Additional tax information associated with your tax registration number (TRN). Depending on the TRN for a specific country, you might need to specify this information when you set your TRN.
You can only specify one of the following parameters and the value can't be empty.
The parameter that you specify must match the country for the TRN, if available. For
example, if you set a TRN in Canada for specific provinces, you must also specify the
- canadaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information associated with your TRN in Canada.
Type: CanadaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- estoniaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Estonia.
Type: EstoniaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- georgiaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Georgia.
Type: GeorgiaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- israelAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Israel.
Type: IsraelAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- italyAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Italy.
Type: ItalyAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- kenyaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Kenya.
Type: KenyaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- malaysiaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Malaysia.
Type: MalaysiaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- polandAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information associated with your TRN in Poland.
Type: PolandAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- romaniaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Romania.
Type: RomaniaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- saudiArabiaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information associated with your TRN in Saudi Arabia.
Type: SaudiArabiaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- southKoreaAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in South Korea.
Type: SouthKoreaAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- spainAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Spain.
Type: SpainAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- turkeyAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information to specify for a TRN in Turkey.
Type: TurkeyAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
- ukraineAdditionalInfo
Additional tax information associated with your TRN in Ukraine.
Type: UkraineAdditionalInfo object
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: