Amazon Direct Connect examples using Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

Amazon Direct Connect examples using Amazon CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with Amazon Direct Connect.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use accept-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal.

Amazon CLI

To accept a gateway association proposal

The following accept-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal accepts the specified proposal.

aws directconnect accept-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal \ --direct-connect-gateway-id 11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE \ --proposal-id cb7f41cb-8128-43a5-93b1-dcaedEXAMPLE \ --associated-gateway-owner-account 111122223333 { "directConnectGatewayAssociation": { "directConnectGatewayId": "11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "111122223333", "associationState": "associating", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-02f776b1a7EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "111122223333", "region": "us-east-1" }, "associationId": "6441f8bf-5917-4279-ade1-9708bEXAMPLE", "allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" } ] } }

For more information, see Accepting or Rejecting a Transit Gateway Association Proposal in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use allocate-connection-on-interconnect.

Amazon CLI

To create a hosted connection on an interconnect

The following allocate-connection-on-interconnect command creates a hosted connection on an interconnect:

aws directconnect allocate-connection-on-interconnect --bandwidth 500Mbps --connection-name mydcinterconnect --owner-account 123456789012 --interconnect-id dxcon-fgktov66 --vlan 101


{ "partnerName": "TIVIT", "vlan": 101, "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffzc51m1", "connectionState": "ordering", "bandwidth": "500Mbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "mydcinterconnect", "region": "sa-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use allocate-hosted-connection.

Amazon CLI

To create a hosted connection on an interconnect

The following allocate-hosted-connection example creates a hosted connection on the specified interconnect.

aws directconnect allocate-hosted-connection \ --bandwidth 500Mbps \ --connection-name mydcinterconnect \ --owner-account 123456789012 -connection-id dxcon-fgktov66 -vlan 101


{ "partnerName": "TIVIT", "vlan": 101, "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffzc51m1", "connectionState": "ordering", "bandwidth": "500Mbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "mydcinterconnect", "region": "sa-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use allocate-private-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To provision a private virtual interface

The following allocate-private-virtual-interface command provisions a private virtual interface to be owned by a different customer:

aws directconnect allocate-private-virtual-interface --connection-id dxcon-ffjrkx17 --owner-account 123456789012 --new-private-virtual-interface-allocation virtualInterfaceName=PrivateVirtualInterface,vlan=1000,asn=65000,authKey=asdf34example,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "confirming", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 1000, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fgy8orxu", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n <logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fgy8orxu\">\n <vlan>1000</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "PrivateVirtualInterface" }

The following code example shows how to use allocate-public-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To provision a public virtual interface

The following allocate-public-virtual-interface command provisions a public virtual interface to be owned by a different customer:

aws directconnect allocate-public-virtual-interface --connection-id dxcon-ffjrkx17 --owner-account 123456789012 --new-public-virtual-interface-allocation virtualInterfaceName=PublicVirtualInterface,vlan=2000,asn=65000,authKey=asdf34example,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=,routeFilterPrefixes=[{cidr=},{cidr=}]


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "confirming", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 2000, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fg9xo9vp", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fg9xo9vp\">\n <vlan>2000</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>public</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "public", "virtualInterfaceName": "PublicVirtualInterface" }

The following code example shows how to use allocate-transit-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To provision a transit virtual interface to be owned by the specified Amazon account

The following allocate-transit-virtual-interface example provisions a transit virtual interface for the specified account.

aws directconnect allocate-transit-virtual-interface \ --connection-id dxlag-fEXAMPLE \ --owner-account 123456789012 \ --new-transit-virtual-interface-allocation "virtualInterfaceName=Example Transit Virtual Interface,vlan=126,asn=65110,mtu=1500,authKey=0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=,addressFamily=ipv4,tags=[{key=Tag,value=Example}]"


{ "virtualInterface": { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fEXAMPLE", "location": "loc1", "connectionId": "dxlag-fEXAMPLE", "virtualInterfaceType": "transit", "virtualInterfaceName": "Example Transit Virtual Interface", "vlan": 126, "asn": 65110, "amazonSideAsn": 7224, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualInterfaceState": "confirming", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fEXAMPLE\">\n <vlan>126</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65110</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>transit</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "mtu": 1500, "jumboFrameCapable": true, "virtualGatewayId": "", "directConnectGatewayId": "", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpPeerId": "dxpeer-fEXAMPLE", "asn": 65110, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8EXAMPLE", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "bgpPeerState": "pending", "bgpStatus": "down", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE" } ], "region": "sa-east-1", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE", "tags": [ { "key": "Tag", "value": "Example" } ] } }

For more information, see Creating a Hosted Transit Virtual Interface in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use associate-connection-with-lag.

Amazon CLI

To associate a connection with a LAG

The following example associates the specified connection with the specified LAG.


aws directconnect associate-connection-with-lag --lag-id dxlag-fhccu14t --connection-id dxcon-fg9607vm


{ "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fg9607vm", "lagId": "dxlag-fhccu14t", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "Con2ForLag", "region": "us-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use associate-hosted-connection.

Amazon CLI

To associate a hosted connection with a LAG

The following example associates the specified hosted connection with the specified LAG.


aws directconnect associate-hosted-connection --parent-connection-id dxlag-fhccu14t --connection-id dxcon-fg9607vm


{ "partnerName": "TIVIT", "vlan": 101, "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fg9607vm", "lagId": "dxlag-fhccu14t", "connectionState": "ordering", "bandwidth": "500Mbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "mydcinterconnect", "region": "sa-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use associate-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To associate a virtual interface with a connection

The following example associates the specified virtual interface with the specified LAG. Alternatively, to associate the virtual interface with a connection, specify the ID of an Amazon Direct Connect connection for --connection-id; for example, dxcon-ffnikghc.


aws directconnect associate-virtual-interface --connection-id dxlag-ffjhj9lx --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fgputw0j


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "pending", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 123, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-38e90b51", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fgputw0j", "authKey": "0x123pK5_VBqv.UQ3kJ4123_", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "CSVA1", "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "authKey": "0x123pK5_VBqv.UQ3kJ4123_", "bgpPeerState": "deleting", "amazonAddress": "", "asn": 65000 }, { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "authKey": "0x123pK5_VBqv.UQ3kJ4123_", "bgpPeerState": "pending", "amazonAddress": "", "asn": 65000 } ], "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fgputw0j\">\n <vlan>123</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0x123pK5_VBqv.UQ3kJ4123_</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "VIF1A" }

The following code example shows how to use confirm-connection.

Amazon CLI

To confirm the creation of a hosted connection on an interconnect

The following confirm-connection command confirms the creation of a hosted connection on an interconnect:

aws directconnect confirm-connection --connection-id dxcon-fg2wi7hy


{ "connectionState": "pending" }

The following code example shows how to use confirm-private-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To accept ownership of a private virtual interface

The following confirm-private-virtual-interface command accepts ownership of a private virtual interface created by another customer:

aws directconnect confirm-private-virtual-interface --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fgy8orxu --virtual-gateway-id vgw-e4a47df9


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "pending" }

The following code example shows how to use confirm-public-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To accept ownership of a public virtual interface

The following confirm-public-virtual-interface command accepts ownership of a public virtual interface created by another customer:

aws directconnect confirm-public-virtual-interface --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fg9xo9vp


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "verifying" }

The following code example shows how to use confirm-transit-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To accept ownership of a transit virtual interface

The following confirm-transit-virtual-interface accepts ownership of a transit virtual interface created by another customer.

aws directconnect confirm-transit-virtual-interface \ --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fEXAMPLE \ --direct-connect-gateway-id 4112ccf9-25e9-4111-8237-b6c5dEXAMPLE


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "pending" }

For more information, see Accepting a Hosted Virtual Interface in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-bgp-peer.

Amazon CLI

To create an IPv6 BGP peering session

The following example creates an IPv6 BGP peering session on private virtual interface dxvif-fg1vuj3d. The peer IPv6 addresses are automatically allocated by Amazon.


aws directconnect create-bgp-peer --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fg1vuj3d --new-bgp-peer asn=64600,addressFamily=ipv6


{ "virtualInterface": { "virtualInterfaceState": "available", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 125, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fguhmqlc", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-f9eb0c90", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fg1vuj3d", "authKey": "0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "EqDC2", "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "authKey": "0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0uexample", "bgpPeerState": "available", "amazonAddress": "", "asn": 65000 }, { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4216/125", "addressFamily": "ipv6", "authKey": "0xS27kAIU_VHPjjAexample", "bgpPeerState": "pending", "amazonAddress": "2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4211/125", "asn": 64600 } ], "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fg1vuj3d\">\n <vlan>125</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0uexample</bgp_auth_key>\n <ipv6_customer_address>2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4216/125</ipv6_customer_address>\n <ipv6_amazon_address>2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4211/125</ipv6_amazon_address>\n <ipv6_bgp_asn>64600</ipv6_bgp_asn>\n <ipv6_bgp_auth_key>0xS27kAIU_VHPjjAexample</ipv6_bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "Test" } }
  • For API details, see CreateBgpPeer in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-connection.

Amazon CLI

To create a connection from your network to an Amazon Direct Connect location

The following create-connection command creates a connection from your network to an Amazon Direct Connect location:

aws directconnect create-connection --location TIVIT --bandwidth 1Gbps --connection-name "Connection to AWS"


{ "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fg31dyv6", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "Connection to AWS", "region": "sa-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use create-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal.

Amazon CLI

To create a proposal to associate the specified transit gateway with the specified Direct Connect gateway

The following create-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal example creates a proposal that associates the specified transit gateway with the specified Direct Connect gateway.

aws directconnect create-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal \ --direct-connect-gateway-id 11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE \ --direct-connect-gateway-owner-account 111122223333 \ --gateway-id tgw-02f776b1a7EXAMPLE \ --add-allowed-prefixes-to-direct-connect-gateway cidr=


{ "directConnectGatewayAssociationProposal": { "proposalId": "cb7f41cb-8128-43a5-93b1-dcaedEXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayId": "11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "111122223333", "proposalState": "requested", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-02f776b1a7EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "111122223333", "region": "us-east-1" }, "requestedAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" } ] } }

For more information, see Creating a Transit Gateway Association Proposal in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-direct-connect-gateway-association.

Amazon CLI

To associate a virtual private gateway with a Direct Connect gateway

The following example associates virtual private gateway vgw-6efe725e with Direct Connect gateway 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample. You must run the command in the region in which the virtual private gateway is located.


aws directconnect create-direct-connect-gateway-association --direct-connect-gateway-id 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample --virtual-gateway-id vgw-6efe725e


{ "directConnectGatewayAssociation": { "associationState": "associating", "virtualGatewayOwnerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-6efe725e", "virtualGatewayRegion": "us-east-2" } }

The following code example shows how to use create-direct-connect-gateway.

Amazon CLI

To create a Direct Connect gateway

The following example creates a Direct Connect gateway with the name DxGateway1.


aws directconnect create-direct-connect-gateway --direct-connect-gateway-name "DxGateway1"


{ "directConnectGateway": { "amazonSideAsn": 64512, "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bdexample", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayName": "DxGateway1", "directConnectGatewayState": "available" } }

The following code example shows how to use create-interconnect.

Amazon CLI

To create an interconnect between a partner's network and Amazon

The following create-interconnect command creates an interconnect between an Amazon Direct Connect partner's network and a specific Amazon Direct Connect location:

aws directconnect create-interconnect --interconnect-name "1G Interconnect to AWS" --bandwidth 1Gbps --location TIVIT


{ "region": "sa-east-1", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "TIVIT", "interconnectName": "1G Interconnect to AWS", "interconnectId": "dxcon-fgktov66", "interconnectState": "requested" }

The following code example shows how to use create-lag.

Amazon CLI

To create a LAG with new connections

The following example creates a LAG and requests two new Amazon Direct Connect connections for the LAG with a bandwidth of 1 Gbps.


aws directconnect create-lag --location CSVA1 --number-of-connections 2 --connections-bandwidth 1Gbps --lag-name 1GBLag


{ "awsDevice": "CSVA1-23u8tlpaz8iks", "numberOfConnections": 2, "lagState": "pending", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "lagName": "1GBLag", "connections": [ { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffqr6x5q", "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "CSVA1", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 1 for Lag dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "region": "us-east-1" }, { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fflqyj95", "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "CSVA1", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 2 for Lag dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "region": "us-east-1" } ], "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "minimumLinks": 0, "connectionsBandwidth": "1Gbps", "region": "us-east-1", "location": "CSVA1" }

To create a LAG using an existing connection

The following example creates a LAG from an existing connection in your account, and requests a second new connection for the LAG with the same bandwidth and location as the existing connection.


aws directconnect create-lag --location EqDC2 --number-of-connections 2 --connections-bandwidth 1Gbps --lag-name 2ConnLAG --connection-id dxcon-fgk145dr


{ "awsDevice": "EqDC2-4h6ce2r1bes6", "numberOfConnections": 2, "lagState": "pending", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "lagName": "2ConnLAG", "connections": [ { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fh6ljcvo", "lagId": "dxlag-fhccu14t", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 1 for Lag dxlag-fhccu14t", "region": "us-east-1" }, { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fgk145dr", "lagId": "dxlag-fhccu14t", "connectionState": "down", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "VAConn1", "region": "us-east-1" } ], "lagId": "dxlag-fhccu14t", "minimumLinks": 0, "connectionsBandwidth": "1Gbps", "region": "us-east-1", "location": "EqDC2" }
  • For API details, see CreateLag in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-private-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To create a private virtual interface

The following create-private-virtual-interface command creates a private virtual interface:

aws directconnect create-private-virtual-interface --connection-id dxcon-ffjrkx17 --new-private-virtual-interface virtualInterfaceName=PrivateVirtualInterface,vlan=101,asn=65000,authKey=asdf34example,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=,virtualGatewayId=vgw-aba37db6


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "pending", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 101, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-aba37db6", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-ffhhk74f", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-ffhhk74f\">\n <vlan>101</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "PrivateVirtualInterface" }

The following code example shows how to use create-public-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To create a public virtual interface

The following create-public-virtual-interface command creates a public virtual interface:

aws directconnect create-public-virtual-interface --connection-id dxcon-ffjrkx17 --new-public-virtual-interface virtualInterfaceName=PublicVirtualInterface,vlan=2000,asn=65000,authKey=asdf34example,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=,routeFilterPrefixes=[{cidr=},{cidr=}]


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "verifying", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 2000, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fgh0hcrk", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fgh0hcrk\">\n <vlan>2000</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>public</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "public", "virtualInterfaceName": "PublicVirtualInterface" }

The following code example shows how to use create-transit-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To create a transit virtual interface

The following create-transit-virtual-interface example creates a transit virtual interface for the specified connection.

aws directconnect create-transit-virtual-interface \ --connection-id dxlag-fEXAMPLE \ --new-transit-virtual-interface "virtualInterfaceName=Example Transit Virtual Interface,vlan=126,asn=65110,mtu=1500,authKey=0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SvEXAMPLE,amazonAddress=,customerAddress=,addressFamily=ipv4,directConnectGatewayId=8384da05-13ce-4a91-aada-5a1baEXAMPLE,tags=[{key=Tag,value=Example}]"


{ "virtualInterface": { "ownerAccount": "1111222233333", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fEXAMPLE", "location": "loc1", "connectionId": "dxlag-fEXAMPLE", "virtualInterfaceType": "transit", "virtualInterfaceName": "Example Transit Virtual Interface", "vlan": 126, "asn": 65110, "amazonSideAsn": 4200000000, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualInterfaceState": "pending", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fEXAMPLE\">\n <vlan>126</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65110</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SvOmXRTw</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>4200000000</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>transit</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "mtu": 1500, "jumboFrameCapable": true, "virtualGatewayId": "", "directConnectGatewayId": "8384da05-13ce-4a91-aada-5a1baEXAMPLE", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpPeerId": "dxpeer-EXAMPLE", "asn": 65110, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "bgpPeerState": "pending", "bgpStatus": "down", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE" } ], "region": "sa-east-1", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE", "tags": [ { "key": "Tag", "value": "Example" } ] } }

For more information, see Creating a Transit Virtual Interface to the Direct Connect Gateway in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-bgp-peer.

Amazon CLI

To delete a BGP peer from a virtual interface

The following example deletes the IPv6 BGP peer from virtual interface dxvif-fg1vuj3d.


aws directconnect delete-bgp-peer --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fg1vuj3d --asn 64600 --customer-address 2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4216/125


{ "virtualInterface": { "virtualInterfaceState": "available", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 125, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fguhmqlc", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-f9eb0c90", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fg1vuj3d", "authKey": "0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "EqDC2", "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "authKey": "0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0uexample", "bgpPeerState": "available", "amazonAddress": "", "asn": 65000 }, { "bgpStatus": "down", "customerAddress": "2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4216/125", "addressFamily": "ipv6", "authKey": "0xS27kAIU_VHPjjAexample", "bgpPeerState": "deleting", "amazonAddress": "2001:db8:1100:2f0:0:1:9cb4:4211/125", "asn": 64600 } ], "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fg1vuj3d\">\n <vlan>125</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0xC_ukbCerl6EYA0example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "Test" } }
  • For API details, see DeleteBgpPeer in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-connection.

Amazon CLI

To delete a connection

The following delete-connection command deletes the specified connection:

aws directconnect delete-connection --connection-id dxcon-fg31dyv6


{ "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fg31dyv6", "connectionState": "deleted", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "Connection to AWS", "region": "sa-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use delete-direct-connect-gateway-association.

Amazon CLI

To delete a Direct Connect gateway association

The following delete-direct-connect-gateway-association example deletes the Direct Connect gateway association with a transit gateway that has the specified association ID.

aws directconnect delete-direct-connect-gateway-association --association-id be85116d-46eb-4b43-a27a-da0c2ad648de


{ "directConnectGatewayAssociation": { "directConnectGatewayId": "11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPlE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "123456789012", "associationState": "disassociating", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-095b3b0b54EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "region": "us-east-1" }, "associationId": " be85116d-46eb-4b43-a27a-da0c2ad648deEXAMPLE ", "allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" } ] } }

For more information, see Associating and Disassociating Transit Gateways in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-direct-connect-gateway.

Amazon CLI

To delete a Direct Connect gateway

The following example deletes Direct Connect gateway 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample.


aws directconnect delete-direct-connect-gateway --direct-connect-gateway-id 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample


{ "directConnectGateway": { "amazonSideAsn": 64512, "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayName": "DxGateway1", "directConnectGatewayState": "deleting" } }

The following code example shows how to use delete-interconnect.

Amazon CLI

To delete an interconnect

The following delete-interconnect command deletes the specified interconnect:

aws directconnect delete-interconnect --interconnect-id dxcon-fgktov66


{ "interconnectState": "deleted" }

The following code example shows how to use delete-lag.

Amazon CLI

To delete a LAG

The following example deletes the specified LAG.


aws directconnect delete-lag --lag-id dxlag-ffrhowd9


{ "awsDevice": "EqDC2-4h6ce2r1bes6", "numberOfConnections": 0, "lagState": "deleted", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "lagName": "TestLAG", "connections": [], "lagId": "dxlag-ffrhowd9", "minimumLinks": 0, "connectionsBandwidth": "1Gbps", "region": "us-east-1", "location": "EqDC2" }
  • For API details, see DeleteLag in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-virtual-interface.

Amazon CLI

To delete a virtual interface

The following delete-virtual-interface command deletes the specified virtual interface:

aws directconnect delete-virtual-interface --virtual-interface-id dxvif-ffhhk74f


{ "virtualInterfaceState": "deleting" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-connection-loa.

Amazon CLI

To describe your LOA-CFA for a connection using Linux or Mac OS X

The following example describes your LOA-CFA for connection dxcon-fh6ayh1d. The contents of the LOA-CFA are base64-encoded. This command uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure. The final part of the command decodes the content using the base64 utility, and sends the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-connection-loa --connection-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent|base64 --decode > myLoaCfa.pdf

To describe your LOA-CFA for a connection using Windows

The previous example requires the use of the base64 utility to decode the output. On a Windows computer, you can use certutil instead. In the following example, the first command describes your LOA-CFA for connection dxcon-fh6ayh1d and uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure to a file called myLoaCfa.base64. The second command uses the certutil utility to decode the file and send the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-connection-loa --connection-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent > myLoaCfa.base64
certutil -decode myLoaCfa.base64 myLoaCfa.pdf

For more information about controlling Amazon CLI output, see Controlling Command Output from the Amazon Command Line Interface in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-connections-on-interconnect.

Amazon CLI

To list connections on an interconnect

The following describe-connections-on-interconnect command lists connections that have been provisioned on the given interconnect:

aws directconnect describe-connections-on-interconnect --interconnect-id dxcon-fgktov66


{ "connections": [ { "partnerName": "TIVIT", "vlan": 101, "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffzc51m1", "connectionState": "ordering", "bandwidth": "500Mbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "mydcinterconnect", "region": "sa-east-1" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-connections.

Amazon CLI

To list all connections in the current region

The following describe-connections command lists all connections in the current region:

aws directconnect describe-connections


{ "connections": [ { "awsDevice": "EqDC2-123h49s71dabc", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fguhmqlc", "lagId": "dxlag-ffrz71kw", "connectionState": "down", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "My_Connection", "loaIssueTime": 1491568964.0, "region": "us-east-1" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposals.

Amazon CLI

To describe your Direct Connect gateway association proposals

The following describe-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposals example displays details about your Direct Connect gateway association proposals.

aws directconnect describe-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposals


{ "directConnectGatewayAssociationProposals": [ { "proposalId": "c2ede9b4-bbc6-4d33-923c-bc4feEXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayId": "11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "111122223333", "proposalState": "requested", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-02f776b1a7EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "111122223333", "region": "us-east-1" }, "existingAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ], "requestedAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" } ] }, { "proposalId": "cb7f41cb-8128-43a5-93b1-dcaedEXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayId": "11560968-4ac1-4fd3-bcb2-00599EXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "111122223333", "proposalState": "accepted", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-045776b1a7EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "111122223333", "region": "us-east-1" }, "existingAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ], "requestedAllowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" } ] } ] }

For more information, see Associating and Disassociating Transit Gateways in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-direct-connect-gateway-associations.

Amazon CLI

To describe Direct Connect gateway associations

The following example describes all the associations with Direct Connect gateway 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample.


aws directconnect describe-direct-connect-gateway-associations --direct-connect-gateway-id 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample


{ "nextToken": "eyJ2IjoxLCJzIjoxLCJpIjoiOU83OTFodzdycnZCbkN4MExHeHVwQT09IiwiYyI6InIxTEN0UEVHV0I1UFlkaWFnNlUxanJkRWF6eW1iOElHM0FRVW1MdHRJK0dxcnN1RWtvcFBKWFE2ZjRNRGdGTkhCa0tDZmVINEtZOEYwZ0dEYWZpbmU0ZnZMYVhKRjdXRVdENmdQZ1Y4d2w0PSJ9", "directConnectGatewayAssociations": [ { "associationState": "associating", "virtualGatewayOwnerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-6efe725e", "virtualGatewayRegion": "us-east-2" }, { "associationState": "disassociating", "virtualGatewayOwnerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-ebaa27db", "virtualGatewayRegion": "us-east-2" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-direct-connect-gateway-attachments.

Amazon CLI

To describe Direct Connect gateway attachments

The following example describes the virtual interfaces that are attached to Direct Connect gateway 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample.


aws directconnect describe-direct-connect-gateway-attachments --direct-connect-gateway-id 5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample


{ "directConnectGatewayAttachments": [ { "virtualInterfaceOwnerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bexample", "virtualInterfaceRegion": "us-east-2", "attachmentState": "attaching", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fg9zyabc" } ], "nextToken": "eyJ2IjoxLCJzIjoxLCJpIjoibEhXdlNpUXF5RzhoL1JyUW52SlV2QT09IiwiYyI6Im5wQjFHQ0RyQUdRS3puNnNXcUlINCtkTTA4dTk3KzBiU0xtb05JQmlaczZ6NXRIYmk3c3VESUxFTTd6a2FzVHM0VTFwaGJkZGNxTytqWmQ3QzMzOGRQaTVrTThrOG1zelRsV3gyMWV3VTNFPSJ9" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-direct-connect-gateways.

Amazon CLI

To describe your Direct Connect gateways

The following example describe all of your Direct Connect gateways.


aws directconnect describe-direct-connect-gateways


{ "directConnectGateways": [ { "amazonSideAsn": 64512, "directConnectGatewayId": "cf68415c-f4ae-48f2-87a7-3b52cexample", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayName": "DxGateway2", "directConnectGatewayState": "available" }, { "amazonSideAsn": 64512, "directConnectGatewayId": "5f294f92-bafb-4011-916d-9b0bdexample", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "directConnectGatewayName": "DxGateway1", "directConnectGatewayState": "available" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-hosted-connections.

Amazon CLI

To list connections on an interconnect

The following example lists connections that have been provisioned on the given interconnect.


aws directconnect describe-hosted-connections --connection-id dxcon-fgktov66


{ "connections": [ { "partnerName": "TIVIT", "vlan": 101, "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffzc51m1", "connectionState": "ordering", "bandwidth": "500Mbps", "location": "TIVIT", "connectionName": "mydcinterconnect", "region": "sa-east-1" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-interconnect-loa.

Amazon CLI

To describe your LOA-CFA for an interconnect using Linux or Mac OS X

The following example describes your LOA-CFA for interconnect dxcon-fh6ayh1d. The contents of the LOA-CFA are base64-encoded. This command uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure. The final part of the command decodes the content using the base64 utility, and sends the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-interconnect-loa --interconnect-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent|base64 --decode > myLoaCfa.pdf

To describe your LOA-CFA for an interconnect using Windows

The previous example requires the use of the base64 utility to decode the output. On a Windows computer, you can use certutil instead. In the following example, the first command describes your LOA-CFA for interconnect dxcon-fh6ayh1d and uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure to a file called myLoaCfa.base64. The second command uses the certutil utility to decode the file and send the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-interconnect-loa --interconnect-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent > myLoaCfa.base64
certutil -decode myLoaCfa.base64 myLoaCfa.pdf

For more information about controlling Amazon CLI output, see Controlling Command Output from the Amazon Command Line Interface in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-interconnects.

Amazon CLI

To list interconnects

The following describe-interconnects command lists the interconnects owned by your Amazon account:

aws directconnect describe-interconnects


{ "interconnects": [ { "region": "sa-east-1", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "TIVIT", "interconnectName": "1G Interconnect to AWS", "interconnectId": "dxcon-fgktov66", "interconnectState": "down" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-lags.

Amazon CLI

To describe your LAGs

The following command describes all of your LAGs for the current region.


aws directconnect describe-lags


{ "lags": [ { "awsDevice": "EqDC2-19y7z3m17xpuz", "numberOfConnections": 2, "lagState": "down", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "lagName": "DA-LAG", "connections": [ { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffnikghc", "lagId": "dxlag-fgsu9erb", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "10Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 1 for Lag dxlag-fgsu9erb", "region": "us-east-1" }, { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fglgbdea", "lagId": "dxlag-fgsu9erb", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "10Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 2 for Lag dxlag-fgsu9erb", "region": "us-east-1" } ], "lagId": "dxlag-fgsu9erb", "minimumLinks": 0, "connectionsBandwidth": "10Gbps", "region": "us-east-1", "location": "EqDC2" } ] }
  • For API details, see DescribeLags in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-loa.

Amazon CLI

To describe your LOA-CFA for a connection using Linux or Mac OS X

The following example describes your LOA-CFA for connection dxcon-fh6ayh1d. The contents of the LOA-CFA are base64-encoded. This command uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure. The final part of the command decodes the content using the base64 utility, and sends the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-loa --connection-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent|base64 --decode > myLoaCfa.pdf

To describe your LOA-CFA for a connection using Windows

The previous example requires the use of the base64 utility to decode the output. On a Windows computer, you can use certutil instead. In the following example, the first command describes your LOA-CFA for connection dxcon-fh6ayh1d and uses the --output and --query parameters to control the output and extract the contents of the loaContent structure to a file called myLoaCfa.base64. The second command uses the certutil utility to decode the file and send the output to a PDF file.

aws directconnect describe-loa --connection-id dxcon-fh6ayh1d --output text --query loa.loaContent > myLoaCfa.base64
certutil -decode myLoaCfa.base64 myLoaCfa.pdf

For more information about controlling Amazon CLI output, see Controlling Command Output from the Amazon Command Line Interface in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

  • For API details, see DescribeLoa in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-locations.

Amazon CLI

To list Amazon Direct Connect partners and locations

The following describe-locations command lists Amazon Direct Connect partners and locations in the current region:

aws directconnect describe-locations


{ "locations": [ { "locationName": "NAP do Brasil, Barueri, Sao Paulo", "locationCode": "TNDB" }, { "locationName": "Tivit - Site Transamerica (Sao Paulo)", "locationCode": "TIVIT" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-tags.

Amazon CLI

To describe tags for your Amazon Direct Connect resources

The following command describes the tags for the connection dxcon-abcabc12.


aws directconnect describe-tags --resource-arns arn:aws:directconnect:us-east-1:123456789012:dxcon/dxcon-abcabc12


{ "resourceTags": [ { "resourceArn": "arn:aws:directconnect:us-east-1:123456789012:dxcon/dxcon-abcabc12", "tags": [ { "value": "VAConnection", "key": "Name" } ] } ] }
  • For API details, see DescribeTags in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-virtual-gateways.

Amazon CLI

To list virtual private gateways

The following describe-virtual-gateways command lists virtual private gateways owned by your Amazon account:

aws directconnect describe-virtual-gateways


{ "virtualGateways": [ { "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-aba37db6", "virtualGatewayState": "available" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-virtual-interfaces.

Amazon CLI

To list all virtual interfaces

The following describe-virtual-interfaces command lists the information about all virtual interfaces associated with your Amazon account:

aws directconnect describe-virtual-interfaces --connection-id dxcon-ffjrkx17


{ "virtualInterfaces": [ { "virtualInterfaceState": "down", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 101, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualGatewayId": "vgw-aba37db6", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-ffhhk74f", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-ffhhk74f\">\n <vlan>101</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>private</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "private", "virtualInterfaceName": "PrivateVirtualInterface" }, { "virtualInterfaceState": "verifying", "asn": 65000, "vlan": 2000, "customerAddress": "", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffjrkx17", "virtualGatewayId": "", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fgh0hcrk", "authKey": "asdf34example", "routeFilterPrefixes": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ], "location": "TIVIT", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fgh0hcrk\">\n <vlan>2000</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>65000</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>asdf34example</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>7224</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>public</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "amazonAddress": "", "virtualInterfaceType": "public", "virtualInterfaceName": "PublicVirtualInterface" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use disassociate-connection-from-lag.

Amazon CLI

To disassociate a connection from a LAG

The following example disassociates the specified connection from the specified LAG.


aws directconnect disassociate-connection-from-lag --lag-id dxlag-fhccu14t --connection-id dxcon-fg9607vm


{ "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fg9607vm", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "EqDC2", "connectionName": "Con2ForLag", "region": "us-east-1" }

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.

Amazon CLI

To add a tag to an Amazon Direct Connect resource

The following command adds a tag with a key of Name and a value of VAConnection to the connection dxcon-abcabc12. If the command succeeds, no output is returned.


aws directconnect tag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:directconnect:us-east-1:123456789012:dxcon/dxcon-abcabc12 --tags "key=Name,value=VAConnection"
  • For API details, see TagResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.

Amazon CLI

To remove a tag from an Amazon Direct Connect resource

The following command removes the tag with the key Name from connection dxcon-abcabc12. If the command succeeds, no output is returned.


aws directconnect untag-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:directconnect:us-east-1:123456789012:dxcon/dxcon-abcabc12 --tag-keys Name
  • For API details, see UntagResource in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-direct-connect-gateway-association.

Amazon CLI

To update the specified attributes of the Direct Connect gateway association

The following update-direct-connect-gateway-association example adds the specified CIDR block to a Direct Connect gateway association.

aws directconnect update-direct-connect-gateway-association \ --association-id 820a6e4f-5374-4004-8317-3f64bEXAMPLE \ --add-allowed-prefixes-to-direct-connect-gateway cidr=


{ "directConnectGatewayAssociation": { "directConnectGatewayId": "11460968-4ac1-4fd3-bdb2-00599EXAMPLE", "directConnectGatewayOwnerAccount": "111122223333", "associationState": "updating", "associatedGateway": { "id": "tgw-02f776b1a7EXAMPLE", "type": "transitGateway", "ownerAccount": "111122223333", "region": "us-east-1" }, "associationId": "820a6e4f-5374-4004-8317-3f64bEXAMPLE", "allowedPrefixesToDirectConnectGateway": [ { "cidr": "" }, { "cidr": "" } ] } }

For more information, see Working with Direct Connect Gateways in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-lag.

Amazon CLI

To update a LAG

The following example changes the name of the specified LAG.


aws directconnect update-lag --lag-id dxlag-ffjhj9lx --lag-name 2ConnLag


{ "awsDevice": "CSVA1-23u8tlpaz8iks", "numberOfConnections": 2, "lagState": "down", "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "lagName": "2ConnLag", "connections": [ { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-fflqyj95", "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "CSVA1", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 2 for Lag dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "region": "us-east-1" }, { "ownerAccount": "123456789012", "connectionId": "dxcon-ffqr6x5q", "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "connectionState": "requested", "bandwidth": "1Gbps", "location": "CSVA1", "connectionName": "Requested Connection 1 for Lag dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "region": "us-east-1" } ], "lagId": "dxlag-ffjhj9lx", "minimumLinks": 0, "connectionsBandwidth": "1Gbps", "region": "us-east-1", "location": "CSVA1" }
  • For API details, see UpdateLag in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-virtual-interface-attributes.

Amazon CLI

To update the MTU of a virtual interface

The following update-virtual-interface-attributes example updates the MTU of the specified virtual interface.

aws directconnect update-virtual-interface-attributes \ --virtual-interface-id dxvif-fEXAMPLE \ --mtu 1500


{ "ownerAccount": "1111222233333", "virtualInterfaceId": "dxvif-fEXAMPLE", "location": "loc1", "connectionId": "dxlag-fEXAMPLE", "virtualInterfaceType": "transit", "virtualInterfaceName": "example transit virtual interface", "vlan": 125, "asn": 650001, "amazonSideAsn": 64512, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "virtualInterfaceState": "down", "customerRouterConfig": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<logical_connection id=\"dxvif-fEXAMPLE\">\n <vlan>125</vlan>\n <customer_address></customer_address>\n <amazon_address></amazon_address>\n <bgp_asn>650001</bgp_asn>\n <bgp_auth_key>0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE</bgp_auth_key>\n <amazon_bgp_asn>64512</amazon_bgp_asn>\n <connection_type>transit</connection_type>\n</logical_connection>\n", "mtu": 1500, "jumboFrameCapable": true, "virtualGatewayId": "", "directConnectGatewayId": "879b76a1-403d-4700-8b53-4a56ed85436e", "routeFilterPrefixes": [], "bgpPeers": [ { "bgpPeerId": "dxpeer-fEXAMPLE", "asn": 650001, "authKey": "0xzxgA9YoW9h58u8SEXAMPLE", "addressFamily": "ipv4", "amazonAddress": "", "customerAddress": "", "bgpPeerState": "available", "bgpStatus": "down", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE" } ], "region": "sa-east-1", "awsDeviceV2": "loc1-26wz6vEXAMPLE", "tags": [] }

For more information, see Setting Network MTU for Private Virtual Interfaces or Transit Virtual Interfaces in the Amazon Direct Connect User Guide.