Run and manage CloudTrail Lake queries with the Amazon CLI - Amazon CloudTrail
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Run and manage CloudTrail Lake queries with the Amazon CLI

You can use the Amazon CLI to run and manage your CloudTrail Lake queries. When using the Amazon CLI, remember that your commands run in the Amazon Web Services Region configured for your profile. If you want to run the commands in a different Region, either change the default Region for your profile, or use the --region parameter with the command.

Available commands for CloudTrail Lake queries

Commands for running and managing queries in CloudTrail Lake include:

For a list of available commands for CloudTrail Lake event data stores, see Available commands for event data stores.

For a list of available commands for CloudTrail Lake dashboards, see Available commands for dashboards.

For a list of available commands for CloudTrail Lake integrations, see Available commands for CloudTrail Lake integrations.

Produce a query from a natural language prompt with the Amazon CLI

Run the generate-query command to generate a query from an English prompt. For --event-data-stores, provide the ARN (or ID suffix of the ARN) of the event data store you want to query. You can only specify one event data store. For --prompt, provide the prompt in English.

aws cloudtrail generate-query --event-data-stores arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLE-ee54-4813-92d5-999aeEXAMPLE \ --prompt "Show me all console login events for the past week?"

If successful, the command outputs a SQL statement and provides a QueryAlias that you will use with the start-query command to run the query against your event data store.

{ "QueryStatement": "SELECT * FROM $EDS_ID WHERE eventname = 'ConsoleLogin' AND eventtime >= timestamp '2024-09-16 00:00:00' AND eventtime <= timestamp '2024-09-23 00:00:00' AND eventSource = ''", "QueryAlias": "AWSCloudTrail-UUID" }

Start a query with the Amazon CLI

The following example Amazon CLI start-query command runs a query on the event data store specified as an ID in the query statement and delivers the query results to a specified S3 bucket. The --query-statement parameter provides a SQL query, enclosed in single quotation marks. Optional parameters include --delivery-s3-uri, to deliver the query results to a specified S3 bucket. For more information about the query language you can use in CloudTrail Lake, see CloudTrail Lake SQL constraints.

aws cloudtrail start-query --query-statement 'SELECT eventID, eventTime FROM EXAMPLE-f852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE LIMIT 10' --delivery-s3-uri "s3://aws-cloudtrail-lake-query-results-123456789012-us-east-1"

The response is a QueryId string. To get the status of a query, run describe-query using the QueryId value returned by start-query. If the query is successful, you can run get-query-results to get results.


{ "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-0add-4207-8135-2d8a4EXAMPLE" }

Queries that run for longer than one hour might time out. You can still get partial results that were processed before the query timed out.

If you are delivering the query results to an S3 bucket using the optional --delivery-s3-uri parameter, the bucket policy must grant CloudTrail permission to delivery query results to the bucket. For information about manually editing the bucket policy, see Amazon S3 bucket policy for CloudTrail Lake query results.

Get metadata about a query with the Amazon CLI

The following example Amazon CLI describe-query command gets metadata about a query, including query run time in milliseconds, number of events scanned and matched, total number of bytes scanned, and query status. The BytesScanned value matches the number of bytes for which your account is billed for the query, unless the query is still running. If the query results were delivered to an S3 bucket, the response also provides the S3 URI and the delivery status.

You must specify a value for either the --query-id or the --query-alias parameter. Specifying the --query-alias parameter returns information about the last query run for the alias.

aws cloudtrail describe-query --query-id EXAMPLEd-17a7-47c3-a9a1-eccf7EXAMPLE

The following is an example response.

{ "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-0add-4207-8135-2d8a4EXAMPLE", "QueryString": "SELECT eventID, eventTime FROM EXAMPLE-f852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE LIMIT 10", "QueryStatus": "RUNNING", "QueryStatistics": { "EventsMatched": 10, "EventsScanned": 1000, "BytesScanned": 35059, "ExecutionTimeInMillis": 3821, "CreationTime": "1598911142" } }

Get query results with the Amazon CLI

The following example Amazon CLI get-query-results command gets event data results of a query. You must specify the --query-id returned by the start-query command. The BytesScanned value matches the number of bytes for which your account is billed for the query, unless the query is still running. Optional parameters include --max-query-results, to specify a maximum number of results that you want the command to return on a single page. If there are more results than your specified --max-query-results value, run the command again adding the returned NextToken value to get the next page of results.

aws cloudtrail get-query-results --query-id EXAMPLEd-17a7-47c3-a9a1-eccf7EXAMPLE


{ "QueryStatus": "RUNNING", "QueryStatistics": { "ResultsCount": 244, "TotalResultsCount": 1582, "BytesScanned":27044 }, "QueryResults": [ { "key": "eventName", "value": "StartQuery", } ], "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-0add-4207-8135-2d8a4EXAMPLE", "QueryString": "SELECT eventID, eventTime FROM EXAMPLE-f852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE LIMIT 10", "NextToken": "20add42078135EXAMPLE" }

List all queries on an event data store with the Amazon CLI

The following example Amazon CLI list-queries command returns a list of queries and query statuses on a specified event data store for the past seven days. You must specify an ARN or the ID suffix of an ARN value for --event-data-store. Optionally, to shorten the list of results, you can specify a time range, formatted as timestamps, by adding --start-time and --end-time parameters, and a --query-status value. Valid values for QueryStatus include QUEUED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED, or CANCELLED.

list-queries also has optional pagination parameters. Use --max-results to specify a maximum number of results that you want the command to return on a single page. If there are more results than your specified --max-results value, run the command again adding the returned NextToken value to get the next page of results.

aws cloudtrail list-queries --event-data-store EXAMPLE-f852-4e8f-8bd1-bcf6cEXAMPLE --query-status CANCELLED --start-time 1598384589 --end-time 1598384602 --max-results 10


{ "Queries": [ { "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-0add-4207-8135-2d8a4EXAMPLE", "QueryStatus": "CANCELLED", "CreationTime": 1598911142 }, { "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-4e89-9230-2127-5dr3aEXAMPLE", "QueryStatus": "CANCELLED", "CreationTime": 1598296624 } ], "NextToken": "20add42078135EXAMPLE" }

Cancel a running query with the Amazon CLI

The following example Amazon CLI cancel-query command cancels a query with a status of RUNNING. You must specify a value for --query-id. When you run cancel-query, the query status might show as CANCELLED even if the cancel-query operation is not yet finished.


A canceled query can incur charges. Your account is still charged for the amount of data that was scanned before you canceled the query.

The following is a CLI example.

aws cloudtrail cancel-query --query-id EXAMPLEd-17a7-47c3-a9a1-eccf7EXAMPLE


QueryId -> (string) QueryStatus -> (string)