Step 6: Clean up resources - Amazon CodeDeploy
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Step 6: Clean up resources

To avoid ongoing charges for resources you created for this tutorial, delete the Amazon S3 bucket if you'll no longer be using it. You can also clean up associated resources, such as the application and deployment group records in CodeDeploy and the on-premises instance.

You can use the Amazon CLI or a combination of the CodeDeploy and Amazon S3 consoles and the Amazon CLI to clean up resources.

Clean up resources (CLI)

To delete the Amazon S3 bucket
  • Call the rm command along with the --recursive switch against the bucket (for example, DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET). The bucket and all objects in the bucket will be deleted.

    aws s3 rm s3://your-bucket-name --recursive --region region
To delete the application and deployment group records in CodeDeploy
  • Call the delete-application command against the application (for example, CodeDeploy-OnPrem-App). The records for the deployment and deployment group will be deleted.

    aws deploy delete-application --application-name your-application-name
To deregister the on-premises instance and delete the IAM user
  • Call the deregister command against the on-premises instance and region:

    aws deploy deregister --instance-name your-instance-name --delete-iam-user --region your-region

    If you do not want to delete the IAM user associated with this on-premises instance, use the --no-delete-iam-user option instead.

To uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from the on-premises instance
  • From the on-premises instance, call the uninstall command:

    aws deploy uninstall

You have now completed all of the steps to clean up the resources used for this tutorial.

Clean up resources (console)

To delete the Amazon S3 bucket
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. Choose the icon next to the bucket you want to delete (for example, DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET), but do not choose the bucket itself.

  3. Choose Actions, and then choose Delete.

  4. When prompted to delete the bucket, choose OK.

To delete the application and deployment group records in CodeDeploy
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane choose Applications.

  3. Choose the name of the application you want to delete (for example, CodeDeploy-OnPrem-App) and then choose Delete application.

  4. When prompted, enter the name of the application to confirm you want to delete it, and then choose Delete.

You cannot use the Amazon CodeDeploy console to deregister the on-premises instance or uninstall the CodeDeploy agent. Follow the instructions in To deregister the on-premises instance and delete the IAM user .