This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.
Amazon IoT Things Graph examples using Amazon CLI
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with Amazon IoT Things Graph.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use associate-entity-to-thing
- Amazon CLI
To associate a thing with a device
The following
example associates a thing with a device. The example uses a motion sensor device that is in the public iotthingsgraph associate-entity-to-thing \ --thing-name
\ --entity-id"urn:tdm:aws/examples:Device:HCSR501MotionSensor"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating and Uploading Models
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see AssociateEntityToThing
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-flow-template
- Amazon CLI
To create a flow
The following
example creates a flow (workflow). The value ofMyFlowDefinition
is the GraphQL that models the iotthingsgraph create-flow-template \ --definition language=GRAPHQL,text="MyFlowDefinition"
{ "summary": { "createdAt": 1559248067.545, "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 1 } }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see CreateFlowTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-system-instance
- Amazon CLI
To create a system instance
The following
example creates a system instance. The value ofMySystemInstanceDefinition
is the GraphQL that models the system iotthingsgraph create
system-instance -\-definition
language=GRAPHQL,text="MySystemInstanceDefinition" \ --targetCLOUD
\ --flow-actions-role-arnmyRoleARN
{ "summary": { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room218", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/Room218", "status": "NOT_DEPLOYED", "target": "CLOUD", "createdAt": 1559249315.208, "updatedAt": 1559249315.208 } }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see CreateSystemInstance
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-system-template
- Amazon CLI
To create a system
The following
example creates a system. The value of MySystemDefinition is the GraphQL that models the iotthingsgraph create-system-template \ --definition language=GRAPHQL,text="MySystemDefinition"
{ "summary": { "createdAt": 1559249776.254, "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:System/default/MySystem", "revisionNumber": 1 } }
For more information, see Creating Systems
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see CreateSystemTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-flow-template
- Amazon CLI
To delete a flow
The following
example deletes a flow (workflow).aws iotthingsgraph delete-flow-template \ --id
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteFlowTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-namespace
- Amazon CLI
To delete a namespace
The following
example deletes a iotthingsgraph delete-namespace
{ "namespaceArn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012", "namespaceName": "us-west-2/123456789012/default" }
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteNamespace
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-system-instance
- Amazon CLI
To delete a system instance
The following
example deletes a system iotthingsgraph delete-system-instance \ --id
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteSystemInstance
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-system-template
- Amazon CLI
To delete a system
The following
example deletes a iotthingsgraph delete-system-template \ --id
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteSystemTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use deploy-system-instance
- Amazon CLI
To deploy a system instance
The following
example deploys a system iotthingsgraph deploy-system-instance \ --id
{ "summary": { "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment:Room218", "createdAt": 1559249776.254, "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room218", "status": "DEPLOYED_IN_TARGET", "target": "CLOUD", "updatedAt": 1559249776.254 } }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeploySystemInstance
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use deprecate-flow-template
- Amazon CLI
To deprecate a flow
The following
example deprecates a flow (workflow).aws iotthingsgraph deprecate-flow-template \ --id
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeprecateFlowTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use deprecate-system-template
- Amazon CLI
To deprecate a system
The following
example deprecates a iotthingsgraph deprecate-system-template \ --id
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DeprecateSystemTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-namespace
- Amazon CLI
To get a description of your namespace
The following
example gets a description of your iotthingsgraph describe-namespace
{ "namespaceName": "us-west-2/123456789012/default", "trackingNamespaceName": "aws", "trackingNamespaceVersion": 1, "namespaceVersion": 5 }
For more information, see Namespaces
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DescribeNamespace
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use dissociate-entity-from-thing
- Amazon CLI
To dissociate a thing from a device
The following
example dissociates a thing from a iotthingsgraph dissociate-entity-from-thing \ --thing-name
\ --entity-type"DEVICE"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating and Uploading Models
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see DissociateEntityFromThing
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-entities
- Amazon CLI
To get definitions for entities
The following
example gets a definition for a device iotthingsgraph get-entities \ --ids
{ "descriptions": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:aws/examples:DeviceModel:MotionSensor", "type": "DEVICE_MODEL", "createdAt": 1559256190.599, "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "##\n# Specification of motion sensor devices interface.\n##\ntype MotionSensor @deviceModel(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:MotionSensor\",\n capability: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:capability:MotionSensorCapability\") {ignore:void}" } } ] }
For more information, see Creating and Uploading Models
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetEntities
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-flow-template-revisions
- Amazon CLI
To get revision information about a flow
The following
example gets revision information about a flow (workflow).aws iotthingsgraph get-flow-template-revisions \ --id
{ "summaries": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1559247540.292 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetFlowTemplateRevisions
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-flow-template
- Amazon CLI
To get a flow definition
The following
example gets a definition for a flow (workflow).aws iotthingsgraph get-flow-template \ --id
{ "description": { "summary": { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1559247540.292 }, "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "{\nquery MyFlow($camera: string!, $screen: string!) @workflowType(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow\") @annotation(type: \"tgc:FlowEvent\", id: \"sledged790c1b2bcd949e09da0c9bfc077f79d\", x: 1586, y: 653) @triggers(definition: \"{MotionSensor(description: \\\"\\\") @position(x: 1045, y: 635.6666564941406) {\\n condition(expr: \\\"devices[name == \\\\\\\"motionSensor\\\\\\\"].events[name == \\\\\\\"StateChanged\\\\\\\"].lastEvent\\\")\\n action(expr: \\\"\\\")\\n}}\") {\n variables {\n cameraResult @property(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:property:CameraStateProperty\")\n }\n steps {\n step(name: \"Camera\", outEvent: [\"sledged790c1b2bcd949e09da0c9bfc077f79d\"]) @position(x: 1377, y: 638.6666564941406) {\n DeviceActivity(deviceModel: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:Camera\", out: \"cameraResult\", deviceId: \"${camera}\") {\n capture\n }\n }\n step(name: \"Screen\", inEvent: [\"sledged790c1b2bcd949e09da0c9bfc077f79d\"]) @position(x: 1675.6666870117188, y: 637.9999847412109) {\n DeviceActivity(deviceModel: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:Screen\", deviceId: \"${screen}\") {\n display(imageUrl: \"${cameraResult.lastClickedImage}\")\n }\n }\n }\n}\n}" }, "validatedNamespaceVersion": 5 } }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetFlowTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-namespace-deletion-status
- Amazon CLI
To get the status of the namespace deletion task
The following
example gets the status of the namespace deletion iotthingsgraph get-namespace-deletion-status
{ "namespaceArn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012", "namespaceName": "us-west-2/123456789012/default" "status": "SUCCEEDED " }
For more information, see Namespaces
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetNamespaceDeletionStatus
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-system-instance
- Amazon CLI
To get a system instance
The following
example gets a definition for a system iotthingsgraph get-system-instance \ --id
{ "description": { "summary": { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room218", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/Room218", "status": "NOT_DEPLOYED", "target": "CLOUD", "createdAt": 1559249315.208, "updatedAt": 1559249315.208 }, "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "{\r\nquery Room218 @deployment(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room218\", systemId: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:SecurityFlow\") {\r\n motionSensor(deviceId: \"MotionSensorName\")\r\n screen(deviceId: \"ScreenName\")\r\n camera(deviceId: \"CameraName\") \r\n triggers {MotionEventTrigger(description: \"a trigger\") { \r\n condition(expr: \"devices[name == 'motionSensor'].events[name == 'StateChanged'].lastEvent\") \r\n action(expr: \"ThingsGraph.startFlow('SecurityFlow', bindings[name == 'camera'].deviceId, bindings[name == 'screen'].deviceId)\")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }" }, "metricsConfiguration": { "cloudMetricEnabled": false }, "validatedNamespaceVersion": 5, "flowActionsRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ThingsGraphRole" } }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetSystemInstance
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-system-template-revisions
- Amazon CLI
To get revision information about a system
The following
example gets revision information about a iotthingsgraph get-system-template-revisions \ --id
{ "summaries": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:System/default/MySystem", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1559247540.656 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetSystemTemplateRevisions
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-system-template
- Amazon CLI
To get a system
The following
example gets a definition for a iotthingsgraph get-system-template \ --id
{ "description": { "summary": { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:System/default/MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1559247540.656 }, "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "{\ntype MySystem @systemType(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem\", description: \"\") {\n camera: Camera @thing(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:Camera\")\n screen: Screen @thing(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:Screen\")\n motionSensor: MotionSensor @thing(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:deviceModel:MotionSensor\")\n MyFlow: MyFlow @workflow(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow\")\n}\n}" }, "validatedNamespaceVersion": 5 } }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetSystemTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-upload-status
- Amazon CLI
To get the status of your entity upload
The following
example gets the status of your entity upload operation. The value ofMyUploadId
is the ID value returned by theupload-entity-definitions iotthingsgraph get-upload-status \ --upload-id
{ "namespaceName": "us-west-2/123456789012/default", "namespaceVersion": 5, "uploadId": "f6294f1e-b109-4bbe-9073-f451a2dda2da", "uploadStatus": "SUCCEEDED" }
For more information, see Modeling Entities
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see GetUploadStatus
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use list-flow-execution-messages
- Amazon CLI
To get information about events in a flow execution
The following
example gets information about events in a flow iotthingsgraph list-flow-execution-messages \ --flow-execution-id
{ "messages": [ { "eventType": "EXECUTION_STARTED", "messageId": "f6294f1e-b109-4bbe-9073-f451a2dda2da", "payload": "Flow execution started", "timestamp": 1559247540.656 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see ListFlowExecutionMessages
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource
- Amazon CLI
To list all tags for a resource
The following
example list all tags for an Amazon IoT Things Graph iotthingsgraph list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn
{ "tags": [ { "key": "Type", "value": "Residential" } ] }
For more information, see Tagging Your Amazon IoT Things Graph Resources
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see ListTagsForResource
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-entities
- Amazon CLI
To search for entities
The following
example searches for all entities of typeEVENT
.aws iotthingsgraph search-entities \ --entity-types
{ "descriptions": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:aws/examples:Event:MotionSensorEvent", "type": "EVENT", "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "##\n# Description of events emitted by motion sensor.\n##\ntype MotionSensorEvent @eventType(id: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:event:MotionSensorEvent\",\n payload: \"urn:tdm:aws/examples:property:MotionSensorStateProperty\") {ignore:void}" } }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Event:CameraClickedEventV2", "type": "EVENT", "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "type CameraClickedEventV2 @eventType(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:event:CameraClickedEventV2\",\r\npayload: \"urn:tdm:aws:Property:Boolean\"){ignore:void}" } }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Event:MotionSensorEventV2", "type": "EVENT", "definition": { "language": "GRAPHQL", "text": "# Event emitted by the motion sensor.\r\ntype MotionSensorEventV2 @eventType(id: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:event:MotionSensorEventV2\",\r\npayload: \"urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:property:MotionSensorStateProperty2\") {ignore:void}" } } ], "nextToken": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Event:MotionSensorEventV2" }
For more information, see Amazon IoT Things Graph Data Model Reference
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchEntities
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-flow-executions
- Amazon CLI
To search for flow executions
The following
example search for all executions of a flow in a specified system iotthingsgraph search-flow-executions \ --system-instance-id
{ "summaries": [ { "createdAt": 1559247540.656, "flowExecutionId": "f6294f1e-b109-4bbe-9073-f451a2dda2da", "flowTemplateId": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "status": "RUNNING ", "systemInstanceId": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem", "updatedAt": 1559247540.656 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchFlowExecutions
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-flow-templates
- Amazon CLI
To search for flows (or workflows)
The following
example searches for all flows (workflows) that contain the Camera device iotthingsgraph search-flow-templates \ --filters name="DEVICE_MODEL_ID",value="urn:tdm:aws/examples:DeviceModel:Camera"
{ "summaries": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1559247540.292 }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:SecurityFlow", "revisionNumber": 3, "createdAt": 1548283099.27 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchFlowTemplates
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-system-instances
- Amazon CLI
To search for system instances
The following
example searches for all system instances that contain the specified iotthingsgraph search-system-instances \ --filters name="SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_ID",value="urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:SecurityFlow"
{ "summaries": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:DeploymentForSample", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/DeploymentForSample", "status": "NOT_DEPLOYED", "target": "GREENGRASS", "greengrassGroupName": "ThingsGraphGrnGr", "createdAt": 1555716314.707, "updatedAt": 1555716314.707 }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:MockDeployment", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/MockDeployment", "status": "DELETED_IN_TARGET", "target": "GREENGRASS", "greengrassGroupName": "ThingsGraphGrnGr", "createdAt": 1549416462.049, "updatedAt": 1549416722.361, "greengrassGroupId": "01d04b07-2a51-467f-9d03-0c90b3cdcaaf", "greengrassGroupVersionId": "7365aed7-2d3e-4d13-aad8-75443d45eb05" }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:MockDeployment2", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/MockDeployment2", "status": "DEPLOYED_IN_TARGET", "target": "GREENGRASS", "greengrassGroupName": "ThingsGraphGrnGr", "createdAt": 1549572385.774, "updatedAt": 1549572418.408, "greengrassGroupId": "01d04b07-2a51-467f-9d03-0c90b3cdcaaf", "greengrassGroupVersionId": "bfa70ab3-2bf7-409c-a4d4-bc8328ae5b86" }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room215", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/Room215", "status": "NOT_DEPLOYED", "target": "GREENGRASS", "greengrassGroupName": "ThingsGraphGG", "createdAt": 1547056918.413, "updatedAt": 1547056918.413 }, { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room218", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/Room218", "status": "NOT_DEPLOYED", "target": "CLOUD", "createdAt": 1559249315.208, "updatedAt": 1559249315.208 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Systems and Flow Configurations
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchSystemInstances
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-system-templates
- Amazon CLI
To search for system
The following
example searches for all systems that contain the specified iotthingsgraph search-system-templates \ --filters name="FLOW_TEMPLATE_ID",value="urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:SecurityFlow"
{ "summaries": [ { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:SecurityFlow", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:System/default/SecurityFlow", "revisionNumber": 1, "createdAt": 1548283099.433 } ] }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchSystemTemplates
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-things
- Amazon CLI
To search for things associated with devices and device models
The following
example searches for all things that are associated with the HCSR501MotionSensor iotthingsgraph search-things \ --entity-id
{ "things": [ { "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/MotionSensor1", "thingName": "MotionSensor1" }, { "thingArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-west-2:123456789012:thing/TG_MS", "thingName": "TG_MS" } ] }
For more information, see Creating and Uploading Models
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see SearchThings
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use tag-resource
- Amazon CLI
To create a tag for a resource
The following
example creates a tag for the specified iotthingsgraph tag-resource \ --resource-arn
\ --tags key="Type",value="Residential"This command produces no output.
For more information, see Tagging Your Amazon IoT Things Graph Resources
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see TagResource
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use undeploy-system-instance
- Amazon CLI
To undeploy a system instance from its target
The following
example removes a system instance from its iotthingsgraph undeploy-system-instance \ --id
{ "summary": { "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Deployment:Room215", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:Deployment/default/Room215", "status": "PENDING_DELETE", "target": "GREENGRASS", "greengrassGroupName": "ThingsGraphGrnGr", "createdAt": 1553189694.255, "updatedAt": 1559344549.601, "greengrassGroupId": "01d04b07-2a51-467f-9d03-0c90b3cdcaaf", "greengrassGroupVersionId": "731b371d-d644-4b67-ac64-3934e99b75d7" } }
For more information, see Lifecycle Management for Amazon IoT Things Graph Entities, Flows, Systems, and Deployments
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see UndeploySystemInstance
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use untag-resource
- Amazon CLI
To remove a tag for a resource
The following
example removes a tag for the specified iotthingsgraph untag-resource \ --resource-arn
\ --tag-keys"Type"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Tagging Your Amazon IoT Things Graph Resources
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see UntagResource
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use update-flow-template
- Amazon CLI
To update a flow
The following
example updates a flow (workflow). The value ofMyFlowDefinition
is the GraphQL that models the iotthingsgraph update-flow-template \ --id
\ --definition language=GRAPHQL,text="MyFlowDefinition"Output:
{ "summary": { "createdAt": 1559248067.545, "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:Workflow:MyFlow", "revisionNumber": 2 } }
For more information, see Working with Flows
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see UpdateFlowTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use update-system-template
- Amazon CLI
To update a system
The following
example updates a system. The value ofMySystemDefinition
is the GraphQL that models the iotthingsgraph update-system-template \ --id
\ --definition language=GRAPHQL,text="MySystemDefinition"Output:
{ "summary": { "createdAt": 1559249776.254, "id": "urn:tdm:us-west-2/123456789012/default:System:MySystem", "arn": "arn:aws:iotthingsgraph:us-west-2:123456789012:System/default/MySystem", "revisionNumber": 2 } }
For more information, see Creating Systems
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see UpdateSystemTemplate
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use upload-entity-definitions
- Amazon CLI
To upload entity definitions
The following
example uploads entity definitions to your namespace. The value ofMyEntityDefinitions
is the GraphQL that models the iotthingsgraph upload-entity-definitions \ --document language=GRAPHQL,text="MyEntityDefinitions"
{ "uploadId": "f6294f1e-b109-4bbe-9073-f451a2dda2da" }
For more information, see Modeling Entities
in the Amazon IoT Things Graph User Guide. -
For API details, see UploadEntityDefinitions
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.