Handle Amazon Cloud Map DiscoverInstances API request throttling
Amazon Cloud Map throttles DiscoverInstances API requests for each Amazon account on a per-Region basis. Throttling helps improve the performance of the service and helps provide fair usage for all Amazon Cloud Map customers. Throttling ensures that calls to the Amazon Cloud Map DiscoverInstances API doesn't exceed the maximum allowed DiscoverInstances API request quotas. DiscoverInstances API calls originating from any of the following sources are subject to the request quotas:
A third-party application
A command line tool
The Amazon Cloud Map console
If you exceed an API throttling quota, you get the RequestLimitExceeded
code. For more information, see Request rate limiting.
How throttling is applied
Amazon Cloud Map uses the token bucket
Request rate limiting
Throttling limits the number of DiscoverInstances API requests that you can make. Each request removes one token from the bucket. For example, the bucket size for the DiscoverInstances API operation is 2,000 tokens, so you can make up to 2,000 DiscoverInstances requests in one second. If you exceed 2,000 requests in one second, you're throttled and the remaining requests within that second fail.
Buckets automatically refill at a set rate. If the bucket isn't at capacity, a set number of tokens is added back every second until the bucket reaches capacity. If the bucket is at capacity when refill tokens arrive, then these tokens are discarded. The bucket size for the DiscoverInstances API operation is 2,000 tokens, and the refill rate is 1,000 tokens every second. If you make 2,000 DiscoverInstances API requests in a second, the bucket is immediately reduced to zero (0) tokens. The bucket is then refilled by up to 1,000 tokens every second until it reaches its maximum capacity of 2,000 tokens.
You can use tokens as they are added to the bucket. You don't need to wait for the bucket to be at maximum capacity before you make API requests. If you deplete the bucket by making 2,000 DiscoverInstances API requests in one second, you can still make up to 1,000 DiscoverInstances API requests every second after that for as long as you need. This means that you can immediately use the refill tokens as they are added to your bucket. The bucket only starts to refill to the maximum capacity when you make fewer API requests every second than the refill rate.
Retries or batch processing
If an API request fails, your application might need to retry the request. To reduce the number of API requests, use an appropriate sleep interval between successive requests. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval.
Calculating the sleep interval
When you have to poll or retry an API request, we recommend using an exponential backoff algorithm to calculate the sleep interval between API calls. By using progressively longer wait times between retries for consecutive error responses, you can reduce the number of failed requests. For more information and implementation examples of this algorithm, see Retry Behavior in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.
Adjusting API throttling quotas
You can request an increase to API throttling quotas for your Amazon account. To request a
quota adjustment, contact the Amazon Web Services Support Center