcode string, answers array< struct< Rdata: string, Type: string, Class: string> >, srcaddr string, srcport int, transport string, srcids struct< instance: string, resolver_endpoint: string >, firewall_rule_action string, firewall_rule_group_id string, firewall_domain_list_id string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/AWSLogs/aws_account_id/vpcdnsquerylogs/{vpc-id}/'

    Because Resolver query log data is in JSON format, the CREATE TABLE statement uses a JSON SerDe library to analyze the data.


    The SerDe expects each JSON document to be on a single line of text with no line termination characters separating the fields in the record. If the JSON text is in pretty print format, you may receive an error message like HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is not a valid JSON Object or HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for OBJECT when you attempt to query the table after you create it. For more information, see JSON Data Files in the OpenX SerDe documentation on GitHub.

  3. Choose Run query. The statement creates an Athena table named r53_rlogs whose columns represent each of the fields in your Resolver log data.

  4. In the Athena console Query Editor, run the following query to verify that your table has been created.

    SELECT * FROM "r53_rlogs" LIMIT 10

Partitioning example

The following example shows a CREATE TABLE statement for Resolver query logs that uses partition projection and is partitioned by vpc and by date. For more information about partition projection, see Partition projection with Amazon Athena.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE r53_rlogs ( version string, account_id string, region string, vpc_id string, query_timestamp string, query_name string, query_type string, query_class string, rcode string, answers array< struct< Rdata: string, Type: string, Class: string> >, srcaddr string, srcport int, transport string, srcids struct< instance: string, resolver_endpoint: string >, firewall_rule_action string, firewall_rule_group_id string, firewall_domain_list_id string ) PARTITIONED BY ( `date` string, `vpc` string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/route53-query-logging/AWSLogs/aws_account_id/vpcdnsquerylogs/' TBLPROPERTIES( 'projection.enabled' = 'true', 'projection.vpc.type' = 'enum', 'projection.vpc.values' = 'vpc-6446ae02', 'projection.date.type' = 'date', 'projection.date.range' = '2023/06/26,NOW', 'projection.date.format' = 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'projection.date.interval' = '1', 'projection.date.interval.unit' = 'DAYS', 'storage.location.template' = 's3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/route53-query-logging/AWSLogs/aws_account_id/vpcdnsquerylogs/${vpc}/${date}/' )

Example queries

The following examples show some queries that you can perform from Athena on your Resolver query logs.

Example 1 - query logs in descending query_timestamp order

The following query displays log results in descending query_timestamp order.

SELECT * FROM "r53_rlogs" ORDER BY query_timestamp DESC

Example 2 - query logs within specified start and end times

The following query queries logs between midnight and 8am on September 24, 2020. Substitute the start and end times according to your own requirements.

SELECT query_timestamp, srcids.instance, srcaddr, srcport, query_name, rcode FROM "r53_rlogs" WHERE (parse_datetime(query_timestamp,'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss''Z') BETWEEN parse_datetime('2020-09-24-00:00:00','yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss') AND parse_datetime('2020-09-24-00:08:00','yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss')) ORDER BY query_timestamp DESC

Example 3 - query logs based on a specified DNS query name pattern

The following query selects records whose query name includes the string "example.com".

SELECT query_timestamp, srcids.instance, srcaddr, srcport, query_name, rcode, answers FROM "r53_rlogs" WHERE query_name LIKE '%example.com%' ORDER BY query_timestamp DESC

Example 4 - query log requests with no answer

The following query selects log entries in which the request received no answer.

SELECT query_timestamp, srcids.instance, srcaddr, srcport, query_name, rcode, answers FROM "r53_rlogs" WHERE cardinality(answers) = 0

Example 5 - query logs with a specific answer

The following query shows logs in which the answer.Rdata value has the specified IP address.

SELECT query_timestamp, srcids.instance, srcaddr, srcport, query_name, rcode, answer.Rdata FROM "r53_rlogs" CROSS JOIN UNNEST(r53_rlogs.answers) as st(answer) WHERE answer.Rdata='';