ECSServiceProjectedMetric - Amazon Compute Optimizer
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Describes the projected metrics of an Amazon ECS service recommendation option.

To determine the performance difference between your current Amazon ECS service and the recommended option, compare the metric data of your service against its projected metric data.



The lower bound values for the projected metric.

Type: Array of doubles

Required: No


The name of the projected metric.

The following metrics are available:

  • Cpu — The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use on the service tasks.

  • Memory — The percentage of memory that's currently in use on the service tasks.

Type: String

Valid Values: Cpu | Memory

Required: No


The timestamps of the projected metric.

Type: Array of timestamps

Required: No


The upper bound values for the projected metric.

Type: Array of doubles

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: