Job scheduling - Amazon Batch
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Job scheduling

The Amazon Batch scheduler evaluates when, where, and how to run jobs that are submitted to a job queue. If you don’t specify a scheduling policy when you create a job queue, the Amazon Batch job scheduler defaults to a first-in, first-out (FIFO) strategy. A FIFO strategy might cause important jobs to get “stuck” behind jobs that were submitted earlier. By specifying a different scheduling policy, you can allocate compute resources according to your specific needs.


If you want to schedule the specific order that jobs are run in, use the dependsOn parameter in SubmitJob to specify the dependencies for each job.

If you create a scheduling policy and attach it to a job queue, fair share scheduling is turned on. If the job queue has a scheduling policy, the scheduling policy determines the order that jobs are run in. For more information, see Scheduling policies.

Share identifiers

You can use share identifiers to tag jobs and differentiate between users and workloads. The Amazon Batch scheduler tracks usage for each fair share identifier by using the (T * weightFactor) formula, where T is the vCPU usage over time. The scheduler picks jobs with the lowest usage from the share identifier. You can use a fair share identifier without overriding it.


Share identifiers are unique within a job queue and are not aggregated across job queues.

You can set scheduling priority to configure the order that jobs are run in on a share identifier. Jobs with a higher scheduling priority are scheduled first. If you don’t specify a scheduling policy, all jobs that are submitted to the job queue are scheduled in FIFO order. When you submit a job, you can’t specify a share identifier or scheduling priority.


Attached compute resources are allocated equally among all share identifiers unless explicitly overridden.

Fair share scheduling

Fair share scheduling provides a set of controls to help schedule jobs.


For more information about scheduling policy parameters, see Scheduling policy parameters.

  • Share decay seconds – The period of time (in seconds) that the Amazon Batch scheduler uses to calculate a fair share percentage for each fair share identifier. A value of zero indicates that only current usage is measured. A longer decay time gives more weight to time.


    The period of time for decay is calculated as: shareDecaySeconds + OrderMinutes where OrderMinutes is the time in the order in minutes.

  • Compute reservation – Prevents jobs in a single share identifier from using up all the resources that are attached to the job queue. The reserved ratio is computeReservation/100)^ActiveFairShares where ActiveFairShares is the number of active fair share identifiers.


    If a share identifier has jobs in a SUBMITTED, PENDING, RUNNABLE, STARTING, or RUNNING state, it's considered an active share identifier. After the period of time for decay expires, a share identifier is considered inactive.

  • Weight factor – The weight factor for the share identifier. The default value is 1. A lower value lets jobs from the share identifier run or gives additional runtime to the share identifier. For example, jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 0.125 (1/8) are assigned eight times the compute resources of jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 1.


    You only need to define this attribute when you need to update the default weight factor of 1.

When the job queue is active and processing jobs, you can review a list of the first 100 RUNNABLE jobs through the Job queue snapshot. For more information, see Viewing job queue status.