Create and store a token in a Secrets Manager secret
If you choose to use to store your access token using Secrets Manager, you can use either an existing secret connection or create a new secret. To create a new secret, do the following:
- Amazon Web Services Management Console
To create a Secrets Manager secret in the Amazon Web Services Management Console
For Source provider, choose Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitHub Enterprise.
For Credential, do one of the following:
Choose Default source credential to use your account's default source credential to apply to all projects.
If you aren't connected to your source provider, choose Manage default source credential.
For Credential type, choose a credential type other than CodeConnections.
For Service, choose Secrets Manager and for Secrets choose New secret.
In Secret name, enter the name of your secret.
In Secret description - optional, enter a description for your secret.
Depending on the source provider you chose, enter your token or username and app password and choose Save.
Choose Custom source credential to use a custom source credential to override your account's default settings.
For Credential type, choose a credential type other than CodeConnections.
In Connection, choose Create a secret.
In Secret name, enter the name of your secret.
In Secret description - optional, enter a description for your secret.
Depending on the source provider you chose, enter your token or username and app password, and choose Create.
- Amazon CLI
To create a Secrets Manager secret in the Amazon CLI
Open a terminal (Linux, OS X, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the Amazon CLI to run the Secrets Manager create-secret command.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --region
\ --name '<secret-name>
' \ --description '<secret-description>
' \ --secret-string '{ "ServerType":"<server-type>
", "AuthType":"<auth-type>
", "Token":"<token>
" }' \ --tags Key=codebuild:source,Value='' \ Key=codebuild:source:type,Value=<type>
\ Key=codebuild:source:provider,Value=<provider>
The Secrets Manager secrets that CodeBuild accept must be in the same account and Amazon Region as the CodeBuild project and must be in the following JSON format:
{ "ServerType": ServerType, "AuthType: AuthType, "Token": string, "Username": string // Optional and is only used for Bitbucket app password }
Field Valid values Description ServerType
The third party source provider for your Secrets Manager secret.
The type of access token used by the credentials. For GitHub, only PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN is valid. BASIC_AUTH is only valid for Bitbucket app password.
For GitHub or GitHub Enterprise, this is the personal access token. For Bitbucket, this is either the access token or the Bitbucket app password.
The Bitbucket username when the AuthType is BASIC_AUTH. This parameter is not valid for other types of source providers.
Additionally, CodeBuild uses the following resource tags on the secret to ensure the secrets are easily selectable when creating or editing projects.
Tag key Tag value Description codebuild:source:provider
Tells CodeBuild which provider this secret is intended for.
Tells CodeBuild the type of access token in this secret.