Create a CodeBuild project with a private registry - Amazon CodeBuild
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Create a CodeBuild project with a private registry

  1. For information about how to create a free private repository, see Repositories on Docker Hub. You can also run the following commands in a terminal to pull an image, get its ID, and push it to a new repository.

    docker pull amazonlinux docker images amazonlinux --format {{.ID}} docker tag image-id your-username/repository-name:tag docker login docker push your-username/repository-name
  2. Follow the steps in Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret in the Amazon Secrets Manager User Guide.

    1. In step 3, in Choose secret type, choose Other type of secret.

    2. In Key/value pairs, create one key-value pair for your Docker Hub user name and one key-value pair for your Docker Hub password.

    3. Continue following the steps in Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret.

    4. In step 5, on the Configure automatic rotation page, turn it off because the keys correspond to your Docker Hub credentials.

    5. Finish following the steps in Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret.

    For more information, see What is Amazon Secrets Manager?

  3. When you create an Amazon CodeBuild project in the console, CodeBuild attaches the required permission for you. If you use an Amazon KMS key other than DefaultEncryptionKey, you must add it to the service role. For more information, see Modifying a role (console) in the IAM User Guide.

    For your service role to work with Secrets Manager, it must have, at a minimum, the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission.

    The service role configuration.
  4. To use the console to create a project with an environment stored in a private registry, do the following while you create a project. For information, see Create a build project (console).


    If your private registry is in your VPC, it must have public internet access. CodeBuild cannot pull an image from a private IP address in a VPC.

    1. In Environment image, choose Custom image.

    2. For Environment type, choose Linux or Windows.

    3. For Image registry, choose Other registry.

    4. In External registry URL, enter the image location and in Registry credential - optional enter the ARN or name of your Secrets Manager credentials.


      If your credentials do not exist in your current Region, then you must use the ARN. You cannot use the credential name if the credentials exist in a different Region.