Scheduling policy parameters - Amazon Batch
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Scheduling policy parameters

Scheduling policies are split into three basic components: the name, fair share policy, and tags of the scheduling policy.

Scheduling policy name


The name for your scheduling policy. Up to 128 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

Type: String

Required: Yes

Fair share policy


The fair share policy of the scheduling policy.

"fairsharePolicy": { "computeReservation": number, "shareDecaySeconds": number, "shareDistribution": [ { "shareIdentifier": "string", "weightFactor": number } ] }

Type: Object

Required: No


A value used to reserve some of the available maximum VCPU for fair share identifiers that have not yet been used.

The reserved ratio is (computeReservation/100)^ActiveFairShares where ActiveFairShares is the number of active fair share identifiers.

For example, a computeReservation value of 50 indicates that Amazon Batch should reserve 50% of the maximum available VCPU if there is only one active fair share identifier, 25% if there are two active fair share identifiers, and 12.5% if there are three active fair share identifiers. A computeReservation value of 25 indicates that Amazon Batch should reserve 25% of the maximum available VCPU if there is only one active fair share identifier, 6.25% if there are two active fair share identifiers, and 1.56% if there are three active fair share identifiers.

Type: Integer

Valid range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 99.

Required: No


The time period to use to calculate a fair share percentage for each fair share identifier in use. A value of zero (0) indicates that only current usage should be measured. The decay allows for more recently run jobs to have more weight than jobs that ran earlier.

Type: Integer

Valid range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 604800 (1 week).

Required: No


Array of objects that contain the weights for the fair share identifiers for the fair share policy. Fair share identifiers that are not included have a default weight of 1.0.

"shareDistribution": [ { "shareIdentifier": "string", "weightFactor": number } ]

Type: Array

Required: No


A fair share identifier or fair share identifier prefix. If the string ends with '*' then this string specifies a fair share identifier prefix for fair share identifiers that begin with that prefix. For example if the value is UserA* and the weightFactor is 1 and there are two fair share identifiers that begin with UserA, then each of those fair share identifiers will have a weight of 2; if there are five such fair share identifiers, then each would have a weight of 5.

The list of fair share identifiers and fair share identifier prefixes in a fair share policy cannot overlap. For example you cannot have a fair share identifier prefix of UserA* and a fair share identifier of UserA-1 in the same fair share policy.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The weight factor for the fair share identifier. The default value is 1.0. A lower value has a higher priority for compute resources. For example, jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 0.125 (1/8) get 8 times the compute resources of jobs that use a share identifier with a weight factor of 1.

The smallest supported value is 0.0001 and the largest supported value is 999.9999.

Type: Float

Required: No



Key-value pair tags to associate with the scheduling policy. For more information, see Tagging your Amazon Batch resources.

Type: String to string map

Required: No