Amazon Cloud Map service instances
A service instance contains information about how to locate a resource, such as a web server, for an application. After you register instances, you locate them by using DNS queries or the Amazon Cloud Map DiscoverInstances API action. The resources you can register include, but aren't limited to, the following:
Amazon EC2 instances
Amazon DynamoDB tables
Amazon S3 buckets
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queues
APIs deployed on top of Amazon API Gateway
You can specify attribute values for services instances, and clients can use these attributes to filter the resources that Amazon Cloud Map returns. For example, an application can request resources in a particular deployment stage, like BETA or PROD. You can also use attributes for versioning.
The following procedures describe how you can register resources in your application as service instances, view a list of registered instances in a service, edit certain instance parameters, and deregister an instance.