Quotas in Amazon CodeCommit - Amazon CodeCommit
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Quotas in Amazon CodeCommit

The following table describes quotas in CodeCommit. For information about quotas that can be changed, see Amazon CodeCommit Endpoints and Quotas. For information about requesting a service quota increase, see Amazon Service Quotas. For information about required versions of Git and other software, see Compatibility for CodeCommit, Git, and other components.

Approval rule and approval rule template names Any combination of letters, numbers, periods, spaces, underscores, and dashes between 1 and 100 characters in length. Names are case sensitive. Names cannot end in .git and cannot contain any of the following characters: ! ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / > < ~ ` ' " ; :
Approval rule content length 3000 characters
Approval rule template description length 1000 characters
Approval rule template destination references 100
Approval rule templates 1000 in an Amazon Web Services Region
Approval rules on a pull request Up to 30 maximum. Up to 25 of these can be from approval rule templates.
Approval rules on a pull request created from an approval rule template 25
Approvals on a pull request 200
Approvers in an approval pool 50
Branch names

Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 256 characters in length, except that branch names of exactly 40 hexadecimal characters are not allowed. Branch names cannot:

  • begin or end with a slash (/) or period (.)

  • consist of the single character @

  • contain two or more consecutive periods (..), forward slashes (//), or the following character combination: @{

  • contain spaces or any of the following characters: ? ^ * [ \ ~ :

Branch names are references. Many of the limitations on branch names are based on the Git reference standard. For more information, see Git Internals and git-check-ref-format.

Comment length Maximum of 10,240 characters.
Compressed archive size for initializing a CodeCommit repository in Amazon CloudFormation Maximum of 20 GB when compressed.
Custom data for triggers This is a string field limited to 1,000 characters. It cannot be used to pass any dynamic parameters.
Display in the console A file or a comparison between files might not be viewable in the console if:
  • The file is greater than 2 MB

  • The file contains more than 25,000 characters in a single line

  • A comparison contains more than 6,500 total lines of differences

Email addresses in commits made in the console Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 256 characters in length. Email addresses are not validated.
File paths Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 4,096 characters in length. File paths must be an unambiguous name that specifies the file and the exact location of the file. File paths cannot exceed 20 directories in depth. In addition, file paths cannot:
  • contain empty strings

  • be a relative file path

  • include any of the following character combinations:




  • end with a trailing slash or backslash

File names and paths must be fully qualified. The name and path to a file on your local computer must follow the standards for that operating system. When specifying the path to a file in a CodeCommit repository, use the standards for Amazon Linux.

File size Maximum of 6 MB for any individual file when using the CodeCommit console, APIs, or the Amazon CLI.
Git blob size

Maximum of 2 GB.


There is no limit on the number or the total size of all files in a single commit, as long as the metadata does not exceed 6 MB and a single blob does not exceed 2 GB.

Graph display of branches in the Commit Visualizer 35 per page. If there are more than 35 branches on a single page, the graph is not displayed.
Metadata for a commit

Maximum of 20 MB for the combined metadata for a commit (for example, the combination of author information, date, parent commit list, and commit messages) when using the CodeCommit console, APIs, or the Amazon CLI.


There is no limit on the number or the total size of all files in a single commit, as long as the metadata does not exceed 6 MB, an individual file does not exceed 6 MB, and a single blob does not exceed 2 GB.

Number of files in a commit Maximum of 100.
Number of open pull requests Maximum of 1,000.
Number of references in a single push Maximum of 4,000, including create, delete, and update. There is no limit on the overall number of references in the repository.
Number of repositories

Maximum of 5,000 per Amazon Web Services account. This limit can be changed. For more information, see Amazon CodeCommit Endpoints and Quotas and Amazon Service Quotas.

Number of triggers in a repository

Maximum of 10.


CodeCommit is available in the following Amazon Web Services Regions:

  • US East (Ohio)

  • US East (N. Virginia)

  • US West (N. California)

  • US West (Oregon)

  • Europe (Ireland)

  • Europe (London)

  • Europe (Paris)

  • Europe (Frankfurt)

  • Europe (Stockholm)

  • Europe (Milan)

  • Africa (Cape Town)

  • Israel (Tel Aviv)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)

  • Asia Pacific (Jakarta)

  • Middle East (UAE)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul)

  • Asia Pacific (Osaka)

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

  • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)

  • South America (São Paulo)

  • Middle East (Bahrain)

  • Canada (Central)

  • China (Beijing)

  • China (Ningxia)

  • Amazon GovCloud (US-West)

  • Amazon GovCloud (US-East)

For more information, see Regions and Git connection endpoints.

Repository descriptions Any combination of characters between 0 and 1,000 characters in length. Repository descriptions are optional.
Repository names

Any combination of letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes between 1 and 100 characters in length. Names are case sensitive. Repository names cannot end in .git and cannot contain any of the following characters: ! ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / > < ~ ` ' " ; :

Repository tag key names

Any combination of Unicode letters, numbers, spaces, and allowed characters in UTF-8 between 1 and 128 characters in length. Allowed characters are + - = . _ : / @

Tag key names must be unique, and each key can only have one value. A tag cannot:

  • begin with aws:

  • consist only of spaces

  • end with a space

  • contain emojis or any of the following characters: ? ^ * [ \ ~ ! # $ % & * ( ) > < | " ' ` [ ] { } ;

Repository tag values

Any combination of Unicode letters, numbers, spaces, and allowed characters in UTF-8 between 1 and 256 characters in length. Allowed characters are + - = . _ : / @

A key can only have one value, but many keys can have the same value. A tag cannot:

  • consist only of spaces

  • end with a space

  • contain emojis or any of the following characters: ? ^ * [ \ ~ ! # $ % & * ( ) > < | " ' ` [ ] { } ;

Repository tags Tags are case sensitive. Maximum of 50 per resource. Tag names of exactly 40 hexadecimal characters are not allowed.
Trigger names Any combination of letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes between 1 and 100 characters in length. Trigger names cannot contain spaces or commas.
User names in commits made in the console Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 1,024 characters in length.