CSV SerDe libraries
When you create a table for CSV data in Athena, you can use either the Open CSV SerDe or the Lazy Simple SerDe library. To help you decide which to use, consider the following guidelines.
If your data contains values enclosed in double quotes (
), you can use the Open CSV SerDelibrary to deserialize the values in Athena. If your data does not contain values enclosed in double quotes ( "
), you can omit specifying any SerDe. In this case, Athena uses the default Lazy Simple SerDe. For information, see Lazy Simple SerDe for CSV, TSV, and custom-delimited files. -
If your data has UNIX numeric
values (for example,1579059880000
), use the Open CSV SerDe. If your data uses thejava.sql.Timestamp
format, use the Lazy Simple SerDe.