Runtime versions in buildspec file sample for CodeBuild - Amazon CodeBuild
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Runtime versions in buildspec file sample for CodeBuild

If you use the Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) standard image version 1.0 or later, or the Ubuntu standard image version 2.0 or later, you can specify one or more runtimes in the runtime-versions section of your buildspec file. This sample shows how you can change your project runtime, specify more than one runtime, and specify a runtime that is dependent on another runtime. For information about supported runtimes, see Docker images provided by CodeBuild.


If you use Docker in your build container, your build must run in privileged mode. For more information, see Run a build in Amazon CodeBuild and Create a build project in Amazon CodeBuild.

Update your runtime version

You can modify the runtime used by your project to a new version by updating the runtime-versions section of your buildspec file. The following examples show how to specify java versions 8 and 11.

  • A runtime-versions section that specifies version 8 of Java:

    phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto8
  • A runtime-versions section that specifies version 11 of Java:

    phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto11

The following examples show how to specify different versions of Python using the Ubuntu standard image 5.0 or the Amazon Linux 2 standard image 3.0:

  • A runtime-versions section that specifies Python version 3.7:

    phases: install: runtime-versions: python: 3.7
  • A runtime-versions section that specifies Python version 3.8:

    phases: install: runtime-versions: python: 3.8

This sample demonstrates a project that starts with the Java version 8 runtime, and then is updated to the Java version 10 runtime.

  1. Download and install Maven. For information, see Downloading Apache Maven and Installing Apache Maven on the Apache Maven website.

  2. Switch to an empty directory on your local computer or instance, and then run this Maven command.

    mvn archetype:generate "" "-DartifactId=ROOT" "-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp" "-DinteractiveMode=false"

    If successful, this directory structure and files are created.

    . └── ROOT ├── pom.xml └── src └── main ├── resources └── webapp ├── WEB-INF │ └── web.xml └── index.jsp
  3. Create a file named buildspec.yml with the following contents. Store the file in the (root directory name)/my-web-app directory.

    version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: java: corretto8 build: commands: - java -version - mvn package artifacts: files: - '**/*' base-directory: 'target/my-web-app'

    In the buildspec file:

    • The runtime-versions section specifies that the project uses version 8 of the Java runtime.

    • The - java -version command displays the version of Java used by your project when it builds.

    Your file structure should now look like this.

    (root directory name) └── my-web-app ├── src │ ├── main │ ├── resources │ └── webapp │ └── WEB-INF │ └── web.xml │ └── index.jsp ├── buildspec.yml └── pom.xml
  4. Upload the contents of the my-web-app directory to an S3 input bucket or a CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket repository.


    Do not upload (root directory name) or (root directory name)/my-web-app, just the directories and files in (root directory name)/my-web-app.

    If you are using an S3 input bucket, be sure to create a ZIP file that contains the directory structure and files, and then upload it to the input bucket. Do not add (root directory name) or (root directory name)/my-web-app to the ZIP file, just the directories and files in (root directory name)/my-web-app.

  5. Open the Amazon CodeBuild console at

  6. Create a build project. For more information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console). Leave all settings at their default values, except for these settings.

    • For Environment:

      • For Environment image, choose Managed image.

      • For Operating system, choose Amazon Linux 2.

      • For Runtime(s), choose Standard.

      • For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0.

  7. Choose Start build.

  8. On Build configuration, accept the defaults, and then choose Start build.

  9. After the build is complete, view the build output on the Build logs tab. You should see output similar to the following:

    [Container] Date Time Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE [Container] Date Time CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src460614277/src [Container] Date Time YAML location is /codebuild/output/src460614277/src/buildspec.yml [Container] Date Time Processing environment variables [Container] Date Time Selecting 'java' runtime version 'corretto8' based on manual selections... [Container] Date Time Running command echo "Installing Java version 8 ..." Installing Java version 8 ... [Container] Date Time Running command export JAVA_HOME="$JAVA_8_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command export JRE_HOME="$JRE_8_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command export JDK_HOME="$JDK_8_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command for tool_path in "$JAVA_8_HOME"/bin/* "$JRE_8_HOME"/bin/*;
  10. Update the runtime-versions section with Java version 11:

    install: runtime-versions: java: corretto11
  11. After you save the change, run your build again and view the build output. You should see that the installed version of Java is 11. You should see output similar to the following:

    [Container] Date Time Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE [Container] Date Time CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src460614277/src [Container] Date Time YAML location is /codebuild/output/src460614277/src/buildspec.yml [Container] Date Time Processing environment variables [Container] Date Time Selecting 'java' runtime version 'corretto11' based on manual selections... Installing Java version 11 ... [Container] Date Time Running command export JAVA_HOME="$JAVA_11_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command export JRE_HOME="$JRE_11_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command export JDK_HOME="$JDK_11_HOME" [Container] Date Time Running command for tool_path in "$JAVA_11_HOME"/bin/* "$JRE_11_HOME"/bin/*;

Specify two runtimes

You can specify more than one runtime in the same CodeBuild build project. This sample project uses two source files: one that uses the Go runtime and one that uses the Node.js runtime.

  1. Create a directory named my-source.

  2. Inside the my-source directory, create a directory named golang-app.

  3. Create a file named hello.go with the following contents. Store the file in the golang-app directory.

    package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("hello world from golang") fmt.Println("1+1 =", 1+1) fmt.Println("7.0/3.0 =", 7.0/3.0) fmt.Println(true && false) fmt.Println(true || false) fmt.Println(!true) fmt.Println("good bye from golang") }
  4. Inside the my-source directory, create a directory named nodejs-app. It should be at the same level as the golang-app directory.

  5. Create a file named index.js with the following contents. Store the file in the nodejs-app directory.

    console.log("hello world from nodejs"); console.log("1+1 =" + (1+1)); console.log("7.0/3.0 =" + 7.0/3.0); console.log(true && false); console.log(true || false); console.log(!true); console.log("good bye from nodejs");
  6. Create a file named package.json with the following contents. Store the file in the nodejs-app directory.

    { "name": "mycompany-app", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"run some tests here\"" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC" }
  7. Create a file named buildspec.yml with the following contents. Store the file in the my-source directory, at the same level as the nodejs-app and golang-app directories. The runtime-versions section specifies the Node.js version 12 and Go version 1.13 runtimes.

    version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: golang: 1.13 nodejs: 12 build: commands: - echo Building the Go code... - cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/golang-app - go build hello.go - echo Building the Node code... - cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/nodejs-app - npm run test artifacts: secondary-artifacts: golang_artifacts: base-directory: golang-app files: - hello nodejs_artifacts: base-directory: nodejs-app files: - index.js - package.json
  8. Your file structure should now look like this.

    my-source ├── golang-app │ └── hello.go ├── │ ├── index.js │ └── package.json └── buildspec.yml
  9. Upload the contents of the my-source directory to an S3 input bucket or a CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket repository.


    If you are using an S3 input bucket, be sure to create a ZIP file that contains the directory structure and files, and then upload it to the input bucket. Do not add my-source to the ZIP file, just the directories and files in my-source.

  10. Open the Amazon CodeBuild console at

  11. Create a build project. For more information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console). Leave all settings at their default values, except for these settings.

    • For Environment:

      • For Environment image, choose Managed image.

      • For Operating system, choose Amazon Linux 2.

      • For Runtime(s), choose Standard.

      • For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0.

  12. Choose Create build project.

  13. Choose Start build.

  14. On Build configuration, accept the defaults, and then choose Start build.

  15. After the build is complete, view the build output on the Build logs tab. You should see output similar to the following. It shows output from the Go and Node.js runtimes. It also shows output from the Go and Node.js applications.

    [Container] Date Time Processing environment variables [Container] Date Time Selecting 'golang' runtime version '1.13' based on manual selections... [Container] Date Time Selecting 'nodejs' runtime version '12' based on manual selections... [Container] Date Time Running command echo "Installing Go version 1.13 ..." Installing Go version 1.13 ... [Container] Date Time Running command echo "Installing Node.js version 12 ..." Installing Node.js version 12 ... [Container] Date Time Running command n $NODE_12_VERSION installed : v12.20.1 (with npm 6.14.10) [Container] Date Time Moving to directory /codebuild/output/src819694850/src [Container] Date Time Registering with agent [Container] Date Time Phases found in YAML: 2 [Container] Date Time INSTALL: 0 commands [Container] Date Time BUILD: 1 commands [Container] Date Time Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: SUCCEEDED [Container] Date Time Phase context status code: Message: [Container] Date Time Entering phase INSTALL [Container] Date Time Phase complete: INSTALL State: SUCCEEDED [Container] Date Time Phase context status code: Message: [Container] Date Time Entering phase PRE_BUILD [Container] Date Time Phase complete: PRE_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED [Container] Date Time Phase context status code: Message: [Container] Date Time Entering phase BUILD [Container] Date Time Running command echo Building the Go code... Building the Go code... [Container] Date Time Running command cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/golang-app [Container] Date Time Running command go build hello.go [Container] Date Time Running command echo Building the Node code... Building the Node code... [Container] Date Time Running command cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/nodejs-app [Container] Date Time Running command npm run test > mycompany-app@1.0.0 test /codebuild/output/src924084119/src/nodejs-app > echo "run some tests here" run some tests here