Returns information about a pull request event.
- actorArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user whose actions resulted in the event. Examples include updating the pull request with more commits or changing the status of a pull request.
Type: String
Required: No
- approvalRuleEventMetadata
Information about a pull request event.
Type: ApprovalRuleEventMetadata object
Required: No
- approvalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata
Information about an approval rule override event for a pull request.
Type: ApprovalRuleOverriddenEventMetadata object
Required: No
- approvalStateChangedEventMetadata
Information about an approval state change for a pull request.
Type: ApprovalStateChangedEventMetadata object
Required: No
- eventDate
The day and time of the pull request event, in timestamp format.
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
- pullRequestCreatedEventMetadata
Information about the source and destination branches for the pull request.
Type: PullRequestCreatedEventMetadata object
Required: No
- pullRequestEventType
The type of the pull request event (for example, a status change event (PULL_REQUEST_STATUS_CHANGED) or update event (PULL_REQUEST_SOURCE_REFERENCE_UPDATED)).
Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: No
- pullRequestId
The system-generated ID of the pull request.
Type: String
Required: No
- pullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata
Information about the change in mergability state for the pull request event.
Type: PullRequestMergedStateChangedEventMetadata object
Required: No
- pullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata
Information about the updated source branch for the pull request event.
Type: PullRequestSourceReferenceUpdatedEventMetadata object
Required: No
- pullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata
Information about the change in status for the pull request event.
Type: PullRequestStatusChangedEventMetadata object
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: