RestoreTestingRecoveryPointSelection - Amazon Backup
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RecoveryPointSelection has five parameters (three required and two optional). The values you specify determine which recovery point is included in the restore test. You must indicate with Algorithm if you want the latest recovery point within your SelectionWindowDays or if you want a random recovery point, and you must indicate through IncludeVaults from which vaults the recovery points can be chosen.

Algorithm (required) Valid values: "LATEST_WITHIN_WINDOW" or "RANDOM_WITHIN_WINDOW".

Recovery point types (required) Valid values: "SNAPSHOT" and/or "CONTINUOUS". Include SNAPSHOT to restore only snapshot recovery points; include CONTINUOUS to restore continuous recovery points (point in time restore / PITR); use both to restore either a snapshot or a continuous recovery point. The recovery point will be determined by the value for Algorithm.

IncludeVaults (required). You must include one or more backup vaults. Use the wildcard ["*"] or specific ARNs.

SelectionWindowDays (optional) Value must be an integer (in days) from 1 to 365. If not included, the value defaults to 30.

ExcludeVaults (optional). You can choose to input one or more specific backup vault ARNs to exclude those vaults' contents from restore eligibility. Or, you can include a list of selectors. If this parameter and its value are not included, it defaults to empty list.



Acceptable values include "LATEST_WITHIN_WINDOW" or "RANDOM_WITHIN_WINDOW"

Type: String


Required: No


Accepted values include specific ARNs or list of selectors. Defaults to empty list if not listed.

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


Accepted values include wildcard ["*"] or by specific ARNs or ARN wilcard replacement ["arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:123456789012:backup-vault:asdf", ...] ["arn:aws:backup:*:*:backup-vault:asdf-*", ...]

Type: Array of strings

Required: No


These are the types of recovery points.

Include SNAPSHOT to restore only snapshot recovery points; include CONTINUOUS to restore continuous recovery points (point in time restore / PITR); use both to restore either a snapshot or a continuous recovery point. The recovery point will be determined by the value for Algorithm.

Type: Array of strings


Required: No


Accepted values are integers from 1 to 365.

Type: Integer

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: