API Gateway examples using Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

API Gateway examples using Amazon CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with API Gateway.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use create-api-key.

Amazon CLI

To create an API key that is enabled for an existing API and Stage


aws apigateway create-api-key --name 'Dev API Key' --description 'Used for development' --enabled --stage-keys restApiId='a1b2c3d4e5',stageName='dev'
  • For API details, see CreateApiKey in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-authorizer.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To create a token-based API Gateway Custom Authorizer for the API

The following create-authorizer example creates a token-based authorizer.

aws apigateway create-authorizer \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --name 'First_Token_Custom_Authorizer' \ --type TOKEN \ --authorizer-uri 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations' \ --identity-source 'method.request.header.Authorization' \ --authorizer-result-ttl-in-seconds 300


{ "authType": "custom", "name": "First_Token_Custom_Authorizer", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "type": "TOKEN", "id": "z40xj0" }

Example 2: To create a Cognito User Pools based API Gateway Custom Authorizer for the API

The following create-authorizer example creates a Cognito User Pools based API Gateway Custom Authorizer.

aws apigateway create-authorizer \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --name 'First_Cognito_Custom_Authorizer' \ --type COGNITO_USER_POOLS \ --provider-arns 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:123412341234:userpool/us-east-1_aWcZeQbuD' \ --identity-source 'method.request.header.Authorization'


{ "authType": "cognito_user_pools", "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "name": "First_Cognito_Custom_Authorizer", "providerARNs": [ "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:342398297714:userpool/us-east-1_qWbZzQhzE" ], "type": "COGNITO_USER_POOLS", "id": "5yid1t" }

Example 3: To create a request-based API Gateway Custom Authorizer for the API

The following create-authorizer example creates a request-based authorizer.

aws apigateway create-authorizer \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --name 'First_Request_Custom_Authorizer' \ --type REQUEST \ --authorizer-uri 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations' \ --identity-source 'method.request.header.Authorization,context.accountId' \ --authorizer-result-ttl-in-seconds 300


{ "id": "z40xj0", "name": "First_Request_Custom_Authorizer", "type": "REQUEST", "authType": "custom", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations", "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization,context.accountId", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300 }

The following code example shows how to use create-base-path-mapping.

Amazon CLI

To create the base path mapping for a custom domain name


aws apigateway create-base-path-mapping --domain-name subdomain.domain.tld --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage prod --base-path v1

The following code example shows how to use create-deployment.

Amazon CLI

To deploy the configured resources for an API to a new Stage


aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --stage-description 'Development Stage' --description 'First deployment to the dev stage'

To deploy the configured resources for an API to an existing stage


aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --description 'Second deployment to the dev stage'

To deploy the configured resources for an API to an existing stage with Stage Variables

aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --description 'Third deployment to the dev stage' --variables key='value',otherKey='otherValue'

The following code example shows how to use create-domain-name.

Amazon CLI

To create the custom domain name


aws apigateway create-domain-name --domain-name 'my.domain.tld' --certificate-name 'my.domain.tld cert' --certificate-arn 'arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:012345678910:certificate/fb1b9770-a305-495d-aefb-27e5e101ff3'

The following code example shows how to use create-model.

Amazon CLI

To create a model for an API


aws apigateway create-model --rest-api-id 1234123412 --name 'firstModel' --description 'The First Model' --content-type 'application/json' --schema '{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "firstModel", "type": "object", "properties": { "firstProperty" : { "type": "object", "properties": { "key": { "type": "string" } } } } }'


{ "contentType": "application/json", "description": "The First Model", "name": "firstModel", "id": "2rzg0l", "schema": "{ \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\", \"title\": \"firstModel\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"firstProperty\" : { \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"key\": { \"type\": \"string\" } } } } }" }
  • For API details, see CreateModel in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-resource.

Amazon CLI

To create a resource in an API


aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id 1234123412 --parent-id a1b2c3 --path-part 'new-resource'
  • For API details, see CreateResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To create an API


aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'My First API' --description 'This is my first API'

To create a duplicate API from an existing API


aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'Copy of My First API' --description 'This is a copy of my first API' --clone-from 1234123412
  • For API details, see CreateRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-stage.

Amazon CLI

To create a stage in an API which will contain an existing deployment


aws apigateway create-stage --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name 'dev' --description 'Development stage' --deployment-id a1b2c3

To create a stage in an API which will contain an existing deployment and custom Stage Variables


aws apigateway create-stage --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name 'dev' --description 'Development stage' --deployment-id a1b2c3 --variables key='value',otherKey='otherValue'
  • For API details, see CreateStage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-usage-plan-key.

Amazon CLI

Associate an existing API key with a Usage Plan


aws apigateway create-usage-plan-key --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --key-type "API_KEY" --key-id 4vq3yryqm5

The following code example shows how to use create-usage-plan.

Amazon CLI

To create a usage plan with throttle and quota limits that resets at the beginning of the month


aws apigateway create-usage-plan --name "New Usage Plan" --description "A new usage plan" --throttle burstLimit=10,rateLimit=5 --quota limit=500,offset=0,period=MONTH

The following code example shows how to use delete-api-key.

Amazon CLI

To delete an API key


aws apigateway delete-api-key --api-key 8bklk8bl1k3sB38D9B3l0enyWT8c09B30lkq0blk
  • For API details, see DeleteApiKey in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-authorizer.

Amazon CLI

To delete a Custom Authorizer in an API


aws apigateway delete-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --authorizer-id 7gkfbo

The following code example shows how to use delete-base-path-mapping.

Amazon CLI

To delete a base path mapping for a custom domain name


aws apigateway delete-base-path-mapping --domain-name 'api.domain.tld' --base-path 'dev'

The following code example shows how to use delete-client-certificate.

Amazon CLI

To delete a client certificate


aws apigateway delete-client-certificate --client-certificate-id a1b2c3

The following code example shows how to use delete-deployment.

Amazon CLI

To delete a deployment in an API


aws apigateway delete-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --deployment-id a1b2c3

The following code example shows how to use delete-domain-name.

Amazon CLI

To delete a custom domain name


aws apigateway delete-domain-name --domain-name 'api.domain.tld'

The following code example shows how to use delete-integration-response.

Amazon CLI

To delete an integration response for a given resource, method, and status code in an API


aws apigateway delete-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 200

The following code example shows how to use delete-integration.

Amazon CLI

To delete an integration for a given resource and method in an API


aws apigateway delete-integration --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET

The following code example shows how to use delete-method-response.

Amazon CLI

To delete a method response for the given resource, method, and status code in an API


aws apigateway delete-method-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 200

The following code example shows how to use delete-method.

Amazon CLI

To delete a method for the given resource in an API


aws apigateway delete-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET
  • For API details, see DeleteMethod in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-model.

Amazon CLI

To delete a model in the given API


aws apigateway delete-model --rest-api-id 1234123412 --model-name 'customModel'
  • For API details, see DeleteModel in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-resource.

Amazon CLI

To delete a resource in an API


aws apigateway delete-resource --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3
  • For API details, see DeleteResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To delete an API


aws apigateway delete-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412
  • For API details, see DeleteRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-stage.

Amazon CLI

To delete a stage in an API


aws apigateway delete-stage --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name 'dev'
  • For API details, see DeleteStage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-usage-plan-key.

Amazon CLI

To remove an API key from a Usage Plan


aws apigateway delete-usage-plan-key --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --key-id 1NbjQzMReAkeEQPNAW8r3dXsU2rDD7fc7f2Sipnu

The following code example shows how to use delete-usage-plan.

Amazon CLI

To delete a Usage Plan


aws apigateway delete-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3

The following code example shows how to use flush-stage-authorizers-cache.

Amazon CLI

To flush all authorizer cache entries on a stage


aws apigateway flush-stage-authorizers-cache --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev

The following code example shows how to use flush-stage-cache.

Amazon CLI

To flush the cache for an API's stage

The following flush-stage-cache example flushes the cache of a stage.

aws apigateway flush-stage-cache \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --stage-name dev

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Flush the API stage cache in API Gateway in the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use generate-client-certificate.

Amazon CLI

To create a Client-Side SSL Certificate


aws apigateway generate-client-certificate --description 'My First Client Certificate'

The following code example shows how to use get-account.

Amazon CLI

To get API Gateway account settings


aws apigateway get-account


{ "cloudwatchRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/APIGatewayToCloudWatchLogsRole", "throttleSettings": { "rateLimit": 500.0, "burstLimit": 1000 } }
  • For API details, see GetAccount in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-api-key.

Amazon CLI

To get the information about a specific API key


aws apigateway get-api-key --api-key 8bklk8bl1k3sB38D9B3l0enyWT8c09B30lkq0blk


{ "description": "My first key", "enabled": true, "stageKeys": [ "a1b2c3d4e5/dev", "e5d4c3b2a1/dev" ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1456184515, "createdDate": 1456184452, "id": "8bklk8bl1k3sB38D9B3l0enyWT8c09B30lkq0blk", "name": "My key" }
  • For API details, see GetApiKey in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-api-keys.

Amazon CLI

To get the list of API keys


aws apigateway get-api-keys


{ "items": [ { "description": "My first key", "enabled": true, "stageKeys": [ "a1b2c3d4e5/dev", "e5d4c3b2a1/dev" ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1456184515, "createdDate": 1456184452, "id": "8bklk8bl1k3sB38D9B3l0enyWT8c09B30lkq0blk", "name": "My key" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetApiKeys in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-authorizer.

Amazon CLI

To get the API Gateway per-API Authorizer settings


aws apigateway get-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --authorizer-id gfi4n3


{ "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, "name": "MyAuthorizer", "type": "TOKEN", "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:authorizer_function/invocations", "id": "gfi4n3" }
  • For API details, see GetAuthorizer in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-authorizers.

Amazon CLI

To get the list of authorizers for a REST API


aws apigateway get-authorizers --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "items": [ { "name": "MyAuthorizer", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:My_Authorizer_Function/invocations", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "type": "TOKEN", "id": "gfi4n3" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetAuthorizers in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-base-path-mapping.

Amazon CLI

To get the base path mapping for a custom domain name


aws apigateway get-base-path-mapping --domain-name subdomain.domain.tld --base-path v1


{ "basePath": "v1", "restApiId": "1234w4321e", "stage": "api" }

The following code example shows how to use get-base-path-mappings.

Amazon CLI

To get the base path mappings for a custom domain name


aws apigateway get-base-path-mappings --domain-name subdomain.domain.tld


{ "items": [ { "basePath": "(none)", "restApiId": "1234w4321e", "stage": "dev" }, { "basePath": "v1", "restApiId": "1234w4321e", "stage": "api" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use get-client-certificate.

Amazon CLI

To get a client certificate


aws apigateway get-client-certificate --client-certificate-id a1b2c3

The following code example shows how to use get-client-certificates.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of client certificates


aws apigateway get-client-certificates


{ "items": [ { "pemEncodedCertificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- <certificate content> -----END CERTIFICATE-----", "clientCertificateId": "a1b2c3", "expirationDate": 1483556561, "description": "My Client Certificate", "createdDate": 1452020561 } ] }

The following code example shows how to use get-deployment.

Amazon CLI

To get information about a deployment


aws apigateway get-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --deployment-id ztt4m2


{ "description": "myDeployment", "id": "ztt4m2", "createdDate": 1455218022 }
  • For API details, see GetDeployment in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-deployments.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of deployments for a REST API


aws apigateway get-deployments --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "items": [ { "createdDate": 1453797217, "id": "0a2b4c", "description": "Deployed my API for the first time" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetDeployments in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-domain-name.

Amazon CLI

To get information about a custom domain name


aws apigateway get-domain-name --domain-name api.domain.tld


{ "domainName": "api.domain.tld", "distributionDomainName": "d1a2f3a4c5o6d.cloudfront.net", "certificateName": "uploadedCertificate", "certificateUploadDate": 1462565487 }
  • For API details, see GetDomainName in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-domain-names.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of custom domain names


aws apigateway get-domain-names


{ "items": [ { "distributionDomainName": "d9511k3l09bkd.cloudfront.net", "certificateUploadDate": 1452812505, "certificateName": "my_custom_domain-certificate", "domainName": "subdomain.domain.tld" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetDomainNames in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-export.

Amazon CLI

To get the JSON Swagger template for a stage


aws apigateway get-export --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 --stage-name dev --export-type swagger /path/to/filename.json

To get the JSON Swagger template + API Gateway Extentions for a stage


aws apigateway get-export --parameters extensions='integrations' --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 --stage-name dev --export-type swagger /path/to/filename.json

To get the JSON Swagger template + Postman Extensions for a stage


aws apigateway get-export --parameters extensions='postman' --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 --stage-name dev --export-type swagger /path/to/filename.json
  • For API details, see GetExport in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-integration-response.

Amazon CLI

To get the integration response configuration for a HTTP method defined under a REST API's resource


aws apigateway get-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id y9h6rt --http-method GET --status-code 200


{ "statusCode": "200", "responseTemplates": { "application/json": null } }

The following code example shows how to use get-integration.

Amazon CLI

To get the integration configuration for a HTTP method defined under a REST API's resource


aws apigateway get-integration --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id y9h6rt --http-method GET


{ "httpMethod": "POST", "integrationResponses": { "200": { "responseTemplates": { "application/json": null }, "statusCode": "200" } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "type": "AWS", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:My_Function/invocations", "cacheNamespace": "y9h6rt" }
  • For API details, see GetIntegration in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-method-response.

Amazon CLI

To get the method response resource configuration for a HTTP method defined under a REST API's resource


aws apigateway get-method-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id y9h6rt --http-method GET --status-code 200


{ "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "statusCode": "200" }

The following code example shows how to use get-method.

Amazon CLI

To get the method resource configuration for a HTTP method defined under a REST API's resource


aws apigateway get-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id y9h6rt --http-method GET


{ "apiKeyRequired": false, "httpMethod": "GET", "methodIntegration": { "integrationResponses": { "200": { "responseTemplates": { "application/json": null }, "statusCode": "200" } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:My_Function/invocations", "httpMethod": "POST", "cacheNamespace": "y9h6rt", "type": "AWS" }, "requestParameters": {}, "methodResponses": { "200": { "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "statusCode": "200" } }, "authorizationType": "NONE" }
  • For API details, see GetMethod in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-model-template.

Amazon CLI

To get the mapping template for a model defined under a REST API


aws apigateway get-model-template --rest-api-id 1234123412 --model-name Empty


{ "value": "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{ }" }

The following code example shows how to use get-model.

Amazon CLI

To get the configuration for a model defined under a REST API


aws apigateway get-model --rest-api-id 1234123412 --model-name Empty


{ "contentType": "application/json", "description": "This is a default empty schema model", "name": "Empty", "id": "etd5w5", "schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\",\n \"title\" : \"Empty Schema\",\n \"type\" : \"object\"\n}" }
  • For API details, see GetModel in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-models.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of models for a REST API


aws apigateway get-models --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "items": [ { "description": "This is a default error schema model", "schema": "{\n \"$schema\" : \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\",\n \"title\" : \"Error Schema\",\n \"type\" : \"object\",\n \"properties\" : {\n \"message\" : { \"type\" : \"string\" }\n }\n}", "contentType": "application/json", "id": "7tpbze", "name": "Error" }, { "description": "This is a default empty schema model", "schema": "{\n \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\",\n \"title\" : \"Empty Schema\",\n \"type\" : \"object\"\n}", "contentType": "application/json", "id": "etd5w5", "name": "Empty" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetModels in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-resource.

Amazon CLI

To get information about a resource


aws apigateway get-resource --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id zwo0y3


{ "path": "/path", "pathPart": "path", "id": "zwo0y3", "parentId": "uyokt6ij2g" }
  • For API details, see GetResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-resources.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of resources for a REST API


aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "items": [ { "path": "/resource/subresource", "resourceMethods": { "POST": {} }, "id": "024ace", "pathPart": "subresource", "parentId": "ai5b02" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetResources in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To get information about an API


aws apigateway get-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "name": "myAPI", "id": "o1y243m4f5", "createdDate": 1453416433 }
  • For API details, see GetRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-rest-apis.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of REST APIs


aws apigateway get-rest-apis


{ "items": [ { "createdDate": 1438884790, "id": "12s44z21rb", "name": "My First API" } ] }
  • For API details, see GetRestApis in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-sdk.

Amazon CLI

To get the Android SDK for a REST API stage


aws apigateway get-sdk --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --sdk-type android --parameters groupId='com.mycompany',invokerPackage='com.mycompany.clientsdk',artifactId='Mycompany-client',artifactVersion='1.0.0' /path/to/android_sdk.zip


{ "contentType": "application/octet-stream", "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"android_2016-02-22_23-52Z.zip\"" }

To get the IOS SDK for a REST API stage


aws apigateway get-sdk --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --sdk-type objectivec --parameters classPrefix='myprefix' /path/to/iOS_sdk.zip


{ "contentType": "application/octet-stream", "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"objectivec_2016-02-22_23-52Z.zip\"" }

To get the Javascript SDK for a REST API stage


aws apigateway get-sdk --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev --sdk-type javascript /path/to/javascript_sdk.zip


{ "contentType": "application/octet-stream", "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"javascript_2016-02-22_23-52Z.zip\"" }
  • For API details, see GetSdk in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-stage.

Amazon CLI

To get information about an API's stage


aws apigateway get-stage --rest-api-id 1234123412 --stage-name dev


{ "stageName": "dev", "cacheClusterSize": "0.5", "cacheClusterEnabled": false, "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE", "deploymentId": "rbh1fj", "lastUpdatedDate": 1466802961, "createdDate": 1460682074, "methodSettings": { "*/*": { "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300, "loggingLevel": "INFO", "dataTraceEnabled": false, "metricsEnabled": true, "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER", "throttlingRateLimit": 500.0, "cacheDataEncrypted": false, "cachingEnabled": false, "throttlingBurstLimit": 1000, "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true }, "~1resource/GET": { "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300, "loggingLevel": "INFO", "dataTraceEnabled": false, "metricsEnabled": true, "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER", "throttlingRateLimit": 500.0, "cacheDataEncrypted": false, "cachingEnabled": false, "throttlingBurstLimit": 1000, "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true } } }
  • For API details, see GetStage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-stages.

Amazon CLI

To get the list of stages for a REST API


aws apigateway get-stages --rest-api-id 1234123412


{ "item": [ { "stageName": "dev", "cacheClusterSize": "0.5", "cacheClusterEnabled": true, "cacheClusterStatus": "AVAILABLE", "deploymentId": "123h64", "lastUpdatedDate": 1456185138, "createdDate": 1453589092, "methodSettings": { "~1resource~1subresource/POST": { "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300, "loggingLevel": "INFO", "dataTraceEnabled": true, "metricsEnabled": true, "throttlingRateLimit": 500.0, "cacheDataEncrypted": false, "cachingEnabled": false, "throttlingBurstLimit": 1000 } } } ] }
  • For API details, see GetStages in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-usage-plan-key.

Amazon CLI

To get the details of an API key associated with a Usage Plan


aws apigateway get-usage-plan-key --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --key-id 1NbjQzMReAkeEQPNAW8r3dXsU2rDD7fc7f2Sipnu

The following code example shows how to use get-usage-plan-keys.

Amazon CLI

To get the list of API keys associated with a Usage Plan


aws apigateway get-usage-plan-keys --usage-plan-id a1b2c3

The following code example shows how to use get-usage-plan.

Amazon CLI

To get the details of a Usage Plan


aws apigateway get-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3
  • For API details, see GetUsagePlan in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-usage-plans.

Amazon CLI

To get the details of all Usage Plans


aws apigateway get-usage-plans
  • For API details, see GetUsagePlans in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-usage.

Amazon CLI

To get the usage details for a Usage Plan


aws apigateway get-usage --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --start-date "2016-08-16" --end-date "2016-08-17"
  • For API details, see GetUsage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use import-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To import a Swagger template and create an API


aws apigateway import-rest-api --body 'file:///path/to/API_Swagger_template.json'
  • For API details, see ImportRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use put-integration-response.

Amazon CLI

To create an integration response as the default response with a mapping template defined


aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 200 --selection-pattern "" --response-templates '{"application/json": "{\"json\": \"template\"}"}'

To create an integration response with a regex of 400 and a statically defined header value


aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 400 --selection-pattern 400 --response-parameters '{"method.response.header.custom-header": "'"'"'custom-value'"'"'"}'

The following code example shows how to use put-integration.

Amazon CLI

To create a MOCK integration request


aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --type MOCK --request-templates '{ "application/json": "{\"statusCode\": 200}" }'

To create a HTTP integration request


aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --type HTTP --integration-http-method GET --uri 'https://domain.tld/path'

To create an Amazon integration request with a Lambda Function endpoint


aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --type AWS --integration-http-method POST --uri 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:function_name/invocations'
  • For API details, see PutIntegration in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use put-method-response.

Amazon CLI

To create a method response under the specified status code with a custom method response header


aws apigateway put-method-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 400 --response-parameters "method.response.header.custom-header=false"

The following code example shows how to use put-method.

Amazon CLI

To create a method for a resource in an API with no authorization, no API key, and a custom method request header


aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method PUT --authorization-type "NONE" --no-api-key-required --request-parameters "method.request.header.custom-header=false"
  • For API details, see PutMethod in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use put-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To overwrite an existing API using a Swagger template


aws apigateway put-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412 --mode overwrite --body 'fileb:///path/to/API_Swagger_template.json'

To merge a Swagger template into an existing API


aws apigateway put-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412 --mode merge --body 'fileb:///path/to/API_Swagger_template.json'
  • For API details, see PutRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use test-invoke-authorizer.

Amazon CLI

To test invoke a request to a Custom Authorizer including the required header and value


aws apigateway test-invoke-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --authorizer-id 5yid1t --headers Authorization='Value'

The following code example shows how to use test-invoke-method.

Amazon CLI

To test invoke the root resource in an API by making a GET request


aws apigateway test-invoke-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id avl5sg8fw8 --http-method GET --path-with-query-string '/'

To test invoke a sub-resource in an API by making a GET request with a path parameter value specified


aws apigateway test-invoke-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id 3gapai --http-method GET --path-with-query-string '/pets/1'

The following code example shows how to use update-account.

Amazon CLI

To change the IAM Role ARN for logging to CloudWatch Logs


aws apigateway update-account --patch-operations op='replace',path='/cloudwatchRoleArn',value='arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/APIGatewayToCloudWatchLogs'


{ "cloudwatchRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:role/APIGatewayToCloudWatchLogs", "throttleSettings": { "rateLimit": 1000.0, "burstLimit": 2000 } }
  • For API details, see UpdateAccount in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-api-key.

Amazon CLI

To change the name for an API Key


aws apigateway update-api-key --api-key sNvjQDMReA1eEQPNAW8r37XsU2rDD7fc7m2SiMnu --patch-operations op='replace',path='/name',value='newName'


{ "description": "currentDescription", "enabled": true, "stageKeys": [ "41t2j324r5/dev" ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1470086052, "createdDate": 1445460347, "id": "sNvjQDMReA1vEQPNzW8r3dXsU2rrD7fcjm2SiMnu", "name": "newName" }

To disable the API Key


aws apigateway update-api-key --api-key sNvjQDMReA1eEQPNAW8r37XsU2rDD7fc7m2SiMnu --patch-operations op='replace',path='/enabled',value='false'


{ "description": "currentDescription", "enabled": false, "stageKeys": [ "41t2j324r5/dev" ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1470086052, "createdDate": 1445460347, "id": "sNvjQDMReA1vEQPNzW8r3dXsU2rrD7fcjm2SiMnu", "name": "newName" }
  • For API details, see UpdateApiKey in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-authorizer.

Amazon CLI

To change the name of the Custom Authorizer


aws apigateway update-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --authorizer-id gfi4n3 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/name',value='testAuthorizer'


{ "authType": "custom", "name": "testAuthorizer", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthorizer/invocations", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "type": "TOKEN", "id": "gfi4n3" }

To change the Lambda Function that is invoked by the Custom Authorizer


aws apigateway update-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --authorizer-id gfi4n3 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/authorizerUri',value='arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:newAuthorizer/invocations'


{ "authType": "custom", "name": "testAuthorizer", "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:newAuthorizer/invocations", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", "type": "TOKEN", "id": "gfi4n3" }

The following code example shows how to use update-base-path-mapping.

Amazon CLI

To change the base path for a custom domain name


aws apigateway update-base-path-mapping --domain-name api.domain.tld --base-path prod --patch-operations op='replace',path='/basePath',value='v1'


{ "basePath": "v1", "restApiId": "1234123412", "stage": "api" }

The following code example shows how to use update-client-certificate.

Amazon CLI

To update the description of a client certificate


aws apigateway update-client-certificate --client-certificate-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/description',value='My new description'

The following code example shows how to use update-deployment.

Amazon CLI

To change the description of a deployment


aws apigateway update-deployment --rest-api-id 1234123412 --deployment-id ztt4m2 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/description',value='newDescription'


{ "description": "newDescription", "id": "ztt4m2", "createdDate": 1455218022 }

The following code example shows how to use update-domain-name.

Amazon CLI

To change the certificate name for a custom domain name

The following update-domain-name example changes the certificate name for a custom domain.

aws apigateway update-domain-name \ --domain-name api.domain.tld \ --patch-operations op='replace',path='/certificateArn',value='arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:111122223333:certificate/CERTEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE'


{ "domainName": "api.domain.tld", "distributionDomainName": "d123456789012.cloudfront.net", "certificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:111122223333:certificate/CERTEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "certificateUploadDate": 1462565487 }

For more information, see Set up Custom Domain Name for an API in API Gateway in the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-integration-response.

Amazon CLI

To change an integration response header to have a static mapping of '*'


aws apigateway update-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id 3gapai --http-method GET --status-code 200 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/responseParameters/method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin',value='"'"'*'"'"'


{ "statusCode": "200", "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "'*'" } }

To remove an integration response header


aws apigateway update-integration-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id 3gapai --http-method GET --status-code 200 --patch-operations op='remove',path='/responseParameters/method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin'

The following code example shows how to use update-integration.

Amazon CLI

To add the 'Content-Type: application/json' Mapping Template configured with Input Passthrough


aws apigateway update-integration \ --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method POST \ --patch-operations "op='add',path='/requestTemplates/application~1json'"

To update (replace) the 'Content-Type: application/json' Mapping Template configured with a custom template


aws apigateway update-integration \ --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method POST \ --patch-operations "op='replace',path='/requestTemplates/application~1json',value='{"example": "json"}'"

To update (replace) a custom template associated with 'Content-Type: application/json' with Input Passthrough


aws apigateway update-integration \ --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method POST \ --patch-operations "op='replace',path='requestTemplates/application~1json'"

To remove the 'Content-Type: application/json' Mapping Template


aws apigateway update-integration \ --rest-api-id a1b2c3d4e5 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method POST \ --patch-operations "op='remove',path='/requestTemplates/application~1json'"

The following code example shows how to use update-method-response.

Amazon CLI

To create a new method response header for the 200 response in a method and define it as not required (default)


aws apigateway update-method-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 200 --patch-operations op="add",path="/responseParameters/method.response.header.custom-header",value="false"

To delete a response model for the 200 response in a method


aws apigateway update-method-response --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id a1b2c3 --http-method GET --status-code 200 --patch-operations op="remove",path="/responseModels/application~1json"

The following code example shows how to use update-method.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To modify a method to require an API key

The following update-method example modifies the method to require an API key.

aws apigateway update-method \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method GET \ --patch-operations op="replace",path="/apiKeyRequired",value="true"


{ "httpMethod": "GET", "authorizationType": "NONE", "apiKeyRequired": true, "methodResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseModels": {} } }, "methodIntegration": { "type": "AWS", "httpMethod": "POST", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789111:function:hello-world/invocations", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT", "timeoutInMillis": 29000, "cacheNamespace": "h7i8j9", "cacheKeyParameters": [], "integrationResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseTemplates": {} } } } }

Example 2: To modify a method to require IAM authorization

The following update-method example modifies the method to require IAM authorization.

aws apigateway update-method \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method GET \ --patch-operations op="replace",path="/authorizationType",value="AWS_IAM"


{ "httpMethod": "GET", "authorizationType": "AWS_IAM", "apiKeyRequired": false, "methodResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseModels": {} } }, "methodIntegration": { "type": "AWS", "httpMethod": "POST", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789111:function:hello-world/invocations", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT", "timeoutInMillis": 29000, "cacheNamespace": "h7i8j9", "cacheKeyParameters": [], "integrationResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseTemplates": {} } } } }

Example 3: To modify a method to require Lambda authorization

The following update-method example modifies the method to required Lambda authorization.

aws apigateway update-method --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --resource-id a1b2c3 \ --http-method GET \ --patch-operations op="replace",path="/authorizationType",value="CUSTOM" op="replace",path="/authorizerId",value="e4f5g6"


{ "httpMethod": "GET", "authorizationType": "CUSTOM", "authorizerId" : "e4f5g6", "apiKeyRequired": false, "methodResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseModels": {} } }, "methodIntegration": { "type": "AWS", "httpMethod": "POST", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789111:function:hello-world/invocations", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "contentHandling": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT", "timeoutInMillis": 29000, "cacheNamespace": "h7i8j9", "cacheKeyParameters": [], "integrationResponses": { "200": { "statusCode": "200", "responseTemplates": {} } } } }

For more information, see Create, configure, and test usage plans using the API Gateway CLI and REST API and Controlling and managing access to a REST API in API Gateway in the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateMethod in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-model.

Amazon CLI

To change the description of a model in an API


aws apigateway update-model --rest-api-id 1234123412 --model-name 'Empty' --patch-operations op=replace,path=/description,value='New Description'

To change the schema of a model in an API


aws apigateway update-model --rest-api-id 1234123412 --model-name 'Empty' --patch-operations op=replace,path=/schema,value='"{ \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\", \"title\" : \"Empty Schema\", \"type\" : \"object\" }"'
  • For API details, see UpdateModel in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-resource.

Amazon CLI

To move a resource and place it under a different parent resource in an API


aws apigateway update-resource --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id 1a2b3c --patch-operations op=replace,path=/parentId,value='3c2b1a'


{ "path": "/resource", "pathPart": "resource", "id": "1a2b3c", "parentId": "3c2b1a" }

To rename a resource (pathPart) in an API


aws apigateway update-resource --rest-api-id 1234123412 --resource-id 1a2b3c --patch-operations op=replace,path=/pathPart,value=newresourcename


{ "path": "/newresourcename", "pathPart": "newresourcename", "id": "1a2b3c", "parentId": "3c2b1a" }
  • For API details, see UpdateResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-rest-api.

Amazon CLI

To change the name of an API


aws apigateway update-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412 --patch-operations op=replace,path=/name,value='New Name'

To change the description of an API


aws apigateway update-rest-api --rest-api-id 1234123412 --patch-operations op=replace,path=/description,value='New Description'
  • For API details, see UpdateRestApi in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-stage.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To override the stage settings for a resource and method

The following update-stage example overrides the stage settings and turns off full request/response logging for a specific resource and method.

aws apigateway update-stage \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --stage-name 'dev' \ --patch-operations op=replace,path=/~1resourceName/GET/logging/dataTrace,value=false


{ "deploymentId": "5ubd17", "stageName": "dev", "cacheClusterEnabled": false, "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE", "methodSettings": { "~1resourceName/GET": { "metricsEnabled": false, "dataTraceEnabled": false, "throttlingBurstLimit": 5000, "throttlingRateLimit": 10000.0, "cachingEnabled": false, "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300, "cacheDataEncrypted": false, "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true, "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER" } }, "tracingEnabled": false, "createdDate": "2022-07-18T10:11:18-07:00", "lastUpdatedDate": "2022-07-18T10:19:04-07:00" }

For more information, see Setting up a stage for a REST API in the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.

Example 2: To update the stage settings for all resources and methods of an API stage

The following update-stage example turns on full request/response logging for all resources and methods of an API stage.

aws apigateway update-stage \ --rest-api-id 1234123412 \ --stage-name 'dev' \ --patch-operations 'op=replace,path=/*/*/logging/dataTrace,value=true'


{ "deploymentId": "5ubd17", "stageName": "dev", "cacheClusterEnabled": false, "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE", "methodSettings": { "*/*": { "metricsEnabled": false, "dataTraceEnabled": true, "throttlingBurstLimit": 5000, "throttlingRateLimit": 10000.0, "cachingEnabled": false, "cacheTtlInSeconds": 300, "cacheDataEncrypted": false, "requireAuthorizationForCacheControl": true, "unauthorizedCacheControlHeaderStrategy": "SUCCEED_WITH_RESPONSE_HEADER" } }, "tracingEnabled": false, "createdDate": "2022-07-18T10:11:18-07:00", "lastUpdatedDate": "2022-07-18T10:31:04-07:00" }

For more information, see Setting up a stage for a REST API in the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateStage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-usage-plan.

Amazon CLI

To change the period defined in a Usage Plan


aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/quota/period",value="MONTH"

To change the quota limit defined in a Usage Plan


aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/quota/limit",value="500"

To change the throttle rate limit defined in a Usage Plan


aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/throttle/rateLimit",value="10"

To change the throttle burst limit defined in a Usage Plan


aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/throttle/burstLimit",value="20"

The following code example shows how to use update-usage.

Amazon CLI

To temporarily modify the quota on an API key for the current period defined in the Usage Plan


aws apigateway update-usage --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --key-id 1NbjQzMReAkeEQPNAW8r3dXsU2rDD7fc7f2Sipnu --patch-operations op="replace",path="/remaining",value="50"
  • For API details, see UpdateUsage in Amazon CLI Command Reference.