Tutorial: Sending Amazon Simple Notification Service Alerts for Failed Job Events - Amazon Batch
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Tutorial: Sending Amazon Simple Notification Service Alerts for Failed Job Events

In this tutorial, you configure an EventBridge event rule that only captures job events where the job has moved to a FAILED status. At the end of this tutorial, you can optionally also submit a job to this job queue. This is to test that you have configured your Amazon SNS alerts correctly.


This tutorial assumes that you have a working compute environment and job queue that are ready to accept jobs. If you don't have a running compute environment and job queue to capture events from, follow the steps in Getting Started with Amazon Batch to create one.

Step 1: Create and Subscribe to an Amazon SNS Topic

For this tutorial, you configure an Amazon SNS topic to serve as an event target for your new event rule.

To create an Amazon SNS topic
  1. Open the Amazon SNS console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/sns/v3/home.

  2. Choose Topics, Create topic.

  3. For Type, choose Standard.

  4. For Name, enter JobFailedAlert and choose Create topic.

  5. On the JobFailedAlert screen, choose Create subscription.

  6. For Protocol, choose Email.

  7. For Endpoint, enter an email address that you currently have access to and choose Create subscription.

  8. Check your email account, and wait to receive a subscription confirmation email message. When you receive it, choose Confirm subscription.

Step 2: Register Event Rule

Next, register an event rule that captures only job-failed events.

To register your EventBridge rule
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/events/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Rules.

  3. Choose Create rule.

  4. Enter a name and description for the rule.

    A rule can't have the same name as another rule in the same Region and on the same event bus.

  5. For Event bus, choose the event bus that you want to associate with this rule. If you want this rule to match events that come from your account, select Amazon default event bus. When an Amazon service in your account emits an event, it always goes to your account's default event bus.

  6. For Rule type, choose Rule with an event pattern.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. For Event source, choose Other.

  9. For Event pattern, select Custom patterns (JSON editor).

  10. Paste the following event pattern into the text area.

    { "detail-type": [ "Batch Job State Change" ], "source": [ "aws.batch" ], "detail": { "status": [ "FAILED" ] } }

    This code defines an EventBridge rule that matches any event where the job status is FAILED. For more information about event patterns, see Events and Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

  11. Choose Next.

  12. For Target types, choose Amazon service.

  13. For Select a target, choose SNS topic, and for Topic, choose JobFailedAlert.

  14. (Optional) For Additional settings, do the following:

    1. For Maximum age of event, enter a value between one minute (00:01) and 24 hours (24:00).

    2. For Retry attempts, enter a number between 0 and 185.

    3. For Dead-letter queue, choose whether to use a standard Amazon SQS queue as a dead-letter queue. EventBridge sends events that match this rule to the dead-letter queue if they are not successfully delivered to the target. Do one of the following:

      • Choose None to not use a dead-letter queue.

      • Choose Select an Amazon SQS queue in the current Amazon account to use as the dead-letter queue and then select the queue to use from the dropdown.

      • Choose Select an Amazon SQS queue in an other Amazon account as a dead-letter queue and then enter the ARN of the queue to use. You must attach a resource-based policy to the queue that grants EventBridge permission to send messages to it. For more information, see Granting permissions to the dead-letter queue in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

  15. Choose Next.

  16. (Optional) Enter one or more tags for the rule. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge tags in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

  17. Choose Next.

  18. Review the details of the rule and choose Create rule.

Step 3: Test Your Rule

To test your rule, submit a job that exits shortly after it starts with a non-zero exit code. If your event rule is configured correctly, you should receive an email message within a few minutes with the event text.

To test a rule
  1. Open the Amazon Batch console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/batch/.

  2. Submit a new Amazon Batch job. For more information, see Submitting a job. For the job's command, substitute this command to exit the container with an exit code of 1.

    /bin/sh, -c, 'exit 1'
  3. Check your email to confirm that you received an email alert for the failed job notification.

Alternate rule: Batch Job Queue Blocked

To create an event rule that monitors for Batch Job Queue Blocked, repeat the steps in this tutorial with the following alterations:

  1. In Step 1, use BlockedJobQueue as the topic name.

  2. In Step 2, use the following pattern in the JSON editor:

    { "detail-type": [ "Batch Job Queue Blocked" ], "source": [ "aws.batch" ] }