Updating tags for Amazon Cloud Map resources - Amazon Cloud Map
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Updating tags for Amazon Cloud Map resources

Use the following Amazon CLI commands or Amazon Cloud Map API operations to add, update, list, and delete the tags for your resources.

Tagging support for Amazon Cloud Map resources
Task API action Amazon CLI Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell

Add or overwrite one or more tags.




Delete one or more tags.




List tags for a resource




The following examples show how to tag or untag resources using the Amazon CLI.

Example 1: Tag an existing resource

The following command tags an existing resource.

aws servicediscovery tag-resource --resource-arn resource_ARN --tags team=devs
Example 2: Untag an existing resource

The following command deletes a tag from an existing resource.

aws servicediscovery untag-resource --resource-arn resource_ARN --tag-keys tag_key
Example 3: List tags for a resource

The following command lists the tags associated with an existing resource.

aws servicediscovery list-tags-for-resource --resource-arn resource_ARN

Some resource-creating actions enable you to specify tags when you create the resource. The following actions support tagging on creation.

Task API action Amazon CLI Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell
Create an HTTP namespace CreateHttpNamespace create-http-namespace New-SDHttpNamespace
Create a private namespace based on DNS CreatePrivateDnsNamespace create-private-dns-namespace New-SDPrivateDnsNamespace
Create a public namespace based on DNS CreatePublicDnsNamespace create-public-dns-namespace New-SDPublicDnsNamespace
Create a service CreateService create-service New-SDService