Describes an Amazon ECS service recommendation.
- accountId
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon ECS service.
Type: String
Required: No
- currentPerformanceRisk
The risk of the current Amazon ECS service not meeting the performance needs of its workloads. The higher the risk, the more likely the current service can't meet the performance requirements of its workload.
Type: String
Valid Values:
VeryLow | Low | Medium | High
Required: No
- currentServiceConfiguration
The configuration of the current Amazon ECS service.
Type: ServiceConfiguration object
Required: No
- effectiveRecommendationPreferences
Describes the effective recommendation preferences for Amazon ECS services.
Type: ECSEffectiveRecommendationPreferences object
Required: No
- finding
The finding classification of an Amazon ECS service.
Findings for Amazon ECS services include:
— When Compute Optimizer detects that there’s not enough memory or CPU, an Amazon ECS service is considered under-provisioned. An under-provisioned service might result in poor application performance. -
— When Compute Optimizer detects that there’s excessive memory or CPU, an Amazon ECS service is considered over-provisioned. An over-provisioned service might result in additional infrastructure costs. -
— When both the CPU and memory of your Amazon ECS service meet the performance requirements of your workload, the service is considered optimized.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Optimized | Underprovisioned | Overprovisioned
Required: No
- findingReasonCodes
The reason for the finding classification of an Amazon ECS service.
Finding reason codes for Amazon ECS services include:
— The service CPU configuration can be sized up to enhance the performance of your workload. This is identified by analyzing theCPUUtilization
metric of the current service during the look-back period. -
— The service CPU configuration can be sized down while still meeting the performance requirements of your workload. This is identified by analyzing theCPUUtilization
metric of the current service during the look-back period. -
— The service memory configuration can be sized up to enhance the performance of your workload. This is identified by analyzing theMemoryUtilization
metric of the current service during the look-back period. -
— The service memory configuration can be sized down while still meeting the performance requirements of your workload. This is identified by analyzing theMemoryUtilization
metric of the current service during the look-back period.
Type: Array of strings
Valid Values:
MemoryOverprovisioned | MemoryUnderprovisioned | CPUOverprovisioned | CPUUnderprovisioned
Required: No
- lastRefreshTimestamp
The timestamp of when the Amazon ECS service recommendation was last generated.
Type: Timestamp
Required: No
- launchType
The launch type the Amazon ECS service is using.
Compute Optimizer only supports the Fargate launch type.
Type: String
Valid Values:
EC2 | Fargate
Required: No
- lookbackPeriodInDays
The number of days the Amazon ECS service utilization metrics were analyzed.
Type: Double
Required: No
- serviceArn
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current Amazon ECS service.
The following is the format of the ARN:
Type: String
Required: No
- serviceRecommendationOptions
An array of objects that describe the recommendation options for the Amazon ECS service.
Type: Array of ECSServiceRecommendationOption objects
Required: No
A list of tags assigned to your Amazon ECS service recommendations.
Type: Array of Tag objects
Required: No
- utilizationMetrics
An array of objects that describe the utilization metrics of the Amazon ECS service.
Type: Array of ECSServiceUtilizationMetric objects
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: