Comment on a commit in Amazon CodeCommit - Amazon CodeCommit
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Comment on a commit in Amazon CodeCommit

You can use the CodeCommit console to comment on commits in a repository, and view and reply to other users' comments on commits. This can help you discuss changes made in a repository, including:

  • Why changes were made.

  • Whether more changes are required.

  • Whether changes should be merged into another branch.

You can comment on an overall commit, a file in a commit, or a specific line or change in a file. You can also link to a line of code by selecting the line and then copying the resulting URL in your browser.


For best results, use commenting when you are signed in as an IAM user. The commenting functionality is not optimized for users who sign in with root account credentials, federated access, or temporary credentials.

View comments on a commit in a repository

You can use the CodeCommit console to view comments on a commit.

To view comments on a commit
  1. Open the CodeCommit console at

  2. In Repositories, choose the repository for which you want to review comments on commits.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Commits. Choose the commit ID of the commit where you want to view any comments.

    The page for that commit is displayed, along with any comments.

Add and reply to comments on a commit in a repository

You can use the CodeCommit console to add comments to the comparison of a commit and a parent, or to the comparison between two specified commits. You can also reply to comments with emojis, with your own comments, or both.

Add and reply to comments on a commit (console)

You can add and reply to comments to a commit with text and with emojis. Your comments and emojis are marked as belonging to the IAM user or role you used to sign in to the console.

To add and reply to comments on a commit
  1. Open the CodeCommit console at

  2. In Repositories, choose the repository where you want to comment on commits.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Commits. Choose the commit ID of the commit where you want to add or reply to comments.

    The page for that commit is displayed, along with any comments.

  4. To add a comment, do one of the following:

    • To add a general comment, in Comments on changes, enter your comment, and then choose Save. You can use Markdown, or you can enter your comment in plaintext.

      A general comment on the changes in a commit.
    • To add a comment to a file in the commit, find the name of the file. Choose Comment on file, enter your comment, and then choose Save.

      Adding a comment on a file in a commit.
    • To add a comment to a changed line in the commit, go to the line where the change appears. Choose the comment bubble The comment bubble icon that that indicates that you can leave a comment on that line of code. , enter your comment, and then choose Save.

      Adding a comment on a line in a commit.

    You can edit your comment after you have saved it. You can also delete its contents. The comment will remain with a message saying that the contents have been deleted. Consider using the Preview markdown mode for your comment before you save it.

  5. To reply to comments on a commit, choose Reply. To reply to a comment with an emoji, choose the emoji you want from the list. You can only choose one emoji per comment. If you want to change your emoji reaction, choose a different one from the list, or choose None to remove your reaction.

    Adding replies and emoji reactions to a comment.

Add and reply to comments when comparing two commit specifiers

You can add comments to a comparison between branches, tags, or commits.

To add or reply to comments when comparing commit specifiers
  1. Open the CodeCommit console at

  2. In Repositories, choose the repository where you want to compare commits, branches, or tagged commits.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Commits, and then choose the Compare commits tab.

    Compare any two commit specifiers
  4. Use the Destination and Source fields to compare two commit specifiers. Use the drop-down lists or paste in commit IDs. Choose Compare.

    A sample result when comparing a commit ID to a branch
  5. Do one or more of the following:

    • To add comments to files or lines, choose the comment bubble The comment bubble icon that that indicates that you can leave a comment on that line of code. .

    • To add general comments on the compared changes, go to Comments on changes.

View, add, update, and reply to commments (Amazon CLI)

You can view, add, reply, update, and delete the contents of a comment by running the following commands:

To view comments on a commit

  1. Run the get-comments-for-compared-commit command, specifying:

    • The name of the CodeCommit repository (with the --repository-name option).

    • The full commit ID of the after commit, to establish the directionality of the comparison (with the --after-commit-id option).

    • The full commit ID of the before commit, to establish the directionality of the comparison (with the --before-commit-id option).

    • (Optional) An enumeration token to return the next batch of the results (with the --next-token option).

    • (Optional) A non-negative integer to limit the number of returned results (with the --max-results option).

    For example, to view comments made on the comparison between two commits in a repository named MyDemoRepo:

    aws codecommit get-comments-for-compared-commit --repository-name MyDemoRepo --before-commit-id 6e147360EXAMPLE --after-commit-id 317f8570EXAMPLE
  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "commentsForComparedCommitData": [ { "afterBlobId": "1f330709EXAMPLE", "afterCommitId": "317f8570EXAMPLE", "beforeBlobId": "80906a4cEXAMPLE", "beforeCommitId": "6e147360EXAMPLE", "comments": [ { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f", "content": "Whoops - I meant to add this comment to the line, not the file, but I don't see how to delete it.", "creationDate": 1508369768.142, "deleted": false, "CommentId": "123abc-EXAMPLE", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369842.278, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "SMILE" : 6, "THUMBSUP" : 1 } }, { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "553b509bEXAMPLE56198325", "content": "Can you add a test case for this?", "creationDate": 1508369612.240, "deleted": false, "commentId": "456def-EXAMPLE", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369612.240, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "THUMBSUP" : 2 } } ], "location": { "filePath": "cl_sample.js", "filePosition": 1232, "relativeFileVersion": "after" }, "repositoryName": "MyDemoRepo" } ], "nextToken": "exampleToken" }

To view details of a comment on a commit

  1. Run the get-comment command, specifying the system-generated comment ID. For example:

    aws codecommit get-comment --comment-id ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f
  2. If successful, this command returns output similar to the following:

    { "comment": { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f", "content": "Whoops - I meant to add this comment to the line, but I don't see how to delete it.", "creationDate": 1508369768.142, "deleted": false, "commentId": "", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369842.278, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "SMILE" : 6, "THUMBSUP" : 1 } } }

To delete the contents of a comment on a commit

  1. Run the delete-comment-content command, specifying the system-generated comment ID. For example:

    aws codecommit delete-comment-content --comment-id ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f

    You can only delete the content of a comment if you have the AWSCodeCommitFullAccess policy applied, or if you have the DeleteCommentContent permission set to Allow.

  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "comment": { "creationDate": 1508369768.142, "deleted": true, "lastModifiedDate": 1508369842.278, "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f", "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "CLAP" : 1 } } }

To create a comment on a commit

  1. Run the post-comment-for-compared-commit command, specifying:

    • The name of the CodeCommit repository (with the --repository-name option).

    • The full commit ID of the after commit, to establish the directionality of the comparison (with the --after-commit-id option).

    • The full commit ID of the before commit, to establish the directionality of the comparison (with the --before-commit-id option).

    • A unique, client-generated idempotency token (with the --client-request-token option).

    • The content of your comment (with the --content option).

    • A list of location information about where to place the comment, including:

      • The name of the file being compared, including its extension and subdirectory, if any (with the filePath attribute).

      • The line number of the change within a compared file (with the filePosition attribute).

      • Whether the comment on the change is before or after in the comparison between the source and destination branches (with the relativeFileVersion attribute).

    For example, to add the comment "Can you add a test case for this?" on the change to the cl_sample.js file in the comparison between two commits in a repository named MyDemoRepo:

    aws codecommit post-comment-for-compared-commit --repository-name MyDemoRepo --before-commit-id 317f8570EXAMPLE --after-commit-id 5d036259EXAMPLE --client-request-token 123Example --content "Can you add a test case for this?" --location filePath=cl_sample.js,filePosition=1232,relativeFileVersion=AFTER
  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "afterBlobId": "1f330709EXAMPLE", "afterCommitId": "317f8570EXAMPLE", "beforeBlobId": "80906a4cEXAMPLE", "beforeCommitId": "6e147360EXAMPLE", "comment": { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "", "commentId": "553b509bEXAMPLE56198325", "content": "Can you add a test case for this?", "creationDate": 1508369612.203, "deleted": false, "commentId": "abc123-EXAMPLE", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369612.203, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": [] }, "location": { "filePath": "cl_sample.js", "filePosition": 1232, "relativeFileVersion": "AFTER" }, "repositoryName": "MyDemoRepo" }

To update a comment on a commit

  1. Run the update-comment command, specifying the system-generated comment ID and the content to replace any existing content.

    For example, to add the content "Fixed as requested. I'll update the pull request." to a comment with an ID of 442b498bEXAMPLE5756813:

    aws codecommit update-comment --comment-id 442b498bEXAMPLE5756813 --content "Fixed as requested. I'll update the pull request."
  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "comment": { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "", "commentId": "442b498bEXAMPLE5756813", "content": "Fixed as requested. I'll update the pull request.", "creationDate": 1508369929.783, "deleted": false, "lastModifiedDate": 1508369929.287, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "THUMBSUP" : 2 } } }

To reply to a comment on a commit

  1. To post a reply to a comment in a pull request, run the post-comment-reply command, specifying:

    • The system-generated ID of the comment to which you want to reply (with the --in-reply-to option).

    • A unique, client-generated idempotency token (with the --client-request-token option).

    • The content of your reply (with the --content option).

    For example, to add the reply "Good catch. I'll remove them." to the comment with the system-generated ID of abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh:

    aws codecommit post-comment-reply --in-reply-to abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh --content "Good catch. I'll remove them." --client-request-token 123Example
  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "comment": { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "442b498bEXAMPLE5756813", "content": "Good catch. I'll remove them.", "creationDate": 1508369829.136, "deleted": false, "CommentId": "abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh", "lastModifiedDate": 150836912.221, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": [] } }

To reply to a comment on a commit with an emoji

  1. To reply to a comment in a pull request with an emoji, or to change the value of your emoji reaction, run the put-comment-reaction command, specifying:

    • The system-generated ID of the comment to which you want to reply with an emoji.

    • The value of the reaction you want to add or update. Acceptable values include supported emojis, shortcodes, and Unicode values.

    The following values are supported for emojis in CodeCommit:

    Emoji Shortcode Unicode






































    For example, to add the emoji :thumbsup: to the comment with the system-generated ID of abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh:

    aws codecommit put-comment-reaction --comment-id abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh --reaction-value :thumbsup:
  2. If successful, this command produces no output.

To view emoji reactions to a comment

  1. To view emoji reactions to a comment, including the users who reacted with those emojis, run the get-comment-reactions command, specifying the system-generated ID of the comment.

    For example, to view emoji reactions to the comment with the system-generated ID of abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh:

    aws codecommit get-comment-reactions --comment-id abcd1234EXAMPLEb5678efgh
  2. If successful, this command produces output similar to the following:

    { "reactionsForComment": { [ { "reaction": { "emoji:"👍", "shortCode": "thumbsup", "unicode": "U+1F44D" }, "users": [ "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Li_Juan", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Mary_Major", "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Jorge_Souza" ] }, { "reaction": { "emoji": "👎", "shortCode": "thumbsdown", "unicode": "U+1F44E" }, "users": [ "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Nikhil_Jayashankar" ] }, { "reaction": { "emoji": "😕", "shortCode": "confused", "unicode": "U+1F615" }, "users": [ "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Saanvi_Sarkar" ] } ] } }