Amazon Backup quotas - Amazon Backup
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Amazon Backup quotas

The following quotas apply when working with Amazon Backup. Many Amazon Backup quotas are adjustable if allowed by the resource type service. To request a quota adjustment, describe your use case to Amazon Web Services Support.

Amazon Backup quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Total vaults (backup and logically air-gapped) per Region per account 300 You can request an adjustment.
Recovery points per backup vault 1,000,000 You can request an adjustment.
Backup plans per Region per account 300 You can request an adjustment.
Versions per backup plan 2,000 You can request an adjustment.
Resource assignments per backup plan 10 Not adjustable
Active backup jobs per account Unlimited
Concurrent backup copies per account outbound to a destination Region 100 You can request an adjustment for certain resources (currently virtual machines, Advanced DynamoDB, Timestream, Amazon EFS and SAP HANA databases on Amazon EC2 instances)
Concurrent copies per destination backup vault in account after the limit (entry above) has been reached 5 Not adjustable
Concurrent cross-account copies that can be made of the same resource to the same destination Region 30 Not adjustable.
Concurrent backup and copy jobs per resource 1 Not adjustable. This quota helps you maintain the performance of your workloads.
Metadata tags per backup 50 You cannot request an adjustment. Amazon imposes this quota across all resources. See Tag naming limits and requirements in the Amazon General Reference.
Tags per resource selection in a cross account backup policy 30 Not adjustable. Additional tags can be included by utilizing multiple resource assignments or backups plans.
Hypervisors 10 Not adjustable
Legal holds per account 50 Not adjustable
Nested backup layers of application stacks 10 Not adjustable

Amazon Backup policy quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Resource assignments per backup plan 100 Not adjustable.
Tags in a resource selection 30 Not adjustable.
Rules in a backup plan 10 Not adjustable.
Tags added to a recovery point 10 Not adjustable.
Copy actions per backup rule 5 Not adjustable.
Amazon Backup of Amazon Timestream resource quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Concurrent Timestream backup jobs per account 4 You can request an adjustment.
Concurrent Timestream restore jobs per account 1 You can request an adjustment.

There are quotas on a single resource assignment in a single backup rule. You can create a backup plan with multiple backup rules.

Amazon Backup Audit Manager quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Frameworks per account per Region 15 You can request an adjustment.
Controls per account per Region 50 You can request an adjustment.
Report plans per account 20 You can request an adjustment.
Frameworks per report plan 1,000 Not adjustable
[Number of accounts] multiplied by [number of Regions in a report plan] 300 Not adjustable
[Number of accounts] multiplied by [number of Regions in a report plan] multiplied by [number of daily jobs plus evaluations in a report plan] 100,000 Not adjustable
Restore testing plan quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Restore testing plans 100 Not adjustable
Tags per plan 50 Not adjustable
Selections per plan 30 Not adjustable
ARNs per restore testing selection 30 Not adjustable
Conditions per selection 30 Includes those contained within both StringEquals and StringNotEquals.
Vault selectors per restore testing selection 30 Not adjustable
Maximum value (in days) of selection window 365 days
Boundaries of start window hours Minimum: 1 hour; Maximum: 168 hours
Maximum character length of restore testing plan name 50 characters Alphanumeric and underscores, no white spaces
Maximum character length of restore testing selection name 50 characters Alphanumeric and underscores, no white spaces
Amazon Backup gateway quotas
Resource Quota Notes
Backup or restore jobs per gateway 4 You cannot request an adjustment. Instead, create more gateways and connect them to your hypervisor.

When you manage backups across multiple accounts using Amazon Organizations, you might encounter quotas that Amazon Organizations imposes. For these quotas, see Quotas for Amazon Organizations in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

You might also encounter quotas imposed by a Amazon Backup-supported service, including: