App Runner examples using Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

App Runner examples using Amazon CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with App Runner.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use associate-custom-domain.

Amazon CLI

To associate a domain name and the www subdomain with a service

The following associate-custom-domain example associates a custom domain name that you control with an App Runner service. The domain name is the root domain, including the special-case subdomain

aws apprunner associate-custom-domain \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": true }


{ "CustomDomain": { "CertificateValidationRecords": [ { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" }, { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" } ], "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": true, "Status": "CREATING" }, "DNSTarget": "", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }

The following code example shows how to use create-auto-scaling-configuration.

Amazon CLI

To create a high availability auto scaling configuration

The following create-auto-scaling-configuration example creates an auto scaling configuration optimized for high availability by setting MinSize to 5. With this configuration, App Runner attempts to spread your service instances over the most Availability Zones possible, up to five, depending on the Amazon Region.

The call returns an AutoScalingConfiguration object with the other settings set to their defaults. In the example, this is the first call to create a configuration named high-availability. The revision is set to 1, and it's the latest revision.

aws apprunner create-auto-scaling-configuration \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "MinSize": 5 }


{ "AutoScalingConfiguration": { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/1/2f50e7656d7819fead0f59672e68042e", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 1, "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:29:17Z", "Latest": true, "Status": "ACTIVE", "MaxConcurrency": 100, "MaxSize": 50, "MinSize": 5 } }

The following code example shows how to use create-connection.

Amazon CLI

To create a GitHub connection

The following create-connection example creates a connection to a private GitHub code repository. The connection status after a successful call is PENDING_HANDSHAKE. This is because an authentication handshake with the provider still hasn't happened. Complete the handshake using the App Runner console.

aws apprunner create-connection \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ConnectionName": "my-github-connection", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" }


{ "Connection": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection", "ConnectionName": "my-github-connection", "Status": "PENDING_HANDSHAKE", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:32:51Z", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" } }

For more information, see Managing App Runner connections in the Amazon App Runner Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-service.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To create a source code repository service

The following create-service example creates an App Runner service based on a Python source code repository.

aws apprunner create-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceName": "python-app", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" }, "CodeConfiguration": { "ConfigurationSource": "API", "CodeConfigurationValues": { "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "StartCommand": "python", "Port": "8080", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ] } } } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }

Example 2: To create a source code repository service

The following create-service example creates an App Runner service based on a Python source code repository.

aws apprunner create-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceName": "python-app", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" }, "CodeConfiguration": { "ConfigurationSource": "API", "CodeConfigurationValues": { "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "StartCommand": "python", "Port": "8080", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ] } } } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }

Example 3: To create a source image repository service

The following create-service example creates an App Runner service based on an image stored in Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

aws apprunner create-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceName": "golang-container-app", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-ecr-role" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "ImageRepository": { "ImageIdentifier": "", "ImageConfiguration": { "Port": "8080", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ] }, "ImageRepositoryType": "ECR" } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-06T23:15:30Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-06T23:15:30Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/golang-container-app/51728f8a20ce46d39b25398a6c8e9d1a", "ServiceId": "51728f8a20ce46d39b25398a6c8e9d1a", "ServiceName": "golang-container-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-ecr-role" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "ImageRepository": { "ImageIdentifier": "", "ImageConfiguration": { "Port": "8080", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ] }, "ImageRepositoryType": "ECR" } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }
  • For API details, see CreateService in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-auto-scaling-configuration.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To delete the latest active revision of an auto scaling configuration

The following delete-auto-scaling-configuration example deletes the latest active revision of an App Runner auto scaling configuration. To delete the latest active revision, specify an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that ends with the configuration name, without the revision component.

In the example, two revisions exist before this action. Therefore, revision 2 (the latest) is deleted. However, it now shows "Latest": false, because, after being deleted, it isn't the latest active revision anymore.

aws apprunner delete-auto-scaling-configuration \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability" }


{ "AutoScalingConfiguration": { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/2/e76562f50d78042e819fead0f59672e6", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 2, "CreatedAt": "2021-02-25T17:42:59Z", "DeletedAt": "2021-03-02T08:07:06Z", "Latest": false, "Status": "INACTIVE", "MaxConcurrency": 30, "MaxSize": 90, "MinSize": 5 } }

Example 2: To delete a specific revision of an auto scaling configuration

The following delete-auto-scaling-configuration example deletes a specific revision of an App Runner auto scaling configuration. To delete a specific revision, specify an ARN that includes the revision number.

In the example, several revisions exist before this action. The action deletes revision 1.

aws apprunner delete-auto-scaling-configuration \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/1" }


{ "AutoScalingConfiguration": { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/1/2f50e7656d7819fead0f59672e68042e", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 1, "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:29:17Z", "DeletedAt": "2021-03-02T08:07:06Z", "Latest": false, "Status": "INACTIVE", "MaxConcurrency": 100, "MaxSize": 50, "MinSize": 5 } }

The following code example shows how to use delete-connection.

Amazon CLI

To delete a connection

The following delete-connection example deletes an App Runner connection. The connection status after a successful call is DELETED. This is because the connection is no longer available.

aws apprunner delete-connection \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection" }


{ "Connection": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection", "ConnectionName": "my-github-connection", "Status": "DELETED", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:32:51Z", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" } }

The following code example shows how to use delete-service.

Amazon CLI

To delete a service

The following delete-service example deletes an App Runner service.

aws apprunner delete-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }
  • For API details, see DeleteService in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-auto-scaling-configuration.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To describe the latest active revision of an auto scaling configuration

The following describe-auto-scaling-configuration example gets a description of the latest active revision of an App Runner auto scaling configuration. To describe the latest active revision, specify an ARN that ends with the configuration name, without the revision component.

In the example, two revisions exist. Therefore, revision 2 (the latest) is described. The resulting object shows "Latest": true.

aws apprunner describe-auto-scaling-configuration \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability" }


{ "AutoScalingConfiguration": { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/2/e76562f50d78042e819fead0f59672e6", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 2, "CreatedAt": "2021-02-25T17:42:59Z", "Latest": true, "Status": "ACTIVE", "MaxConcurrency": 30, "MaxSize": 90, "MinSize": 5 } }

Example 2: To describe a specific revision of an auto scaling configuration

The following describe-auto-scaling-configuration example get a description of a specific revision of an App Runner auto scaling configuration. To describe a specific revision, specify an ARN that includes the revision number.

In the example, several revisions exist and revision 1 is queried. The resulting object shows "Latest": false.

aws apprunner describe-auto-scaling-configuration \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/1" }


{ "AutoScalingConfiguration": { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/1/2f50e7656d7819fead0f59672e68042e", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 1, "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:29:17Z", "Latest": false, "Status": "ACTIVE", "MaxConcurrency": 100, "MaxSize": 50, "MinSize": 5 } }

The following code example shows how to use describe-custom-domains.

Amazon CLI

To get descriptions of custom domain names associated with a service

The following describe-custom-domains example get descriptions and status of the custom domain names associated with an App Runner service.

aws apprunner describe-custom-domains \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": true }


{ "CustomDomains": [ { "CertificateValidationRecords": [ { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" }, { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" } ], "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": true, "Status": "PENDING_CERTIFICATE_DNS_VALIDATION" }, { "CertificateValidationRecords": [ { "Name": "", "Status": "SUCCESS", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" } ], "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": false, "Status": "ACTIVE" } ], "DNSTarget": "", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-service.

Amazon CLI

To describe a service

The following describe-service example gets a description of an App Runner service.

aws apprunner describe-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "RUNNING", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }

The following code example shows how to use disassociate-custom-domain.

Amazon CLI

To disassociate a domain name from a service

The following disassociate-custom-domain example disassociates the domain from an App Runner service. The call also disassociates the subdomain that was associated together with the root domain.

aws apprunner disassociate-custom-domain \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "DomainName": "" }


{ "CustomDomain": { "CertificateValidationRecords": [ { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" }, { "Name": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "" } ], "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": true, "Status": "DELETING" }, "DNSTarget": "", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }

The following code example shows how to use list-auto-scaling-configurations.

Amazon CLI

To get a paginated listing of App Runner auto scaling configurations

The following list-auto-scaling-configurations example lists all App Runner auto scaling configurations in your Amazon account. Up to five auto scaling configurations are listed in each response. AutoScalingConfigurationName and LatestOnly aren't specified. Their defaults cause the latest revision of all active configurations to be listed.

In this example, the response includes two results and there aren't additional ones, so no NextToken is returned.

aws apprunner list-auto-scaling-configurations \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "MaxResults": 5 }


{ "AutoScalingConfigurationSummaryList": [ { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/high-availability/2/e76562f50d78042e819fead0f59672e6", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "high-availability", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 2 }, { "AutoScalingConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:autoscalingconfiguration/low-cost/1/50d7804e7656fead0f59672e62f2e819", "AutoScalingConfigurationName": "low-cost", "AutoScalingConfigurationRevision": 1 } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-connections.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To list all connections

The following list-connections example lists all App Runner connections in the Amazon account.

aws apprunner list-connections


{ "ConnectionSummaryList": [ { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection", "ConnectionName": "my-github-connection", "Status": "AVAILABLE", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T00:32:51Z", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" }, { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-org-connection", "ConnectionName": "my-github-org-connection", "Status": "AVAILABLE", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T02:54:17Z", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" } ] }

Example 2: To list a connection by name

The following list-connections example lists a connection by its name.

aws apprunner list-connections \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ConnectionName": "my-github-org-connection" }


{ "ConnectionSummaryList": [ { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-org-connection", "ConnectionName": "my-github-org-connection", "Status": "AVAILABLE", "CreatedAt": "2020-11-03T02:54:17Z", "ProviderType": "GITHUB" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-operations.

Amazon CLI

To list operations that occurred on a servicee

The following list-operations example lists all operations that occurred on an App Runner service so far. In this example, the service is new and only a single operation of type CREATE_SERVICE has occurred.

aws apprunner list-operations \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "OperationSummaryList": [ { "EndedAt": 1606156217, "Id": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "StartedAt": 1606156014, "Status": "SUCCEEDED", "TargetArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "Type": "CREATE_SERVICE", "UpdatedAt": 1606156217 } ] }
  • For API details, see ListOperations in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-services.

Amazon CLI

To get a paginated listing of App Runner services

The following list-services example lists all App Runner services in the Amazon account. Up to two services are listed in each response. This example shows the first request. The response includes two results and a token that can be used in the next request. When a subsequent response doesn't include a token, all services have been listed.

aws apprunner list-services \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "MaxResults": 2 }


{ "NextToken": "eyJDdXN0b21lckFjY291bnRJZCI6IjI3MDIwNTQwMjg0NSIsIlNlcnZpY2VTdGF0dXNDb2RlIjoiUFJPVklTSU9OSU5HIiwiSGFzaEtleSI6IjI3MDIwNTQwMjg0NSNhYjhmOTRjZmUyOWE0NjBmYjg3NjBhZmQyZWU4NzU1NSJ9", "ServiceSummaryList": [ { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-23T12:41:37Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "Status": "RUNNING" }, { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-06T23:15:30Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-23T13:21:22Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/golang-container-app/ab8f94cfe29a460fb8760afd2ee87555", "ServiceId": "ab8f94cfe29a460fb8760afd2ee87555", "ServiceName": "golang-container-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "Status": "RUNNING" } ] }
  • For API details, see ListServices in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource.

Amazon CLI

To list tags associated with an App Runner service

The following list-tags-for-resource example lists all the tags that are associated with an App Runner service.

aws apprunner list-tags-for-resource \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Retail" }, { "Key": "CustomerId", "Value": "56439872357912" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use pause-service.

Amazon CLI

To pause a service

The following pause-service example pauses an App Runner service.

aws apprunner pause-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-23T12:41:37Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }
  • For API details, see PauseService in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use resume-service.

Amazon CLI

To resume a service

The following resume-service example resumes an App Runner service.

aws apprunner resume-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-23T12:41:37Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB" } } }
  • For API details, see ResumeService in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use start-deployment.

Amazon CLI

To initiate a manual deployment

The following start-deployment example performs a manual deployment to an App Runner service.

aws apprunner start-deployment \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa" }


{ "OperationId": "853a7d5b-fc9f-4730-831b-fd8037ab832a" }

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.

Amazon CLI

To add tags to an App Runner service

The following tag-resource example adds two tags to an App Runner service.

aws apprunner tag-resource \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Retail" }, { "Key": "CustomerId", "Value": "56439872357912" } ] }

This command produces no output.

  • For API details, see TagResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.

Amazon CLI

To remove tags from an App Runner service

The following untag-resource example removes two tags from an App Runner service.

aws apprunner untag-resource \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "TagKeys": [ "Department", "CustomerId" ] }

This command produces no output.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-service.

Amazon CLI

To update memory size

The following update-service example updates the memory size of instances (scaling units) of an App Runner service to 2048 MiB.

When the call succeeds, App Runner starts an asynchronous update process. The Service structure that's returned by the call reflects the new memory value that's being applied by this call.

aws apprunner update-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json

Contents of input.json:

{ "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "InstanceConfiguration": { "Memory": "4 GB" } }


{ "OperationId": "17fe9f55-7e91-4097-b243-fcabbb69a4cf", "Service": { "CreatedAt": "2020-11-20T19:05:25Z", "UpdatedAt": "2020-11-23T12:41:37Z", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:service/python-app/8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceId": "8fe1e10304f84fd2b0df550fe98a71fa", "ServiceName": "python-app", "ServiceUrl": "", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/e7656250f67242d7819feade6800f59e" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "CodeRepository": { "CodeConfiguration": { "CodeConfigurationValues": { "BuildCommand": "pip install -r requirements.txt", "Port": "8080", "Runtime": "PYTHON_3", "RuntimeEnvironmentVariables": [ { "NAME": "Jane" } ], "StartCommand": "python" }, "ConfigurationSource": "Api" }, "RepositoryUrl": "", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" } } }, "Status": "OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS", "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "4 GB" } } }
  • For API details, see UpdateService in Amazon CLI Command Reference.