Amazon WorkDocs examples using Amazon CLI - Amazon Command Line Interface
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Amazon CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the Amazon CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.

Amazon WorkDocs examples using Amazon CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon Command Line Interface with Amazon WorkDocs.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use abort-document-version-upload.

Amazon CLI

To stop a document version upload

This example stops a previously initiated document version upload.


aws workdocs abort-document-version-upload --document-id feaba64d4efdf271c2521b60a2a44a8f057e84beaabbe22f01267313209835f2 --version-id 1536773972914-ddb67663e782e7ce8455ebc962217cf9f9e47b5a9a702e5c84dcccd417da9313



The following code example shows how to use activate-user.

Amazon CLI

To activate a user

This example activates an inactive user.


aws workdocs activate-user --user-id "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c"


{ "User": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Username": "exampleUser", "EmailAddress": "", "GivenName": "Example", "Surname": "User", "OrganizationId": "d-926726012c", "RootFolderId": "75f67c183aa1217409ac87576a45c03a5df5e6d8c51c35c01669970538e86cd0", "RecycleBinFolderId": "642b7dd3e60b14204534f3df7b1959e01b5d170f8c2707f410e40a8149120a57", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Type": "MINIMALUSER", "CreatedTimestamp": 1521226107.747, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1525297406.462, "Storage": { "StorageUtilizedInBytes": 0, "StorageRule": { "StorageAllocatedInBytes": 0, "StorageType": "QUOTA" } } } }
  • For API details, see ActivateUser in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use add-resource-permissions.

Amazon CLI

To add permissions for a resource

This example adds permissions to the resource for the specified principals.


aws workdocs add-resource-permissions --resource-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --principals Id=anonymous,Type=ANONYMOUS,Role=VIEWER


{ "ShareResults": [ { "PrincipalId": "anonymous", "Role": "VIEWER", "Status": "SUCCESS", "ShareId": "d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65", "StatusMessage": "" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use create-comment.

Amazon CLI

To add a new comment

This example adds a new comment to the specified document version.


aws workdocs create-comment --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920 --text "This is a comment."


{ "Comment": { "CommentId": "1534799058197-c7f5c84de9115875bbca93e0367bbebac609541d461636b760849b88b1609dd5", "ThreadId": "1534799058197-c7f5c84de9115875bbca93e0367bbebac609541d461636b760849b88b1609dd5", "Text": "This is a comment.", "Contributor": { "Id": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/exampleUser", "Username": "exampleUser", "GivenName": "Example", "Surname": "User", "Status": "ACTIVE" }, "CreatedTimestamp": 1534799058.197, "Status": "PUBLISHED", "Visibility": "PUBLIC" } }
  • For API details, see CreateComment in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-custom-metadata.

Amazon CLI

To create custom metadata

This example creates custom metadata for the specified document.


aws workdocs create-custom-metadata --resource-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --custom-metadata KeyName1=example,KeyName2=example2



The following code example shows how to use create-folder.

Amazon CLI

To create a folder

This example creates a folder.


aws workdocs create-folder --name documents --parent-folder-id 1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678


{ "Metadata": { "Id": "50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08", "Name": "documents", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534450467.622, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534450467.622, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE", "Signature": "", "Size": 0, "LatestVersionSize": 0 } }
  • For API details, see CreateFolder in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-labels.

Amazon CLI

To create labels

This example creates a series of labels for a document.


aws workdocs create-labels --resource-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --labels "documents" "examples" "my_documents"


  • For API details, see CreateLabels in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-notification-subscription.

Amazon CLI

To create a notification subscription

The following create-notification-subscription example configures a notification subscription for the specified Amazon WorkDocs organization.

aws workdocs create-notification-subscription \ --organization-id d-123456789c \ --protocol HTTPS \ --subscription-type ALL \ --notification-endpoint ""


{ "Subscription": { "SubscriptionId": "123ab4c5-678d-901e-f23g-45h6789j0123", "EndPoint": "", "Protocol": "HTTPS" } }

For more information, see Subscribe to Notifications in the Amazon WorkDocs Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-user.

Amazon CLI

To create a new user

This example creates a new user in a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory.


aws workdocs create-user --organization-id d-926726012c --username exampleUser2 --email-address --given-name example2Name --surname example2Surname --password examplePa$$w0rd


{ "User": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Username": "exampleUser2", "EmailAddress": "", "GivenName": "example2Name", "Surname": "example2Surname", "OrganizationId": "d-926726012c", "RootFolderId": "35b886cb17198cbd547655e58b025dff0cf34aaed638be52009567e23dc67390", "RecycleBinFolderId": "9858c3e9ed4c2460dde9aadb4c69fde998070dd46e5e985bd08ec6169ea249ff", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Type": "MINIMALUSER", "CreatedTimestamp": 1535478836.584, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1535478836.584, "Storage": { "StorageUtilizedInBytes": 0, "StorageRule": { "StorageAllocatedInBytes": 0, "StorageType": "QUOTA" } } } }
  • For API details, see CreateUser in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use deactivate-user.

Amazon CLI

To deactivate a user

This example deactivates an active user.


aws workdocs deactivate-user --user-id "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c"


  • For API details, see DeactivateUser in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-comment.

Amazon CLI

To delete a specified comment from a document version

This example deletes the specified comment from the specified document version.


aws workdocs delete-comment --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920 --comment-id 1534799058197-c7f5c84de9115875bbca93e0367bbebac609541d461636b760849b88b1609dd5


  • For API details, see DeleteComment in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-custom-metadata.

Amazon CLI

To delete custom metadata from a resource

This example deletes all custom metadata from the specified resource.


aws workdocs delete-custom-metadata --resource-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --delete-all



The following code example shows how to use delete-document.

Amazon CLI

To delete a document

This example deletes the specified document.


aws workdocs delete-document --document-id b83ed5e5b167b65ef69de9d597627ff1a0d4f07a45e67f1fab7d26b54427de0a


  • For API details, see DeleteDocument in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-folder-contents.

Amazon CLI

To delete the contents of a folder

This example deletes the contents of the specified folder.


aws workdocs delete-folder-contents --folder-id 26fa8aa4ba2071447c194f7b150b07149dbdb9e1c8a301872dcd93a4735ce65d



The following code example shows how to use delete-folder.

Amazon CLI

To delete a folder

This example deletes the specified folder.


aws workdocs delete-folder --folder-id 26fa8aa4ba2071447c194f7b150b07149dbdb9e1c8a301872dcd93a4735ce65d


  • For API details, see DeleteFolder in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-labels.

Amazon CLI

To delete labels

This example deletes the specified labels from a document.


aws workdocs delete-labels --resource-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --labels "documents" "examples"


  • For API details, see DeleteLabels in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-notification-subscription.

Amazon CLI

To delete a notification subscription

The following delete-notification-subscription example deletes the specified notification subscription.

aws workdocs delete-notification-subscription \ --subscription-id 123ab4c5-678d-901e-f23g-45h6789j0123 \ --organization-id d-123456789c

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Subscribe to Notifications in the Amazon WorkDocs Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-user.

Amazon CLI

To delete a user

This example deletes a user.


aws workdocs delete-user --user-id "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c"


  • For API details, see DeleteUser in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-activities.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of user activities

This example returns a list of the latest user activities for the specified organization, with a limit set for the latest two activities.


aws workdocs describe-activities --organization-id d-926726012c --limit 2


{ "UserActivities": [ { "Type": "DOCUMENT_VERSION_DOWNLOADED", "TimeStamp": 1534800122.17, "Initiator": { "Id": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/exampleUser" }, "ResourceMetadata": { "Type": "document", "Name": "updatedDoc", "Id": "15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3", "Owner": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "GivenName": "exampleName", "Surname": "exampleSurname" } } }, { "Type": "DOCUMENT_VERSION_VIEWED", "TimeStamp": 1534799079.207, "Initiator": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "GivenName": "exampleName", "Surname": "exampleSurname" }, "ResourceMetadata": { "Type": "document", "Name": "updatedDoc", "Id": "15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3", "Owner": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "GivenName": "exampleName", "Surname": "exampleSurname" } } } ], "Marker": "DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoAgAAAAAAAAS7FmlTaU1OdlFTU1h1UU00VVFIbDlRWHcAAAAAAAAJTRY3bWh5eUgzaVF1ZXN2RUE5Wm8tTTdR" }

The following code example shows how to use describe-comments.

Amazon CLI

To list all comments for a specified document version

This example lists all the comments for the specified document version.


aws workdocs describe-comments --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920


{ "Comments": [ { "CommentId": "1534799058197-c7f5c84de9115875bbca93e0367bbebac609541d461636b760849b88b1609dd5", "ThreadId": "1534799058197-c7f5c84de9115875bbca93e0367bbebac609541d461636b760849b88b1609dd5", "Text": "This is a comment.", "Contributor": { "Username": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/exampleUser", "Type": "USER" }, "CreatedTimestamp": 1534799058.197, "Status": "PUBLISHED", "Visibility": "PUBLIC" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-document-versions.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve a document's versions

This example retrieves the document versions for the specified document, including initialized versions and a URL for the source document.


aws workdocs describe-document-versions --document-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --fields SOURCE


{ "DocumentVersions": [ { "Id": "1534452029587-15e129dfc187505c407588df255be83de2920d733859f1d2762411d22a83e3ef", "Name": "exampleDoc.docx", "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "Size": 13922, "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Status": "ACTIVE", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534452029.587, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534452029.849, "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Source": { "ORIGINAL": "" } }, { "Id": "1529005196082-bb75fa19abc287699cb07147f75816dce43a53a10f28dc001bf61ef2fab01c59", "Name": "exampleDoc.pdf", "ContentType": "application/pdf", "Size": 425916, "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Status": "ACTIVE", "CreatedTimestamp": 1529005196.082, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1529005196.796, "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Source": { "ORIGINAL": "" } } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-folder-contents.

Amazon CLI

To describe the contents of a folder

This example describes all the active contents of the specified folder, including its documents and subfolders, sorted by date in ascending order.


aws workdocs describe-folder-contents --folder-id 1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678 --sort DATE --order ASCENDING --type ALL


{ "Folders": [ { "Id": "50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08", "Name": "testing", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534450467.622, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534451113.504, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE", "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Size": 23019, "LatestVersionSize": 11537 } ], "Documents": [ { "Id": "d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "CreatedTimestamp": 1529005196.082, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534452483.01, "LatestVersionMetadata": { "Id": "1534452029587-15e129dfc187505c407588df255be83de2920d733859f1d2762411d22a83e3ef", "Name": "exampleDoc.docx", "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "Size": 13922, "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Status": "ACTIVE", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534452029.587, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534452029.587, "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c" }, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-groups.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve a list of groups

The following describe-groups example lists the groups associated with the specified Amazon WorkDocs organization.

aws workdocs describe-groups \ --search-query "e" \ --organization-id d-123456789c


{ "Groups": [ { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1122222222-2222233333-3333334444-4444&d-123456789c", "Name": "Example Group 1" }, { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1122222222-2222233333-3333334444-5555&d-123456789c", "Name": "Example Group 2" } ] }

For more information, see Getting Started with Amazon WorkDocs in the Amazon WorkDocs Administration Guide.

  • For API details, see DescribeGroups in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-notification-subscriptions.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve a list of notification subscriptions

The following describe-notification-subscriptions example retrieves the notification subscriptions for the specified Amazon WorkDocs organization.

aws workdocs describe-notification-subscriptions \ --organization-id d-123456789c


{ "Subscriptions": [ { "SubscriptionId": "123ab4c5-678d-901e-f23g-45h6789j0123", "EndPoint": "", "Protocol": "HTTPS" } ] }

For more information, see Subscribe to Notifications in the Amazon WorkDocs Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use describe-resource-permissions.

Amazon CLI

To get a list of permissions for a resource

This example returns a list of the permissions for the specified resource (document or folder).


aws workdocs describe-resource-permissions --resource-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3


{ "Principals": [ { "Id": "anonymous", "Type": "ANONYMOUS", "Roles": [ { "Role": "VIEWER", "Type": "DIRECT" } ] }, { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Type": "USER", "Roles": [ { "Role": "OWNER", "Type": "DIRECT" } ] }, { "Id": "d-926726012c", "Type": "ORGANIZATION", "Roles": [ { "Role": "VIEWER", "Type": "INHERITED" } ] } ] }

The following code example shows how to use describe-users.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve details for specified users

This example retrieves details for all the users in the specified organization.


aws workdocs describe-users --organization-id d-926726012c


{ "Users": [ { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Username": "example1User", "OrganizationId": "d-926726012c", "RootFolderId": "3c0e3f849dd20a9771d937b9bbcc97e18796150ae56c26d64a4fa0320a2dedc9", "RecycleBinFolderId": "c277f4c4d647be1f5147b3184ffa96e1e2bf708278b696cacba68ba13b91f4fe", "Status": "INACTIVE", "Type": "USER", "CreatedTimestamp": 1535478999.452, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1535478999.452 }, { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-4444&d-926726012c", "Username": "example2User", "EmailAddress": "", "GivenName": "example2Name", "Surname": "example2Surname", "OrganizationId": "d-926726012c", "RootFolderId": "35b886cb17198cbd547655e58b025dff0cf34aaed638be52009567e23dc67390", "RecycleBinFolderId": "9858c3e9ed4c2460dde9aadb4c69fde998070dd46e5e985bd08ec6169ea249ff", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Type": "MINIMALUSER", "CreatedTimestamp": 1535478836.584, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1535478836.584 } ] }
  • For API details, see DescribeUsers in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-document-path.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve a document's path information

This example retrieves the path information (hierarchy from the root folder) for the specified document, and includes the names of the parent folders.


aws workdocs get-document-path --document-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65 --fields NAME


{ "Path": { "Components": [ { "Id": "a43d29cbb8e7c4d25cfee8b803a504b0dc63e760b55ad0c611c6b87691eb6ff3", "Name": "/" }, { "Id": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "Name": "Top Level Folder" }, { "Id": "d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65", "Name": "exampleDoc.docx" } ] } }

The following code example shows how to use get-document-version.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve version metadata for a specified document

This example retrieves version metadata for the specified document, including a source URL and custom metadata.


aws workdocs get-document-version --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920 --fields SOURCE --include-custom-metadata


{ "Metadata": { "Id": "1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920", "Name": "exampleDoc", "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "Size": 11537, "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Status": "ACTIVE", "CreatedTimestamp": 1521672507.741, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534451113.504, "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Source": { "ORIGINAL": "" } } }

The following code example shows how to use get-document.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve document details

This example retrieves the details of the specified document.


aws workdocs get-document --document-id d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65


{ "Metadata": { "Id": "d90d93c1fe44bad0c8471e973ebaab339090401a95e777cffa58e977d2983b65", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "CreatedTimestamp": 1529005196.082, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534452483.01, "LatestVersionMetadata": { "Id": "1534452029587-15e129dfc187505c407588df255be83de2920d733859f1d2762411d22a83e3ef", "Name": "exampleDoc.docx", "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "Size": 13922, "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Status": "ACTIVE", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534452029.587, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534452029.587, "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c" }, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE" } }
  • For API details, see GetDocument in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-folder-path.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve path information for a folder

This example retrieves the path information (hierarchy from the root folder) for the specified folder, and includes the names of the parent folders.


aws workdocs get-folder-path --folder-id 50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08 --fields NAME


{ "Path": { "Components": [ { "Id": "a43d29cbb8e7c4d25cfee8b803a504b0dc63e760b55ad0c611c6b87691eb6ff3", "Name": "/" }, { "Id": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "Name": "Top Level Folder" }, { "Id": "50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08", "Name": "Sublevel Folder" } ] } }
  • For API details, see GetFolderPath in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-folder.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve the metadata for a folder

This example retrieves the metadata for the specified folder.


aws workdocs get-folder --folder-id 50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08


{ "Metadata": { "Id": "50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08", "Name": "exampleFolder", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678", "CreatedTimestamp": 1534450467.622, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1534451113.504, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE", "Signature": "1a23456b78901c23d4ef56gh7EXAMPLE", "Size": 23019, "LatestVersionSize": 11537 } }
  • For API details, see GetFolder in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-resources.

Amazon CLI

To retrieve shared resources

The following get-resources example retrieves the resources shared with the specified Amazon WorkDocs user.

aws workdocs get-resources \ --user-id "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333" \ --collection-type SHARED_WITH_ME


{ "Folders": [], "Documents": [] }

For more information, see Sharing Files and Folders in the Amazon WorkDocs User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetResources in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use initiate-document-version-upload.

Amazon CLI

To initiate a document version upload

The following initiate-document-upload example creates a new document object and version object.

aws workdocs initiate-document-version-upload \ --name exampledocname \ --parent-folder-id eacd546d952531c633452ed67cac23161aa0d5df2e8061223a59e8f67e7b6189


{ "Metadata": { "Id": "feaba64d4efdf271c2521b60a2a44a8f057e84beaabbe22f01267313209835f2", "CreatorId": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "ParentFolderId": "eacd546d952531c633452ed67cac23161aa0d5df2e8061223a59e8f67e7b6189", "CreatedTimestamp": 1536773972.914, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1536773972.914, "LatestVersionMetadata": { "Id": "1536773972914-ddb67663e782e7ce8455ebc962217cf9f9e47b5a9a702e5c84dcccd417da9313", "Name": "exampledocname", "ContentType": "application/octet-stream", "Size": 0, "Status": "INITIALIZED", "CreatedTimestamp": 1536773972.914, "ModifiedTimestamp": 1536773972.914, "CreatorId": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/EXAMPLE" }, "ResourceState": "ACTIVE" }, "UploadMetadata": { "UploadUrl": "", "SignedHeaders": { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "x-amz-server-side-encryption": "ABC123" } } }

The following code example shows how to use remove-all-resource-permissions.

Amazon CLI

To remove all permissions from a specified resource

This example removes all permissions from the specified resource.


aws workdocs remove-all-resource-permissions --resource-id 1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678



The following code example shows how to use remove-resource-permission.

Amazon CLI

To remove permissions from a resource

This example removes permissions from the resource for the specified principal.


aws workdocs remove-resource-permission --resource-id 1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678 --principal-id anonymous



The following code example shows how to use update-document-version.

Amazon CLI

To change a document version status to Active

This example changes the status of the document version to Active.


aws workdocs update-document-version --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --version-id 1521672507741-9f7df0ea5dd0b121c4f3564a0c7c0b4da95cd12c635d3c442af337a88e297920 --version-status ACTIVE



The following code example shows how to use update-document.

Amazon CLI

To update a document

This example updates a document's name and parent folder.


aws workdocs update-document --document-id 15df51e0335cfcc6a2e4de9dd8be9f22ee40545ad9176f54758dcf903be982d3 --name updatedDoc --parent-folder-id 50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08


  • For API details, see UpdateDocument in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-folder.

Amazon CLI

To update a folder

This example updates a folder's name and parent folder.


aws workdocs update-folder --folder-id 50893c0af679524d1a0e0651130ed6d073e1a05f95bd12c42dcde5d35634ed08 --name exampleFolder1 --parent-folder-id 1ece93e5fe75315c7407c4967918b4fd9da87ddb2a588e67b7fdaf4a98fde678


  • For API details, see UpdateFolder in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-user.

Amazon CLI

To update a user

This example updates the time zone for the specified user.


aws workdocs update-user --user-id "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c" --time-zone-id "America/Los_Angeles"


{ "User": { "Id": "S-1-1-11-1111111111-2222222222-3333333333-3333&d-926726012c", "Username": "exampleUser", "EmailAddress": "", "GivenName": "Example", "Surname": "User", "OrganizationId": "d-926726012c", "RootFolderId": "c5eceb5e1a2d1d460c9d1af8330ae117fc8d39bb1d3ed6acd0992d5ff192d986", "RecycleBinFolderId": "6ca20102926ad15f04b1d248d6d6e44f2449944eda5c758f9a1e9df6a6b7fa66", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Type": "USER", "TimeZoneId": "America/Los_Angeles", "Storage": { "StorageUtilizedInBytes": 0, "StorageRule": { "StorageAllocatedInBytes": 53687091200, "StorageType": "QUOTA" } } } }
  • For API details, see UpdateUser in Amazon CLI Command Reference.