This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.
Amazon Rekognition examples using Amazon CLI
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with Amazon Rekognition.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use compare-faces
For more information, see Comparing faces in images.
- Amazon CLI
To compare faces in two images
The following
command compares faces in two images stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition compare-faces \ --source-image '
' \ --target-image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"MyImageS3Bucket","Name":"target.jpg"}}
{ "UnmatchedFaces": [], "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12368916720151901, "Top": 0.16007372736930847, "Left": 0.5901257991790771, "Height": 0.25140416622161865 }, "Confidence": 100.0, "Pose": { "Yaw": -3.7351467609405518, "Roll": -0.10309021919965744, "Pitch": 0.8637830018997192 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 95.51618957519531, "Brightness": 65.29893493652344 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.26721030473709106, "X": 0.6204193830490112, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26831310987472534, "X": 0.6776827573776245, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.3514654338359833, "X": 0.6241428852081299, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.35258132219314575, "X": 0.6713621020317078, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.3140771687030792, "X": 0.6428444981575012, "Type": "nose" } ] }, "Similarity": 100.0 } ], "SourceImageFace": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12368916720151901, "Top": 0.16007372736930847, "Left": 0.5901257991790771, "Height": 0.25140416622161865 }, "Confidence": 100.0 } }
For more information, see Comparing Faces in Images
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see CompareFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-collection
For more information, see Creating a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To create a collection
The following
command creates a collection with the specified rekognition create-collection \ --collection-id
{ "CollectionArn": "aws:rekognition:us-west-2:123456789012:collection/MyCollection", "FaceModelVersion": "4.0", "StatusCode": 200 }
For more information, see Creating a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see CreateCollection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-stream-processor
- Amazon CLI
To create a new stream processor
The following
example creates a new stream processor with the specified rekognition create-stream-processor --name
\ --input '{"KinesisVideoStream":{"Arn":"arn:aws:kinesisvideo:us-west-2:123456789012:stream/macwebcam/1530559711205"}}
'\ --stream-processor-output '{"KinesisDataStream":{"Arn":"arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:123456789012:stream/AmazonRekognitionRekStream"}}
'\ --role-arnarn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AmazonRekognitionDetect
\ --settings '{"FaceSearch":{"CollectionId":"MyCollection","FaceMatchThreshold":85.5}}
{ "StreamProcessorArn": "arn:aws:rekognition:us-west-2:123456789012:streamprocessor/my-stream-processor" }
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see CreateStreamProcessor
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-collection
For more information, see Deleting a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To delete a collection
The following
command deletes the specified rekognition delete-collection \ --collection-id
{ "StatusCode": 200 }
For more information, see Deleting a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteCollection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-faces
For more information, see Deleting faces from a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To delete faces from a collection
The following
command deletes the specified face from a rekognition delete-faces \ --collection-id
--face-ids '["0040279c-0178-436e-b70a-e61b074e96b0"]
{ "DeletedFaces": [ "0040279c-0178-436e-b70a-e61b074e96b0" ] }
For more information, see Deleting Faces from a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-stream-processor
- Amazon CLI
To delete a stream processor
The following
command deletes the specified stream rekognition delete-stream-processor \ --name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DeleteStreamProcessor
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-collection
For more information, see Describing a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To describe a collection
The following
example displays the details about the specified rekognition describe-collection \ --collection-id
{ "FaceCount": 200, "CreationTimestamp": 1569444828.274, "CollectionARN": "arn:aws:rekognition:us-west-2:123456789012:collection/MyCollection", "FaceModelVersion": "4.0" }
For more information, see Describing a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DescribeCollection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-stream-processor
- Amazon CLI
To get information about a stream processor
The following
command displays details about the specified stream rekognition describe-stream-processor \ --name
{ "Status": "STOPPED", "Name": "my-stream-processor", "LastUpdateTimestamp": 1532449292.712, "Settings": { "FaceSearch": { "FaceMatchThreshold": 80.0, "CollectionId": "my-collection" } }, "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AmazonRekognitionDetectStream", "StreamProcessorArn": "arn:aws:rekognition:us-west-2:123456789012:streamprocessor/my-stream-processpr", "Output": { "KinesisDataStream": { "Arn": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:123456789012:stream/AmazonRekognitionRekStream" } }, "Input": { "KinesisVideoStream": { "Arn": "arn:aws:kinesisvideo:us-west-2:123456789012:stream/macwebcam/123456789012" } }, "CreationTimestamp": 1532449292.712 }
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DescribeStreamProcessor
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detect-faces
For more information, see Detecting faces in an image.
- Amazon CLI
To detect faces in an image
The following
command detects faces in the specified image stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition detect-faces \ --image '
' \ --attributes"ALL"
{ "FaceDetails": [ { "Confidence": 100.0, "Eyeglasses": { "Confidence": 98.91107940673828, "Value": false }, "Sunglasses": { "Confidence": 99.7966537475586, "Value": false }, "Gender": { "Confidence": 99.56611633300781, "Value": "Male" }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.26721030473709106, "X": 0.6204193830490112, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26831310987472534, "X": 0.6776827573776245, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.3514654338359833, "X": 0.6241428852081299, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.35258132219314575, "X": 0.6713621020317078, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.3140771687030792, "X": 0.6428444981575012, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.24662546813488007, "X": 0.6001564860343933, "Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.24326619505882263, "X": 0.6303644776344299, "Type": "leftEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.23818562924861908, "X": 0.6146903038024902, "Type": "leftEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.24373626708984375, "X": 0.6640064716339111, "Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.24877218902111053, "X": 0.7025929093360901, "Type": "rightEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.23938551545143127, "X": 0.6823262572288513, "Type": "rightEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.265746533870697, "X": 0.6112898588180542, "Type": "leftEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.2676128149032593, "X": 0.6317071914672852, "Type": "leftEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.262735515832901, "X": 0.6201658248901367, "Type": "leftEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27025148272514343, "X": 0.6206279993057251, "Type": "leftEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.268223375082016, "X": 0.6658390760421753, "Type": "rightEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.2672517001628876, "X": 0.687832236289978, "Type": "rightEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.26383838057518005, "X": 0.6769183874130249, "Type": "rightEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27138751745224, "X": 0.676596462726593, "Type": "rightEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.32283174991607666, "X": 0.6350004076957703, "Type": "noseLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3219289481639862, "X": 0.6567046642303467, "Type": "noseRight" }, { "Y": 0.3420318365097046, "X": 0.6450609564781189, "Type": "mouthUp" }, { "Y": 0.3664324879646301, "X": 0.6455618143081665, "Type": "mouthDown" }, { "Y": 0.26721030473709106, "X": 0.6204193830490112, "Type": "leftPupil" }, { "Y": 0.26831310987472534, "X": 0.6776827573776245, "Type": "rightPupil" }, { "Y": 0.26343393325805664, "X": 0.5946047306060791, "Type": "upperJawlineLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3543180525302887, "X": 0.6044883728027344, "Type": "midJawlineLeft" }, { "Y": 0.4084877669811249, "X": 0.6477024555206299, "Type": "chinBottom" }, { "Y": 0.3562754988670349, "X": 0.707981526851654, "Type": "midJawlineRight" }, { "Y": 0.26580461859703064, "X": 0.7234612107276917, "Type": "upperJawlineRight" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -3.7351467609405518, "Roll": -0.10309021919965744, "Pitch": 0.8637830018997192 }, "Emotions": [ { "Confidence": 8.74203109741211, "Type": "SURPRISED" }, { "Confidence": 2.501944065093994, "Type": "ANGRY" }, { "Confidence": 0.7378743290901184, "Type": "DISGUSTED" }, { "Confidence": 3.5296201705932617, "Type": "HAPPY" }, { "Confidence": 1.7162904739379883, "Type": "SAD" }, { "Confidence": 9.518536567687988, "Type": "CONFUSED" }, { "Confidence": 0.45474427938461304, "Type": "FEAR" }, { "Confidence": 72.79895782470703, "Type": "CALM" } ], "AgeRange": { "High": 48, "Low": 32 }, "EyesOpen": { "Confidence": 98.93987274169922, "Value": true }, "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12368916720151901, "Top": 0.16007372736930847, "Left": 0.5901257991790771, "Height": 0.25140416622161865 }, "Smile": { "Confidence": 93.4493179321289, "Value": false }, "MouthOpen": { "Confidence": 90.53053283691406, "Value": false }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 95.51618957519531, "Brightness": 65.29893493652344 }, "Mustache": { "Confidence": 89.85221099853516, "Value": false }, "Beard": { "Confidence": 86.1991195678711, "Value": true } } ] }
For more information, see Detecting Faces in an Image
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DetectFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detect-labels
For more information, see Detecting labels in an image.
- Amazon CLI
To detect a label in an image
The following
example detects scenes and objects in an image stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition detect-labels \ --image '
{ "Labels": [ { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Automobile" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Parents": [], "Name": "Transportation" }, { "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.10616336017847061, "Top": 0.5039216876029968, "Left": 0.0037978808395564556, "Height": 0.18528179824352264 }, "Confidence": 99.15271759033203 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.2429988533258438, "Top": 0.5251884460449219, "Left": 0.7309805154800415, "Height": 0.21577216684818268 }, "Confidence": 99.1286392211914 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.14233611524105072, "Top": 0.5333095788955688, "Left": 0.6494812965393066, "Height": 0.15528248250484467 }, "Confidence": 98.48368072509766 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.11086395382881165, "Top": 0.5354844927787781, "Left": 0.10355594009160995, "Height": 0.10271988064050674 }, "Confidence": 96.45606231689453 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.06254628300666809, "Top": 0.5573825240135193, "Left": 0.46083059906959534, "Height": 0.053911514580249786 }, "Confidence": 93.65448760986328 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.10105438530445099, "Top": 0.534368634223938, "Left": 0.5743985772132874, "Height": 0.12226245552301407 }, "Confidence": 93.06217193603516 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.056389667093753815, "Top": 0.5235804319381714, "Left": 0.9427769780158997, "Height": 0.17163699865341187 }, "Confidence": 92.6864013671875 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.06003860384225845, "Top": 0.5441341400146484, "Left": 0.22409997880458832, "Height": 0.06737709045410156 }, "Confidence": 90.4227066040039 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.02848697081208229, "Top": 0.5107086896896362, "Left": 0, "Height": 0.19150497019290924 }, "Confidence": 86.65286254882812 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.04067881405353546, "Top": 0.5566273927688599, "Left": 0.316415935754776, "Height": 0.03428703173995018 }, "Confidence": 85.36471557617188 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.043411049991846085, "Top": 0.5394920110702515, "Left": 0.18293385207653046, "Height": 0.0893595889210701 }, "Confidence": 82.21705627441406 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.031183116137981415, "Top": 0.5579366683959961, "Left": 0.2853088080883026, "Height": 0.03989990055561066 }, "Confidence": 81.0157470703125 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.031113790348172188, "Top": 0.5504819750785828, "Left": 0.2580395042896271, "Height": 0.056484755128622055 }, "Confidence": 56.13441467285156 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.08586374670267105, "Top": 0.5438792705535889, "Left": 0.5128012895584106, "Height": 0.08550430089235306 }, "Confidence": 52.37760925292969 } ], "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Car" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 98.9914321899414, "Parents": [], "Name": "Human" }, { "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.19360728561878204, "Top": 0.35072067379951477, "Left": 0.43734854459762573, "Height": 0.2742200493812561 }, "Confidence": 98.9914321899414 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.03801717236638069, "Top": 0.5010883808135986, "Left": 0.9155802130699158, "Height": 0.06597328186035156 }, "Confidence": 85.02790832519531 } ], "Confidence": 98.9914321899414, "Parents": [], "Name": "Person" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 93.24951934814453, "Parents": [], "Name": "Machine" }, { "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.03561960905790329, "Top": 0.6468243598937988, "Left": 0.7850857377052307, "Height": 0.08878646790981293 }, "Confidence": 93.24951934814453 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.02217046171426773, "Top": 0.6149078607559204, "Left": 0.04757237061858177, "Height": 0.07136218994855881 }, "Confidence": 91.5025863647461 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.016197510063648224, "Top": 0.6274210214614868, "Left": 0.6472989320755005, "Height": 0.04955997318029404 }, "Confidence": 85.14686584472656 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.020207518711686134, "Top": 0.6348286867141724, "Left": 0.7295016646385193, "Height": 0.07059963047504425 }, "Confidence": 83.34547424316406 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.020280985161662102, "Top": 0.6171894669532776, "Left": 0.08744934946298599, "Height": 0.05297485366463661 }, "Confidence": 79.9981460571289 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.018318990245461464, "Top": 0.623889148235321, "Left": 0.6836880445480347, "Height": 0.06730121374130249 }, "Confidence": 78.87144470214844 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.021310249343514442, "Top": 0.6167286038398743, "Left": 0.004064912907779217, "Height": 0.08317798376083374 }, "Confidence": 75.89361572265625 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.03604431077837944, "Top": 0.7030032277107239, "Left": 0.9254803657531738, "Height": 0.04569442570209503 }, "Confidence": 64.402587890625 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.009834849275648594, "Top": 0.5821820497512817, "Left": 0.28094568848609924, "Height": 0.01964157074689865 }, "Confidence": 62.79907989501953 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.01475677452981472, "Top": 0.6137543320655823, "Left": 0.5950819253921509, "Height": 0.039063986390829086 }, "Confidence": 59.40483474731445 } ], "Confidence": 93.24951934814453, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Machine" } ], "Name": "Wheel" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 92.61514282226562, "Parents": [], "Name": "Road" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 92.37877655029297, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Person" } ], "Name": "Sport" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 92.37877655029297, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Person" } ], "Name": "Sports" }, { "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12326609343290329, "Top": 0.6332163214683533, "Left": 0.44815489649772644, "Height": 0.058117982000112534 }, "Confidence": 92.37877655029297 } ], "Confidence": 92.37877655029297, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Person" }, { "Name": "Sport" } ], "Name": "Skateboard" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 90.62931060791016, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Person" } ], "Name": "Pedestrian" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 88.81334686279297, "Parents": [], "Name": "Asphalt" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 88.81334686279297, "Parents": [], "Name": "Tarmac" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 88.23201751708984, "Parents": [], "Name": "Path" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 80.26520538330078, "Parents": [], "Name": "Urban" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 80.26520538330078, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Building" }, { "Name": "Urban" } ], "Name": "Town" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 80.26520538330078, "Parents": [], "Name": "Building" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 80.26520538330078, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Building" }, { "Name": "Urban" } ], "Name": "City" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 78.37934875488281, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Car" }, { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Parking Lot" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 78.37934875488281, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Car" }, { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Parking" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 74.37590026855469, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Building" }, { "Name": "Urban" }, { "Name": "City" } ], "Name": "Downtown" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 69.84622955322266, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Road" } ], "Name": "Intersection" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 57.68518829345703, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Sports Car" }, { "Name": "Car" }, { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Coupe" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 57.68518829345703, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Car" }, { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ], "Name": "Sports Car" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 56.59492111206055, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Path" } ], "Name": "Sidewalk" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 56.59492111206055, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Path" } ], "Name": "Pavement" }, { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 55.58770751953125, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Building" }, { "Name": "Urban" } ], "Name": "Neighborhood" } ], "LabelModelVersion": "2.0" }
For more information, see Detecting Labels in an Image
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DetectLabels
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detect-moderation-labels
For more information, see Detecting inappropriate images.
- Amazon CLI
To detect unsafe content in an image
The following
command detects unsafe content in the specified image stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition detect-moderation-labels \ --image
{ "ModerationModelVersion": "3.0", "ModerationLabels": [ { "Confidence": 97.29618072509766, "ParentName": "Violence", "Name": "Weapon Violence" }, { "Confidence": 97.29618072509766, "ParentName": "", "Name": "Violence" } ] }
For more information, see Detecting Unsafe Images
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see DetectModerationLabels
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detect-text
For more information, see Detecting text in an image.
- Amazon CLI
To detect text in an image
The following
command detects text in the specified rekognition detect-text \ --image '
{ "TextDetections": [ { "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.24624845385551453, "Top": 0.28288066387176514, "Left": 0.391388863325119, "Height": 0.022687450051307678 }, "Polygon": [ { "Y": 0.28288066387176514, "X": 0.391388863325119 }, { "Y": 0.2826388478279114, "X": 0.6376373171806335 }, { "Y": 0.30532628297805786, "X": 0.637677013874054 }, { "Y": 0.305568128824234, "X": 0.39142853021621704 } ] }, "Confidence": 94.35709381103516, "DetectedText": "ESTD 1882", "Type": "LINE", "Id": 0 }, { "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.33933889865875244, "Top": 0.32603850960731506, "Left": 0.34534579515457153, "Height": 0.07126858830451965 }, "Polygon": [ { "Y": 0.32603850960731506, "X": 0.34534579515457153 }, { "Y": 0.32633158564567566, "X": 0.684684693813324 }, { "Y": 0.3976001739501953, "X": 0.684575080871582 }, { "Y": 0.3973070979118347, "X": 0.345236212015152 } ] }, "Confidence": 99.95779418945312, "DetectedText": "BRAINS", "Type": "LINE", "Id": 1 }, { "Confidence": 97.22098541259766, "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.061079490929841995, "Top": 0.2843210697174072, "Left": 0.391391396522522, "Height": 0.021029088646173477 }, "Polygon": [ { "Y": 0.2843210697174072, "X": 0.391391396522522 }, { "Y": 0.2828207015991211, "X": 0.4524524509906769 }, { "Y": 0.3038259446620941, "X": 0.4534534513950348 }, { "Y": 0.30532634258270264, "X": 0.3923923969268799 } ] }, "DetectedText": "ESTD", "ParentId": 0, "Type": "WORD", "Id": 2 }, { "Confidence": 91.49320983886719, "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.07007007300853729, "Top": 0.2828207015991211, "Left": 0.5675675868988037, "Height": 0.02250562608242035 }, "Polygon": [ { "Y": 0.2828207015991211, "X": 0.5675675868988037 }, { "Y": 0.2828207015991211, "X": 0.6376376152038574 }, { "Y": 0.30532634258270264, "X": 0.6376376152038574 }, { "Y": 0.30532634258270264, "X": 0.5675675868988037 } ] }, "DetectedText": "1882", "ParentId": 0, "Type": "WORD", "Id": 3 }, { "Confidence": 99.95779418945312, "Geometry": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.33933934569358826, "Top": 0.32633158564567566, "Left": 0.3453453481197357, "Height": 0.07127484679222107 }, "Polygon": [ { "Y": 0.32633158564567566, "X": 0.3453453481197357 }, { "Y": 0.32633158564567566, "X": 0.684684693813324 }, { "Y": 0.39759939908981323, "X": 0.6836836934089661 }, { "Y": 0.39684921503067017, "X": 0.3453453481197357 } ] }, "DetectedText": "BRAINS", "ParentId": 1, "Type": "WORD", "Id": 4 } ] }
For API details, see DetectText
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use disassociate-faces
- Amazon CLI
aws rekognition disassociate-faces --face-ids list-of-face-ids --user-id user-id --collection-id collection-name --region region-name
For API details, see DisassociateFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-celebrity-info
- Amazon CLI
To get information about a celebrity
The following
command displays information about the specified celebrity. Theid
parameter comes from a previous call torecognize-celebrities
.aws rekognition get-celebrity-info --id
{ "Name": "Celeb A", "Urls": [ "" ] }
For more information, see Getting Information About a Celebrity
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetCelebrityInfo
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-celebrity-recognition
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of a celebrity recognition operation
The following
command diplays the results of a celebrity recognition operation that you started previously by callingstart-celebrity-recognition
.aws rekognition get-celebrity-recognition \ --job-id
{ "NextToken": "3D01ClxlCiT31VsRDkAO3IybLb/h5AtDWSGuhYi+N1FIJwwPtAkuKzDhL2rV3GcwmNt77+12", "Celebrities": [ { "Timestamp": 0, "Celebrity": { "Confidence": 96.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.70333331823349, "Top": 0.16750000417232513, "Left": 0.19555555284023285, "Height": 0.3956249952316284 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.31031012535095215, "X": 0.441436767578125, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3081788718700409, "X": 0.6437258720397949, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.39542075991630554, "X": 0.5572493076324463, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.4597957134246826, "X": 0.4579732120037079, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.45688048005104065, "X": 0.6349081993103027, "Type": "mouthRight" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": 8.943398475646973, "Roll": -2.0309247970581055, "Pitch": -0.5674862861633301 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 99.40211486816406, "Brightness": 89.47132110595703 }, "Confidence": 99.99861145019531 }, "Name": "CelebrityA", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "nnnnnn" } }, { "Timestamp": 467, "Celebrity": { "Confidence": 99.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.6877777576446533, "Top": 0.18437500298023224, "Left": 0.20555555820465088, "Height": 0.3868750035762787 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.31895750761032104, "X": 0.4411413371562958, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3140959143638611, "X": 0.6523157954216003, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.4016456604003906, "X": 0.5682755708694458, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.46894142031669617, "X": 0.4597797095775604, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.46971091628074646, "X": 0.6286435127258301, "Type": "mouthRight" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": 10.433465957641602, "Roll": -3.347442388534546, "Pitch": 1.3709543943405151 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 99.5531005859375, "Brightness": 88.5764389038086 }, "Confidence": 99.99148559570312 }, "Name": "Jane Celebrity", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "nnnnnn" } } ], "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.978118896484375, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 4570, "FrameHeight": 1920, "FrameWidth": 1080 } }
For more information, see Recognizing Celebrities in a Stored Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetCelebrityRecognition
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-content-moderation
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of an unsafe content operation
The following
command displays the results of an unsafe content operation that you started previously by callingstart-content-moderation
.aws rekognition get-content-moderation \ --job-id
{ "NextToken": "dlhcKMHMzpCBGFukz6IO3JMcWiJAamCVhXHt3r6b4b5Tfbyw3q7o+Jeezt+ZpgfOnW9FCCgQ", "ModerationLabels": [ { "Timestamp": 0, "ModerationLabel": { "Confidence": 97.39583587646484, "ParentName": "", "Name": "Violence" } }, { "Timestamp": 0, "ModerationLabel": { "Confidence": 97.39583587646484, "ParentName": "Violence", "Name": "Weapon Violence" } } ], "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.97515869140625, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6039, "FrameHeight": 1920, "FrameWidth": 1080 } }
For more information, see Detecting Unsafe Stored Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetContentModeration
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-face-detection
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of a face detection operation
The following
command displays the results of a face detection operation that you started previously by callingstart-face-detection
.aws rekognition get-face-detection \ --job-id
{ "Faces": [ { "Timestamp": 467, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.1560753583908081, "Top": 0.13555361330509186, "Left": -0.0952017530798912, "Height": 0.6934483051300049 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4013825058937073, "X": -0.041750285774469376, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.41695496439933777, "X": 0.027979329228401184, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.6375303268432617, "X": -0.04034662991762161, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.6497718691825867, "X": 0.013960429467260838, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.5238034129142761, "X": 0.008022055961191654, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -58.07863998413086, "Roll": 1.9384294748306274, "Pitch": -24.66305160522461 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 83.14741516113281, "Brightness": 25.75942611694336 }, "Confidence": 87.7622299194336 } }, { "Timestamp": 967, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.28559377789497375, "Top": 0.19436298310756683, "Left": 0.024553587660193443, "Height": 0.7216082215309143 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4650231599807739, "X": 0.16269078850746155, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.4843238294124603, "X": 0.2782580852508545, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.71530681848526, "X": 0.1741468608379364, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.7310671210289001, "X": 0.26857468485832214, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.582602322101593, "X": 0.2566150426864624, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": 11.487052917480469, "Roll": 5.074230670928955, "Pitch": 15.396159172058105 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 73.32209777832031, "Brightness": 54.96497344970703 }, "Confidence": 99.99998474121094 } } ], "NextToken": "OzL223pDKy9116O/02KXRqFIEAwxjy4PkgYcm3hSo0rdysbXg5Ex0eFgTGEj0ADEac6S037U", "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.970617294311523, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6806, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FrameWidth": 1920 } }
For more information, see Detecting Faces in a Stored Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetFaceDetection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-face-search
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of a face search operation
The following
command displays the results of a face search operation that you started previously by callingstart-face-search
.aws rekognition get-face-search \ --job-id
{ "Persons": [ { "Timestamp": 467, "FaceMatches": [], "Person": { "Index": 0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.1560753583908081, "Top": 0.13555361330509186, "Left": -0.0952017530798912, "Height": 0.6934483051300049 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4013825058937073, "X": -0.041750285774469376, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.41695496439933777, "X": 0.027979329228401184, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.6375303268432617, "X": -0.04034662991762161, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.6497718691825867, "X": 0.013960429467260838, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.5238034129142761, "X": 0.008022055961191654, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -58.07863998413086, "Roll": 1.9384294748306274, "Pitch": -24.66305160522461 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 83.14741516113281, "Brightness": 25.75942611694336 }, "Confidence": 87.7622299194336 } } }, { "Timestamp": 967, "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12368900328874588, "Top": 0.16007399559020996, "Left": 0.5901259779930115, "Height": 0.2514039874076843 }, "FaceId": "056a95fa-2060-4159-9cab-7ed4daa030fa", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence": 100.0, "ImageId": "08f8a078-8929-37fd-8e8f-aadf690e8232" }, "Similarity": 98.44476318359375 } ], "Person": { "Index": 1, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.28559377789497375, "Top": 0.19436298310756683, "Left": 0.024553587660193443, "Height": 0.7216082215309143 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4650231599807739, "X": 0.16269078850746155, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.4843238294124603, "X": 0.2782580852508545, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.71530681848526, "X": 0.1741468608379364, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.7310671210289001, "X": 0.26857468485832214, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.582602322101593, "X": 0.2566150426864624, "Type": "nose" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": 11.487052917480469, "Roll": 5.074230670928955, "Pitch": 15.396159172058105 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 73.32209777832031, "Brightness": 54.96497344970703 }, "Confidence": 99.99998474121094 } } } ], "NextToken": "5bkgcezyuaqhtWk3C8OTW6cjRghrwV9XDMivm5B3MXm+Lv6G+L+GejyFHPhoNa/ldXIC4c/d", "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.970617294311523, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6806, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FrameWidth": 1920 } }
For more information, see Searching Stored Videos for Faces
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetFaceSearch
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-label-detection
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of an objects and scenes detection operation
The following
command displays the results of an objects and scenes detection operation that you started previously by callingstart-label-detection
.aws rekognition get-label-detection \ --job-id
{ "Labels": [ { "Timestamp": 0, "Label": { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 50.19071578979492, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Person" }, { "Name": "Crowd" } ], "Name": "Audience" } }, { "Timestamp": 0, "Label": { "Instances": [], "Confidence": 55.74115753173828, "Parents": [ { "Name": "Room" }, { "Name": "Indoors" }, { "Name": "School" } ], "Name": "Classroom" } } ], "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "LabelModelVersion": "2.0", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.970617294311523, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6806, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FrameWidth": 1920 }, "NextToken": "BMugzAi4L72IERzQdbpyMQuEFBsjlo5W0Yx3mfG+sR9mm98E1/CpObenspRfs/5FBQFs4X7G" }
For more information, see Detecting Labels in a Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetLabelDetection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use get-person-tracking
- Amazon CLI
To get the results of a people pathing operation
The following
command displays the results of a people pathing operation that you started previously by callingstart-person-tracking
.aws rekognition get-person-tracking \ --job-id
{ "Persons": [ { "Timestamp": 500, "Person": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.4151041805744171, "Top": 0.07870370149612427, "Left": 0.0, "Height": 0.9212962985038757 }, "Index": 0 } }, { "Timestamp": 567, "Person": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.4755208194255829, "Top": 0.07777778059244156, "Left": 0.0, "Height": 0.9194444417953491 }, "Index": 0 } } ], "NextToken": "D/vRIYNyhG79ugdta3f+8cRg9oSRo+HigGOuxRiYpTn0ExnqTi1CJektVAc4HrAXDv25eHYk", "JobStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "VideoMetadata": { "Format": "QuickTime / MOV", "FrameRate": 29.970617294311523, "Codec": "h264", "DurationMillis": 6806, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FrameWidth": 1920 } }
For more information, see People Pathing
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see GetPersonTracking
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use index-faces
For more information, see Adding faces to a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To add faces to a collection
The following
command adds the faces found in an image to the specified rekognition index-faces \ --image '
' \ --collection-idMyCollection
\ --max-faces1
\ --quality-filter"AUTO"
\ --detection-attributes"ALL"
\ --external-image-id"MyPicture.jpg"
{ "FaceRecords": [ { "FaceDetail": { "Confidence": 99.993408203125, "Eyeglasses": { "Confidence": 99.11750030517578, "Value": false }, "Sunglasses": { "Confidence": 99.98249053955078, "Value": false }, "Gender": { "Confidence": 99.92769622802734, "Value": "Male" }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.26750367879867554, "X": 0.6202793717384338, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26642778515815735, "X": 0.6787431836128235, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.31361380219459534, "X": 0.6421601176261902, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.3495299220085144, "X": 0.6216195225715637, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.35194727778434753, "X": 0.669899046421051, "Type": "mouthRight" }, { "Y": 0.26844894886016846, "X": 0.6210268139839172, "Type": "leftPupil" }, { "Y": 0.26707562804222107, "X": 0.6817160844802856, "Type": "rightPupil" }, { "Y": 0.24834522604942322, "X": 0.6018546223640442, "Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.24397172033786774, "X": 0.6172008514404297, "Type": "leftEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.24677404761314392, "X": 0.6339119076728821, "Type": "leftEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.24582654237747192, "X": 0.6619398593902588, "Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft" }, { "Y": 0.23973053693771362, "X": 0.6804757118225098, "Type": "rightEyeBrowUp" }, { "Y": 0.24441994726657867, "X": 0.6978968977928162, "Type": "rightEyeBrowRight" }, { "Y": 0.2695908546447754, "X": 0.6085202693939209, "Type": "leftEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26716896891593933, "X": 0.6315826177597046, "Type": "leftEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.26289820671081543, "X": 0.6202316880226135, "Type": "leftEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27123287320137024, "X": 0.6205548048019409, "Type": "leftEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.2668408751487732, "X": 0.6663622260093689, "Type": "rightEyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.26741549372673035, "X": 0.6910083889961243, "Type": "rightEyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.2614026665687561, "X": 0.6785826086997986, "Type": "rightEyeUp" }, { "Y": 0.27075251936912537, "X": 0.6789616942405701, "Type": "rightEyeDown" }, { "Y": 0.3211299479007721, "X": 0.6324167847633362, "Type": "noseLeft" }, { "Y": 0.32276326417922974, "X": 0.6558475494384766, "Type": "noseRight" }, { "Y": 0.34385165572166443, "X": 0.6444970965385437, "Type": "mouthUp" }, { "Y": 0.3671635091304779, "X": 0.6459195017814636, "Type": "mouthDown" } ], "Pose": { "Yaw": -9.54541015625, "Roll": -0.5709401965141296, "Pitch": 0.6045494675636292 }, "Emotions": [ { "Confidence": 39.90074157714844, "Type": "HAPPY" }, { "Confidence": 23.38753890991211, "Type": "CALM" }, { "Confidence": 5.840933322906494, "Type": "CONFUSED" } ], "AgeRange": { "High": 63, "Low": 45 }, "EyesOpen": { "Confidence": 99.80887603759766, "Value": true }, "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618015021085739, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770642817020416 }, "Smile": { "Confidence": 99.69740295410156, "Value": false }, "MouthOpen": { "Confidence": 99.97393798828125, "Value": false }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 95.54405975341797, "Brightness": 63.867706298828125 }, "Mustache": { "Confidence": 97.05007934570312, "Value": false }, "Beard": { "Confidence": 87.34505462646484, "Value": false } }, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618015021085739, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770642817020416 }, "FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "example-image.jpg", "Confidence": 99.993408203125, "ImageId": "8d67061e-90d2-598f-9fbd-29c8497039c0" } } ], "UnindexedFaces": [], "FaceModelVersion": "3.0", "OrientationCorrection": "ROTATE_0" }
For more information, see Adding Faces to a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see IndexFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use list-collections
For more information, see Listing collections.
- Amazon CLI
To list the available collections
The following
command lists the available collections in the Amazon rekognition list-collections
{ "FaceModelVersions": [ "2.0", "3.0", "3.0", "3.0", "4.0", "1.0", "3.0", "4.0", "4.0", "4.0" ], "CollectionIds": [ "MyCollection1", "MyCollection2", "MyCollection3", "MyCollection4", "MyCollection5", "MyCollection6", "MyCollection7", "MyCollection8", "MyCollection9", "MyCollection10" ] }
For more information, see Listing Collections
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see ListCollections
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use list-faces
For more information, see Listing faces in a collection.
- Amazon CLI
To list the faces in a collection
The following
command lists the faces in the specified rekognition list-faces \ --collection-id
{ "FaceModelVersion": "3.0", "Faces": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5216310024261475, "Top": 0.3256250023841858, "Left": 0.13394300639629364, "Height": 0.3918749988079071 }, "FaceId": "0040279c-0178-436e-b70a-e61b074e96b0", "ExternalImageId": "image1.jpg", "Confidence": 100.0, "ImageId": "f976e487-3719-5e2d-be8b-ea2724c26991" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5074880123138428, "Top": 0.3774999976158142, "Left": 0.18302799761295319, "Height": 0.3812499940395355 }, "FaceId": "086261e8-6deb-4bc0-ac73-ab22323cc38d", "ExternalImageId": "image2.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99930572509766, "ImageId": "ae1593b0-a8f6-5e24-a306-abf529e276fa" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5574039816856384, "Top": 0.37187498807907104, "Left": 0.14559100568294525, "Height": 0.4181250035762787 }, "FaceId": "11c4bd3c-19c5-4eb8-aecc-24feb93a26e1", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99960327148438, "ImageId": "80739b4d-883f-5b78-97cf-5124038e26b9" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618019938468933, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770599603652954 }, "FaceId": "13692fe4-990a-4679-b14a-5ac23d135eab", "ExternalImageId": "image4.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99340057373047, "ImageId": "8df18239-9ad1-5acd-a46a-6581ff98f51b" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5307819843292236, "Top": 0.2862499952316284, "Left": 0.1564060002565384, "Height": 0.3987500071525574 }, "FaceId": "2eb5f3fd-e2a9-4b1c-a89f-afa0a518fe06", "ExternalImageId": "image5.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99970245361328, "ImageId": "3c314792-197d-528d-bbb6-798ed012c150" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5773710012435913, "Top": 0.34437501430511475, "Left": 0.12396000325679779, "Height": 0.4337500035762787 }, "FaceId": "57189455-42b0-4839-a86c-abda48b13174", "ExternalImageId": "image6.jpg", "Confidence": 100.0, "ImageId": "0aff2f37-e7a2-5dbc-a3a3-4ef6ec18eaa0" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5349419713020325, "Top": 0.29124999046325684, "Left": 0.16389399766921997, "Height": 0.40187498927116394 }, "FaceId": "745f7509-b1fa-44e0-8b95-367b1359638a", "ExternalImageId": "image7.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99979400634766, "ImageId": "67a34327-48d1-5179-b042-01e52ccfeada" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.41499999165534973, "Top": 0.09187500178813934, "Left": 0.28083300590515137, "Height": 0.3112500011920929 }, "FaceId": "8d3cfc70-4ba8-4b36-9644-90fba29c2dac", "ExternalImageId": "image8.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99769592285156, "ImageId": "a294da46-2cb1-5cc4-9045-61d7ca567662" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.48166701197624207, "Top": 0.20999999344348907, "Left": 0.21250000596046448, "Height": 0.36125001311302185 }, "FaceId": "bd4ceb4d-9acc-4ab7-8ef8-1c2d2ba0a66a", "ExternalImageId": "image9.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99949645996094, "ImageId": "5e1a7588-e5a0-5ee3-bd00-c642518dfe3a" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618019938468933, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770599603652954 }, "FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "image10.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99340057373047, "ImageId": "8d67061e-90d2-598f-9fbd-29c8497039c0" } ] }
For more information, see Listing Faces in a Collection
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see ListFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use list-stream-processors
- Amazon CLI
To list the stream processors in your account
The following
command lists the stream processors in your account and the state of rekognition list-stream-processors
{ "StreamProcessors": [ { "Status": "STOPPED", "Name": "my-stream-processor" } ] }
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see ListStreamProcessors
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use recognize-celebrities
For more information, see Recognizing celebrities in an image.
- Amazon CLI
To recognize celebrities in an image
The following
command recognizes celebrities in the specified image stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.:aws rekognition recognize-celebrities \ --image
{ "UnrecognizedFaces": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.14416666328907013, "Top": 0.07777778059244156, "Left": 0.625, "Height": 0.2746031880378723 }, "Confidence": 99.9990234375, "Pose": { "Yaw": 10.80408763885498, "Roll": -12.761146545410156, "Pitch": 10.96889877319336 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 94.1185531616211, "Brightness": 79.18367004394531 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.18220913410186768, "X": 0.6702951788902283, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.16337193548679352, "X": 0.7188183665275574, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.20739148557186127, "X": 0.7055801749229431, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.2889308035373688, "X": 0.687512218952179, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.2706988751888275, "X": 0.7250053286552429, "Type": "mouthRight" } ] } ], "CelebrityFaces": [ { "MatchConfidence": 100.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.14000000059604645, "Top": 0.1190476194024086, "Left": 0.82833331823349, "Height": 0.2666666805744171 }, "Confidence": 99.99359130859375, "Pose": { "Yaw": -10.509642601013184, "Roll": -14.51749324798584, "Pitch": 13.799399375915527 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 78.74752044677734, "Brightness": 42.201324462890625 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.2290833294391632, "X": 0.8709492087364197, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.20639978349208832, "X": 0.9153988361358643, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.25417643785476685, "X": 0.8907724022865295, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.32729196548461914, "X": 0.8876466155052185, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3115464746952057, "X": 0.9238573312759399, "Type": "mouthRight" } ] }, "Name": "Celeb A", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "1111111" }, { "MatchConfidence": 97.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.13333334028720856, "Top": 0.24920634925365448, "Left": 0.4449999928474426, "Height": 0.2539682686328888 }, "Confidence": 99.99979400634766, "Pose": { "Yaw": 6.557040691375732, "Roll": -7.316643714904785, "Pitch": 9.272967338562012 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 83.23492431640625, "Brightness": 78.83267974853516 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.3625510632991791, "X": 0.48898839950561523, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.35366007685661316, "X": 0.5313721299171448, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.3894785940647125, "X": 0.5173314809799194, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.44889405369758606, "X": 0.5020005702972412, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.4408611059188843, "X": 0.5351271629333496, "Type": "mouthRight" } ] }, "Name": "Celeb B", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "2222222" }, { "MatchConfidence": 100.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.12416666746139526, "Top": 0.2968254089355469, "Left": 0.2150000035762787, "Height": 0.23650793731212616 }, "Confidence": 99.99958801269531, "Pose": { "Yaw": 7.801797866821289, "Roll": -8.326810836791992, "Pitch": 7.844768047332764 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 86.93206024169922, "Brightness": 79.81291198730469 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4027804136276245, "X": 0.2575301229953766, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.3934555947780609, "X": 0.2956969439983368, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.4309830069541931, "X": 0.2837020754814148, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.48186683654785156, "X": 0.26812544465065, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.47338807582855225, "X": 0.29905644059181213, "Type": "mouthRight" } ] }, "Name": "Celeb C", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "3333333" }, { "MatchConfidence": 97.0, "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.11916666477918625, "Top": 0.3698412775993347, "Left": 0.008333333767950535, "Height": 0.22698412835597992 }, "Confidence": 99.99999237060547, "Pose": { "Yaw": 16.38478660583496, "Roll": -1.0260354280471802, "Pitch": 5.975185394287109 }, "Quality": { "Sharpness": 83.23492431640625, "Brightness": 61.408443450927734 }, "Landmarks": [ { "Y": 0.4632347822189331, "X": 0.049406956881284714, "Type": "eyeLeft" }, { "Y": 0.46388113498687744, "X": 0.08722897619009018, "Type": "eyeRight" }, { "Y": 0.5020678639411926, "X": 0.0758260041475296, "Type": "nose" }, { "Y": 0.544157862663269, "X": 0.054029736667871475, "Type": "mouthLeft" }, { "Y": 0.5463630557060242, "X": 0.08464983850717545, "Type": "mouthRight" } ] }, "Name": "Celeb D", "Urls": [ "" ], "Id": "4444444" } ] }
For more information, see Recognizing Celebrities in an Image
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see RecognizeCelebrities
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-faces-by-image
For more information, see Searching for a face (image).
- Amazon CLI
To search for faces in a collection that match the largest face in an image.
The following
command searches for faces in a collection that match the largest face in the specified image.:aws rekognition search-faces-by-image \ --image '
' \ --collection-idMyFaceImageCollection
"FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "example-image.jpg", "Confidence":99.99340057373047,
"FaceId": "13692fe4-990a-4679-b14a-5ac23d135eab", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence":99.99340057373047,
"FaceId": "8d3cfc70-4ba8-4b36-9644-90fba29c2dac", "ExternalImageId": "image2.jpg", "Confidence":99.99769592285156,
"FaceId": "bd4ceb4d-9acc-4ab7-8ef8-1c2d2ba0a66a", "ExternalImageId": "image1.jpg", "Confidence":99.99949645996094,
"FaceId": "745f7509-b1fa-44e0-8b95-367b1359638a", "ExternalImageId": "image9.jpg", "Confidence":99.99979400634766,
"FaceId": "2eb5f3fd-e2a9-4b1c-a89f-afa0a518fe06", "ExternalImageId": "image10.jpg", "Confidence":99.99970245361328,
"FaceId": "086261e8-6deb-4bc0-ac73-ab22323cc38d", "ExternalImageId": "image6.jpg", "Confidence":99.99930572509766,
"FaceId": "11c4bd3c-19c5-4eb8-aecc-24feb93a26e1", "ExternalImageId": "image5.jpg", "Confidence":99.99960327148438,
"FaceId": "57189455-42b0-4839-a86c-abda48b13174", "ExternalImageId": "image8.jpg", "Confidence":100.0,
For more information, see Searching for a Face Using an Image
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see SearchFacesByImage
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use search-faces
For more information, see Searching for a face (face ID).
- Amazon CLI
To search for faces in a collection that match a face ID.
The following
command searches for faces in a collection that match the specified face rekognition search-faces \ --face-id
\ --collection-idMyCollection
{ "SearchedFaceId": "8d3cfc70-4ba8-4b36-9644-90fba29c2dac", "FaceModelVersion": "3.0", "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.48166701197624207, "Top": 0.20999999344348907, "Left": 0.21250000596046448, "Height": 0.36125001311302185 }, "FaceId": "bd4ceb4d-9acc-4ab7-8ef8-1c2d2ba0a66a", "ExternalImageId": "image1.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99949645996094, "ImageId": "5e1a7588-e5a0-5ee3-bd00-c642518dfe3a" }, "Similarity": 99.30997467041016 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618019938468933, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770599603652954 }, "FaceId": "ce7ed422-2132-4a11-ab14-06c5c410f29f", "ExternalImageId": "example-image.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99340057373047, "ImageId": "8d67061e-90d2-598f-9fbd-29c8497039c0" }, "Similarity": 99.24862670898438 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.18562500178813934, "Top": 0.1618019938468933, "Left": 0.5575000047683716, "Height": 0.24770599603652954 }, "FaceId": "13692fe4-990a-4679-b14a-5ac23d135eab", "ExternalImageId": "image3.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99340057373047, "ImageId": "8df18239-9ad1-5acd-a46a-6581ff98f51b" }, "Similarity": 99.24862670898438 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5349419713020325, "Top": 0.29124999046325684, "Left": 0.16389399766921997, "Height": 0.40187498927116394 }, "FaceId": "745f7509-b1fa-44e0-8b95-367b1359638a", "ExternalImageId": "image9.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99979400634766, "ImageId": "67a34327-48d1-5179-b042-01e52ccfeada" }, "Similarity": 96.73158264160156 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5307819843292236, "Top": 0.2862499952316284, "Left": 0.1564060002565384, "Height": 0.3987500071525574 }, "FaceId": "2eb5f3fd-e2a9-4b1c-a89f-afa0a518fe06", "ExternalImageId": "image10.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99970245361328, "ImageId": "3c314792-197d-528d-bbb6-798ed012c150" }, "Similarity": 96.48291015625 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5074880123138428, "Top": 0.3774999976158142, "Left": 0.18302799761295319, "Height": 0.3812499940395355 }, "FaceId": "086261e8-6deb-4bc0-ac73-ab22323cc38d", "ExternalImageId": "image6.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99930572509766, "ImageId": "ae1593b0-a8f6-5e24-a306-abf529e276fa" }, "Similarity": 96.43287658691406 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5574039816856384, "Top": 0.37187498807907104, "Left": 0.14559100568294525, "Height": 0.4181250035762787 }, "FaceId": "11c4bd3c-19c5-4eb8-aecc-24feb93a26e1", "ExternalImageId": "image5.jpg", "Confidence": 99.99960327148438, "ImageId": "80739b4d-883f-5b78-97cf-5124038e26b9" }, "Similarity": 95.25305938720703 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.5773710012435913, "Top": 0.34437501430511475, "Left": 0.12396000325679779, "Height": 0.4337500035762787 }, "FaceId": "57189455-42b0-4839-a86c-abda48b13174", "ExternalImageId": "image8.jpg", "Confidence": 100.0, "ImageId": "0aff2f37-e7a2-5dbc-a3a3-4ef6ec18eaa0" }, "Similarity": 95.22837829589844 } ] }
For more information, see Searching for a Face Using Its Face ID
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see SearchFaces
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-celebrity-recognition
- Amazon CLI
To start the recognition of celebrities in a stored video
The following
command starts a job to look for celebrities in the specified video file stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition start-celebrity-recognition \ --video
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see Recognizing Celebrities in a Stored Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartCelebrityRecognition
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-content-moderation
- Amazon CLI
To start the recognition of unsafe content in a stored video
The following
command starts a job to detect unsafe content in the specified video file stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition start-content-moderation \ --video
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see Detecting Unsafe Stored Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartContentModeration
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-face-detection
- Amazon CLI
To detect faces in a video
The following
command starts a job to detect faces in the specified video file stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition start-face-detection --video
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see Detecting Faces in a Stored Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartFaceDetection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-face-search
- Amazon CLI
To search for faces in a collection that match faces detected in a video
The following
command starts a job to search for faces in a collection that match faces detected in the specified video file in an Amazon S3 rekognition start-face-search \ --video
\ --collection
-id collectionOutput:
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see Searching Stored Videos for Faces
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartFaceSearch
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-label-detection
- Amazon CLI
To detect objects and scenes in a video
The following
command starts a job to detect objects and scenes in the specified video file stored in an Amazon S3 rekognition start-label-detection \ --video
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see Detecting Labels in a Video
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartLabelDetection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-person-tracking
- Amazon CLI
To start the pathing of people in a stored video
The following
command starts a job to track the paths that people take in the specified video fiel stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.:aws rekognition start-person-tracking \ --video
{ "JobId": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef" }
For more information, see People Pathing
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartPersonTracking
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-stream-processor
- Amazon CLI
To start a stream processor
The following
command starts the specified video stream rekognition start-stream-processor \ --name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StartStreamProcessor
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use stop-stream-processor
- Amazon CLI
To stop a running stream processor
The following
command stops the specified running stream rekognition stop-stream-processor \ --name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Working with Streaming Videos
in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide. -
For API details, see StopStreamProcessor
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.