Service Catalog examples using Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

Service Catalog examples using Amazon CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with Service Catalog.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use accept-portfolio-share.

Amazon CLI

To accept a portfolio share

The following accept-portfolio-share example accepts an offer, made by another user, to share the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog accept-portfolio-share \ --portfolio-id port-2s6wuabcdefghijk

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use associate-principal-with-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To associate a principal with a portfolio

The following associate-principal-with-portfolio example associates a user with the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog associate-principal-with-portfolio \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdefwdh4 \ --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/usertest \ --principal-type IAM

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use associate-product-with-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To associate a product with a portfolio

The following associate-product-with-portfolio example associates the given product with the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog associate-product-with-portfolio --product-id prod-3p5abcdef3oyk --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdef5wdh4

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use associate-tag-option-with-resource.

Amazon CLI

To associate a TagOption with a resource

The following associate-tag-option-with-resource example associates the specified TagOption with the specified resource.

aws servicecatalog associate-tag-option-with-resource \ --resource-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4 \ --tag-option-id tag-p3abc2pkpz5qc

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use copy-product.

Amazon CLI

To copy a product

The following copy-product example makes a copy of the specified product, using a JSON file to pass parameters.

aws servicecatalog copy-product --cli-input-json file://copy-product-input.json

Contents of copy-product-input.json:

{ "SourceProductArn": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:product/prod-tcabcd3syn2xy", "TargetProductName": "copy-of-myproduct", "CopyOptions": [ "CopyTags" ] }


{ "CopyProductToken": "copyproduct-abc5defgjkdji" }
  • For API details, see CopyProduct in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-portfolio-share.

Amazon CLI

To share a portfolio with an account

The following create-portfolio-share example shares the specified portfolio with the specified account.

aws servicecatalog create-portfolio-share \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdef5wdh4 \ --account-id 794123456789

This command produceds no output.

The following code example shows how to use create-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To create a portfolio

The following create-portfolio example creates a portfolio.

aws servicecatalog create-portfolio \ --provider-name my-provider \ --display-name my-portfolio


{ "PortfolioDetail": { "ProviderName": "my-provider", "DisplayName": "my-portfolio", "CreatedTime": 1571337221.555, "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-east-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-2s6xmplq5wdh4", "Id": "port-2s6xmplq5wdh4" } }

The following code example shows how to use create-product.

Amazon CLI

To create a product

The following create-product example creates a product, using a JSON file to pass parameters.

aws servicecatalog create-product \ --cli-input-json file://create-product-input.json

Contents of create-product-input.json:

{ "AcceptLanguage": "en", "Name": "test-product", "Owner": "test-owner", "Description": "test-description", "Distributor": "test-distributor", "SupportDescription": "test-support", "SupportEmail": "", "SupportUrl": "", "ProductType": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "Tags": [ { "Key": "region", "Value": "us-east-1" } ], "ProvisioningArtifactParameters": { "Name": "test-version-name", "Description": "test-version-description", "Info": { "LoadTemplateFromURL": "" }, "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE" } }


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "region", "Value": "us-east-1" } ], "ProductViewDetail": { "CreatedTime": 1576025036.0, "ProductARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:1234568542028:product/prod-3p5abcdef3oyk", "Status": "CREATED", "ProductViewSummary": { "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "Distributor": "test-distributor", "SupportUrl": "", "SupportEmail": "", "Id": "prodview-abcd42wvx45um", "SupportDescription": "test-support", "ShortDescription": "test-description", "Owner": "test-owner", "Name": "test-product2", "HasDefaultPath": false, "ProductId": "prod-3p5abcdef3oyk" } }, "ProvisioningArtifactDetail": { "CreatedTime": 1576025036.0, "Active": true, "Id": "pa-pq3p5lil12a34", "Description": "test-version-description", "Name": "test-version-name", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE" } }
  • For API details, see CreateProduct in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-provisioning-artifact.

Amazon CLI

To create a provisioning artifact

The following create-provisioning-artifact example creates a provisioning artifact, using a JSON file to pass parameters.

aws servicecatalog create-provisioning-artifact \ --cli-input-json file://create-provisioning-artifact-input.json

Contents of create-provisioning-artifact-input.json:

{ "ProductId": "prod-nfi2abcdefghi", "Parameters": { "Name": "test-provisioning-artifact", "Description": "test description", "Info": { "LoadTemplateFromURL": "" }, "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE" } }


{ "Info": { "TemplateUrl": "" }, "Status": "CREATING", "ProvisioningArtifactDetail": { "Id": "pa-bb4abcdefwnaio", "Name": "test-provisioning-artifact", "Description": "test description", "Active": true, "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "CreatedTime": 1576022545.0 } }

The following code example shows how to use create-tag-option.

Amazon CLI

To create a TagOption

The following create-tag-option example creates a TagOption.

aws servicecatalog create-tag-option --key 1234 --value name


{ "TagOptionDetail": { "Id": "tag-iabcdn4fzjjms", "Value": "name", "Active": true, "Key": "1234" } }

The following code example shows how to use delete-portfolio-share.

Amazon CLI

To stop sharing a portfolio with an account

The following delete-portfolio-share example stops sharing the portfolio with the specified account.

aws servicecatalog delete-portfolio-share \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4 \ --account-id 123456789012

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use delete-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To delete a portfolio

The following delete-portfolio example deletes the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog delete-portfolio \ --id port-abcdlx4gox4do

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use delete-product.

Amazon CLI

To delete a product

The following delete-product example deletes the specified product.

aws servicecatalog delete-product \ --id prod-abcdcek6yhbxi

This command produces no output.

  • For API details, see DeleteProduct in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-provisioning-artifact.

Amazon CLI

To delete a provisioning artifact

The following delete-provisioning-artifact example deletes the specified provisioning artifact.

aws servicecatalog delete-provisioning-artifact \ --product-id prod-abc2uebuplcpw \ --provisioning-artifact-id pa-pqabcddii7ouc

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use delete-tag-option.

Amazon CLI

To delete a TagOption

The following delete-tag-option example deletes the specified TagOption.

aws servicecatalog delete-tag-option \ --id tag-iabcdn4fzjjms

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use describe-copy-product-status.

Amazon CLI

To describe the status of the copy product operation

The following describe-copy-product-status example displays the current status of the specified asynchronous copy product operation.

aws servicecatalog describe-copy-product-status \ --copy-product-token copyproduct-znn5tf5abcd3w


{ "CopyProductStatus": "SUCCEEDED", "TargetProductId": "prod-os6hog7abcdt2" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To describe a portfolio

The following describe-portfolio example displays details for the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog describe-portfolio \ --id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4


{ "TagOptions": [], "PortfolioDetail": { "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:687558541234:portfolio/port-2s6abcdq5wdh4", "Id": "port-2s6wuzyq5wdh4", "CreatedTime": 1571337221.555, "DisplayName": "my-portfolio", "ProviderName": "my-provider" }, "Tags": [] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-product-as-admin.

Amazon CLI

To describe a product as an administrator

The following describe-product-as-admin example displays details for the specified product using administrator privileges.

aws servicecatalog describe-product-as-admin \ --id prod-abcdcek6yhbxi


{ "TagOptions": [], "ProductViewDetail": { "ProductARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:687558542028:product/prod-abcdcek6yhbxi", "ProductViewSummary": { "SupportEmail": "", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "Distributor": "test-distributor", "ShortDescription": "test-description", "Owner": "test-owner", "Id": "prodview-wi3l2j4abc6vc", "SupportDescription": "test-support", "ProductId": "prod-abcdcek6yhbxi", "HasDefaultPath": false, "Name": "test-product3", "SupportUrl": "" }, "CreatedTime": 1577136715.0, "Status": "CREATED" }, "ProvisioningArtifactSummaries": [ { "CreatedTime": 1577136715.0, "Description": "test-version-description", "ProvisioningArtifactMetadata": { "SourceProvisioningArtifactId": "pa-abcdxkkiv5fcm" }, "Name": "test-version-name-3", "Id": "pa-abcdxkkiv5fcm" } ], "Tags": [ { "Value": "iad", "Key": "region" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-provisioned-product.

Amazon CLI

To describe a provisioned product

The following describe-provisioned-product example displays details for the specified provisioned product.

aws servicecatalog describe-provisioned-product \ --id pp-dpom27bm4abcd


{ "ProvisionedProductDetail": { "Status": "ERROR", "CreatedTime": 1577222793.358, "Arn": "arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mytestppname3/pp-dpom27bm4abcd", "Id": "pp-dpom27bm4abcd", "StatusMessage": "AmazonCloudFormationException Parameters: [KeyName] must have values (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 5528602a-a9ef-427c-825c-f82c31b814f5)", "IdempotencyToken": "527c5358-2a1a-4b9e-b1b9-7293b0ddff42", "LastRecordId": "rec-tfuawdjovzxge", "Type": "CFN_STACK", "Name": "mytestppname3" }, "CloudWatchDashboards": [] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-provisioning-artifact.

Amazon CLI

To describe a provisioning artifact

The following describe-provisioning-artifact example displays details for the specified provisioning artifact.

aws servicecatalog describe-provisioning-artifact \ --provisioning-artifact-id pa-pcz347abcdcfm \ --product-id prod-abcdfz3syn2rg


{ "Info": { "TemplateUrl": "" }, "ProvisioningArtifactDetail": { "Id": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "Active": true, "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "Description": "updated description", "CreatedTime": 1562097906.0, "Name": "updated name" }, "Status": "AVAILABLE" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-tag-option.

Amazon CLI

To describe a TagOption

The following describe-tag-option example displays details for the specified TagOption.

aws servicecatalog describe-tag-option \ --id tag-p3tej2abcd5qc


{ "TagOptionDetail": { "Active": true, "Id": "tag-p3tej2abcd5qc", "Value": "value-3", "Key": "1234" } }

The following code example shows how to use disassociate-principal-from-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To disassociate a principal from a portfolio

The following disassociate-principal-from-portfolio example disassociates the specified principal from the portfolio.

aws servicecatalog disassociate-principal-from-portfolio \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4 \ --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/myendusers

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use disassociate-product-from-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To disassociate a product from a portfolio

The following disassociate-product-from-portfolio example disassociates the specified product from the portfolio.

aws servicecatalog disassociate-product-from-portfolio \ --product-id prod-3p5abcdmu3oyk \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use disassociate-tag-option-from-resource.

Amazon CLI

To disassociate a TagOption from a resource

The following disassociate-tag-option-from-resource example disassociates the specified TagOption from the resource.

aws servicecatalog disassociate-tag-option-from-resource \ --resource-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4 \ --tag-option-id tag-p3abc2pkpz5qc

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use list-accepted-portfolio-shares.

Amazon CLI

To list accepted portfolio shares

The following list-accepted-portfolio-shares example lists all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this account, including only the default Service Catalog portfolios.

aws servicecatalog list-accepted-portfolio-shares \ --portfolio-share-type "AWS_SERVICECATALOG"


{ "PortfolioDetails": [ { "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-d2abcd5dpkuma", "Description": "AWS Service Catalog Reference blueprints for often-used AWS services such as EC2, S3, RDS, VPC and EMR.", "CreatedTime": 1574456190.687, "ProviderName": "AWS Service Catalog", "DisplayName": "Reference Architectures", "Id": "port-d2abcd5dpkuma" }, { "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-abcdefaua7zpu", "Description": "AWS well-architected blueprints for high reliability applications.", "CreatedTime": 1574461496.092, "ProviderName": "AWS Service Catalog", "DisplayName": "High Reliability Architectures", "Id": "port-abcdefaua7zpu" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-portfolio-access.

Amazon CLI

To list accounts with access to a portfolio

The following list-portfolio-access example lists the Amazon accounts that have access to the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog list-portfolio-access \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4


{ "AccountIds": [ "123456789012" ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-portfolios-for-product.

Amazon CLI

To list portfolios associated with a product

The following list-portfolios-for-product example lists the portfolios associated with the specified product.

aws servicecatalog list-portfolios-for-product \ --product-id prod-abcdfz3syn2rg


{ "PortfolioDetails": [ { "CreatedTime": 1571337221.555, "Id": "port-2s6abcdq5wdh4", "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-2s6abcdq5wdh4", "DisplayName": "my-portfolio", "ProviderName": "my-provider" }, { "CreatedTime": 1559665256.348, "Id": "port-5abcd3e5st4ei", "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-5abcd3e5st4ei", "DisplayName": "test", "ProviderName": "provider-name" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-portfolios.

Amazon CLI

To list portfolios

The following list-portfolios example lists the Service Catalog portfolios in the current Region.

aws servicecatalog list-portfolios


{ "PortfolioDetails": [ { "CreatedTime": 1559665256.348, "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-east-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-5pzcxmplst4ei", "DisplayName": "my-portfolio", "Id": "port-5pzcxmplst4ei", "ProviderName": "my-user" } ] }
  • For API details, see ListPortfolios in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-principals-for-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To list all principals for a portfolio

The following list-principals-for-portfolio example lists all principals for the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog list-principals-for-portfolio \ --portfolio-id port-2s6abcdq5wdh4


{ "Principals": [ { "PrincipalARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/usertest", "PrincipalType": "IAM" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-provisioning-artifacts.

Amazon CLI

To list all provisioning artifacts for a product

The following list-provisioning-artifacts example lists all provisioning artifacts for the specified product.

aws servicecatalog list-provisioning-artifacts \ --product-id prod-nfi2abcdefgcpw


{ "ProvisioningArtifactDetails": [ { "Id": "pa-abcdef54ipm6z", "Description": "test-version-description", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "CreatedTime": 1576021147.0, "Active": true, "Name": "test-version-name" }, { "Id": "pa-bb4zyxwwnaio", "Description": "test description", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "CreatedTime": 1576022545.0, "Active": true, "Name": "test-provisioning-artifact-2" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-resources-for-tag-option.

Amazon CLI

To list resources associated to a TagOption

The following list-resources-for-tag-option example lists the resources associated with the specified TagOption.

aws servicecatalog list-resources-for-tag-option \ --tag-option-id tag-p3tej2abcd5qc


{ "ResourceDetails": [ { "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:product/prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "Name": "my product", "Description": "description", "CreatedTime": 1562097906.0, "Id": "prod-abcdfz3syn2rg" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use list-tag-options.

Amazon CLI

The following list-tag-options example lists all values for TagOptions.

aws servicecatalog list-tag-options


{ "TagOptionDetails": [ { "Value": "newvalue", "Active": true, "Id": "tag-iabcdn4fzjjms", "Key": "1234" }, { "Value": "value1", "Active": true, "Id": "tag-e3abcdvmwvrzy", "Key": "key" } ] }
  • For API details, see ListTagOptions in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use provision-product.

Amazon CLI

To provision a product

The following provision-product example provisions the specified product using the specified provisioning artifact.

aws servicecatalog provision-product \ --product-id prod-abcdfz3syn2rg \ --provisioning-artifact-id pa-abc347pcsccfm \ --provisioned-product-name "mytestppname3"


{ "RecordDetail": { "RecordId": "rec-tfuawdabcdege", "CreatedTime": 1577222793.362, "ProvisionedProductId": "pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "PathId": "lpv2-abcdg3jp6t5k6", "RecordErrors": [], "ProductId": "prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "UpdatedTime": 1577222793.362, "RecordType": "PROVISION_PRODUCT", "ProvisionedProductName": "mytestppname3", "ProvisioningArtifactId": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "RecordTags": [], "Status": "CREATED", "ProvisionedProductType": "CFN_STACK" } }

The following code example shows how to use reject-portfolio-share.

Amazon CLI

To reject a portfolio share

The following reject-portfolio-share example rejects the portfolio share for the given portfolio.

aws servicecatalog reject-portfolio-share \ --portfolio-id port-2s6wuabcdefghijk

This command produces no output.

The following code example shows how to use scan-provisioned-products.

Amazon CLI

To list all available provisioned products

The following scan-provisioned-products example lists available provisioned products.

aws servicecatalog scan-provisioned-products


{ "ProvisionedProducts": [ { "Status": "ERROR", "Arn": "arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mytestppname3/pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "StatusMessage": "AmazonCloudFormationException Parameters: [KeyName] must have values (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 5528602a-a9ef-427c-825c-f82c31b814f5)", "Id": "pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "Type": "CFN_STACK", "IdempotencyToken": "527c5358-2a1a-4b9e-b1b9-7293b0ddff42", "CreatedTime": 1577222793.358, "Name": "mytestppname3", "LastRecordId": "rec-tfuawdabcdxge" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use search-products-as-admin.

Amazon CLI

To search products with administrator privileges

The following search-products-as-admin example searches for products with admin privileges, using a portfolio ID as a filter.

aws servicecatalog search-products-as-admin \ --portfolio-id port-5abcd3e5st4ei


{ "ProductViewDetails": [ { "ProductViewSummary": { "Name": "my product", "Owner": "owner name", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "ProductId": "prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "HasDefaultPath": false, "Id": "prodview-abcdmyuzv2dlu", "ShortDescription": "description" }, "ProductARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:product/prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "CreatedTime": 1562097906.0, "Status": "CREATED" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use search-provisioned-products.

Amazon CLI

To search provisioned products

The following search-provisioned-products example searches for provisioned products matching the specified product ID, using a JSON file to pass parameters.

aws servicecatalog search-provisioned-products \ --cli-input-json file://search-provisioned-products-input.json

Contents of search-provisioned-products-input.json:

{ "Filters": { "SearchQuery": [ "prod-tcjvfz3syn2rg" ] } }


{ "ProvisionedProducts": [ { "ProvisioningArtifactId": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "Name": "mytestppname3", "CreatedTime": 1577222793.358, "Id": "pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "Status": "ERROR", "UserArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/cliuser", "StatusMessage": "AmazonCloudFormationException Parameters: [KeyName] must have values (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: 5528602a-a9ef-427c-825c-f82c31b814f5)", "Arn": "arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mytestppname3/pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "Tags": [ { "Value": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:product/prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "Key": "aws:servicecatalog:productArn" }, { "Value": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/cliuser", "Key": "aws:servicecatalog:provisioningPrincipalArn" }, { "Value": "value-3", "Key": "1234" }, { "Value": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "Key": "aws:servicecatalog:provisioningArtifactIdentifier" }, { "Value": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-2s6abcdq5wdh4", "Key": "aws:servicecatalog:portfolioArn" }, { "Value": "arn:aws:servicecatalog:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mytestppname3/pp-abcd27bm4mldq", "Key": "aws:servicecatalog:provisionedProductArn" } ], "IdempotencyToken": "527c5358-2a1a-4b9e-b1b9-7293b0ddff42", "UserArnSession": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/cliuser", "Type": "CFN_STACK", "LastRecordId": "rec-tfuawdabcdxge", "ProductId": "prod-abcdfz3syn2rg" } ], "TotalResultsCount": 1 }

The following code example shows how to use update-portfolio.

Amazon CLI

To update a portfolio

The following update-portfolio example updates the name of the specified portfolio.

aws servicecatalog update-portfolio \ --id port-5abcd3e5st4ei \ --display-name "New portfolio name"


{ "PortfolioDetail": { "DisplayName": "New portfolio name", "ProviderName": "provider", "ARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:portfolio/port-5abcd3e5st4ei", "Id": "port-5abcd3e5st4ei", "CreatedTime": 1559665256.348 }, "Tags": [] }

The following code example shows how to use update-product.

Amazon CLI

To update a product

The following update-product example updates the name and owner of the specified product.

aws servicecatalog update-product \ --id prod-os6abc7drqlt2 \ --name "New product name" \ --owner "Updated product owner"


{ "Tags": [ { "Value": "iad", "Key": "region" } ], "ProductViewDetail": { "ProductViewSummary": { "Owner": "Updated product owner", "ProductId": "prod-os6abc7drqlt2", "Distributor": "test-distributor", "SupportUrl": "", "Name": "New product name", "ShortDescription": "test-description", "HasDefaultPath": false, "Id": "prodview-6abcdgrfhvidy", "SupportDescription": "test-support", "SupportEmail": "", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE" }, "Status": "CREATED", "ProductARN": "arn:aws:catalog:us-west-2:123456789012:product/prod-os6abc7drqlt2", "CreatedTime": 1577136255.0 } }
  • For API details, see UpdateProduct in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-provisioning-artifact.

Amazon CLI

To update a provisioning artifact

The following update-provisioning-artifact example updates the name and description of the specified provisioning artifact, using a JSON file to pass parameters.

aws servicecatalog update-provisioning-artifact \ --cli-input-json file://update-provisioning-artifact-input.json

Contents of update-provisioning-artifact-input.json:

{ "ProductId": "prod-abcdfz3syn2rg", "ProvisioningArtifactId": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "Name": "updated name", "Description": "updated description" }


{ "Info": { "TemplateUrl": "" }, "Status": "AVAILABLE", "ProvisioningArtifactDetail": { "Active": true, "Description": "updated description", "Id": "pa-pcz347abcdcfm", "Name": "updated name", "Type": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "CreatedTime": 1562097906.0 } }

The following code example shows how to use update-tag-option.

Amazon CLI

To update a TagOption

The following update-tag-option example updates the value of a TagOption, using the specified JSON file.

aws servicecatalog update-tag-option --cli-input-json file://update-tag-option-input.json

Contents of update-tag-option-input.json:

{ "Id": "tag-iabcdn4fzjjms", "Value": "newvalue", "Active": true }


{ "TagOptionDetail": { "Value": "newvalue", "Key": "1234", "Active": true, "Id": "tag-iabcdn4fzjjms" } }