Add lifecycle hooks to your Auto Scaling group
To put your Auto Scaling instances into a wait state and perform custom actions on them, you can add lifecycle hooks to your Auto Scaling group. Custom actions are performed as the instances launch or before they terminate. Instances remain in a wait state until you either complete the lifecycle action, or the timeout period ends.
After you create an Auto Scaling group from the Amazon Web Services Management Console, you can add one or more lifecycle hooks to it, up to a total of 50 lifecycle hooks. You can also use the Amazon CLI, Amazon CloudFormation, or an SDK to add lifecycle hooks to an Auto Scaling group as you are creating it.
By default, when you add a lifecycle hook in the console, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends lifecycle
event notifications to Amazon EventBridge. Using EventBridge or a user data script is a recommended best
practice. To create a lifecycle hook that sends notifications directly to Amazon SNS or
Amazon SQS, you can use the put-lifecycle-hook
Add lifecycle hooks (console)
Follow these steps to add lifecycle hooks to your Auto Scaling group. To add lifecycle hooks for scaling out (instances launching) and scaling in (instances terminating or returning to a warm pool), you must create two separate hooks.
Before you begin, confirm that you have set up a custom action, as needed, as described in Prepare to add a lifecycle hook to your Auto Scaling group.
To add a lifecycle hook for scale out
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
, and choose Auto Scaling Groups from the navigation pane. -
Select the check box next to your Auto Scaling group. A split pane opens up in the bottom of the page.
On the Instance management tab, in Lifecycle hooks, choose Create lifecycle hook.
To define a lifecycle hook for scale out (instances launching), do the following:
For Lifecycle hook name, specify a name for the lifecycle hook.
For Lifecycle transition, choose Instance launch.
For Heartbeat timeout, specify the amount of time, in seconds, for instances to remain in a wait state when scaling out before the hook times out. The range is from
seconds. Setting a long timeout period provides more time for your custom action to complete. Then, if you finish before the timeout period ends, send the complete-lifecycle-actioncommand to allow the instance to proceed to the next state. -
For Default result, specify the action to take when the lifecycle hook timeout elapses or when an unexpected failure occurs. You can choose to either CONTINUE or ABANDON.
If you choose CONTINUE, the Auto Scaling group can proceed with any other lifecycle hooks and then put the instance into service.
If you choose ABANDON, the Auto Scaling group stops any remaining actions and terminates the instance immediately.
(Optional) For Notification metadata, specify other information that you want to include when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends a message to the notification target.
Choose Create.
To add a lifecycle hook for scale in
Choose Create lifecycle hook to continue where you left off after creating a lifecycle hook for scale out.
To define a lifecycle hook for scale in (instances terminating or returning to a warm pool), do the following:
For Lifecycle hook name, specify a name for the lifecycle hook.
For Lifecycle transition, choose Instance terminate.
For Heartbeat timeout, specify the amount of time, in seconds, for instances to remain in a wait state when scaling out before the hook times out. We recommend a short timeout period of
seconds, depending on how much time you need to perform any final tasks, such as pulling EC2 logs from CloudWatch. -
For Default result, specify the action that the Auto Scaling group takes when the timeout elapses or if an unexpected failure occurs. Both ABANDON and CONTINUE let the instance terminate.
If you choose CONTINUE, the Auto Scaling group can proceed with any remaining actions, such as other lifecycle hooks, before termination.
If you choose ABANDON, the Auto Scaling group terminates the instance immediately.
(Optional) For Notification metadata, specify other information that you want to include when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends a message to the notification target.
Choose Create.
Add lifecycle hooks (Amazon CLI)
Create and update lifecycle hooks using the put-lifecycle-hook
To perform an action on scale out, use the following command.
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING
To perform an action on scale in, use the following command instead.
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING
To receive notifications using Amazon SNS or Amazon SQS, add the
and --role-arn
The following example creates a lifecycle hook that specifies an SNS topic named
as the notification
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --lifecycle-transition autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING \ --notification-target-arn arn:aws-cn:sns:region
\ --role-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::123456789012
The topic receives a test notification with the following key-value pair.
"Event": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION"
By default, the put-lifecycle-hook3600
seconds (one hour).
To change the heartbeat timeout for an existing lifecycle hook, add the
option, as shown in the following
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
If an instance is already in a wait state, you can prevent the lifecycle hook from
timing out by recording a heartbeat, using the record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat