Exporting recommendations - Amazon Compute Optimizer
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Exporting recommendations

You can export your recommendations to record them over time, and share the data with others. Recommendations are exported in a CSV file, and its metadata in a JSON file, to an existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket that you specify.


The following restrictions apply when exporting recommendations:

  • You can have only one recommendations export job in progress for each resource type, and for each Amazon Web Services Region. Before creating a new export job, confirm that all previous export jobs are complete. For more information about viewing your export jobs, including those that are in progress, see Viewing your export jobs.

  • Recommendations for each resource type and in each are exported in separate CSV files. You can't export recommendations from multiple resource types and Regions into a single file.

  • Large export jobs can take up to a few hours to complete. To lower your wait time, consider limiting the recommendation columns that you include in your export job. Additionally, if your account is the management account of an organization, consider limiting the number of member accounts to include in your export job.

Amazon S3 bucket permission requirements

Before you create an export job, you must create the destination S3 bucket for your recommendations to export to. Compute Optimizer doesn't create the S3 bucket for you. The S3 bucket that you specify for your recommendations to export to can't be publicly accessible, and can't be configured as a Requester Pays bucket. After you create the S3 bucket, confirm that the bucket has the required permissions policy to allow Compute Optimizer to write the export files to it. If you plan to specify an object prefix when you create your recommendations export job, include the object prefix in the policy that you add to the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 bucket policy for Amazon Compute Optimizer.

Exporting your recommendations

Use the following procedure to export your recommendations.

To export your recommendations
  1. Open the Compute Optimizer console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/compute-optimizer/.

  2. Choose a resource type in the navigation pane. For example, choose EC2 instances, Auto Scaling groups, EBS volume, Lambda function, or ECS services on Fargate.

  3. On the Recommendations page, choose the Action dropdown menu, and choose Export Recommendations.

  4. On the Export Recommendations page, under Export destination settings, specify the following:

    1. For Region, specify an Amazon Web Services Region for your export.

    2. For Destination S3 bucket name, specify the name of an existing S3 bucket in the specific Region.

    3. (Optional) Choose Add Region to export the recommendations for another Amazon Web Services Region.

    4. (Optional) Choose Remove next to a specific Region and S3 bucket name to remove the destination from the export job.

    5. (Optional) For Object prefix, specify a prefix to use in the destination S3 bucket for all of the export files. The prefix is an optional addition to the S3 object key that organizes your export files in your S3 bucket. You can specify a date prefix (for example, 2020/april), a resource type prefix (for example, ec2-instances), or a combination of both (for example, 2020/april/ec2-instances).

  5. Under Export filters, specify the following:

    1. For Resource type, choose the resource type to include in your recommendations export.

    2. For Accounts, choose if you want to include recommendations for all member accounts of the organization. This option is available only if your account is the management account of an organization.

    3. For CPU architecture preference, choose Graviton (aws-arm64) to export recommendations that are based on the 64-bit ARM architecture (Amazon Graviton). Otherwise, choose Current to export recommendations that are based on the CPU architecture of your current instances.

  6. Under Columns to include, choose the recommendations data to include in your recommendations export. For more information about the columns to include, see Exported files.

  7. After confirming that the export job is configured correctly, choose Export. Or, to return to the Recommendations page without creating the export job, choose Cancel. If you cancel the export job configuration, the configuration is deleted.


    If you export recommendations for multiple Amazon Web Services Regions at one time, they're treated as separate export jobs. Compute Optimizer tries to start all of them at once. If an export job fails to start, the Export Recommendations page displays an error. Export jobs that successfully start continue to process. But, before trying to start them again, you must resolve the errors for the failed jobs.

Your recommendations export job might take up to a few hours to complete. Check the status of your export jobs by viewing the Exports page. For more information, see Viewing your export jobs. Your recommendations export file and its associated metadata file are saved to the specified S3 bucket when the export job is complete. The following are examples of the full Amazon S3 object key for the export file and its associated metadata file. The account ID in the object keys is the account of the requester of the export job. For more information, see Exported files.




Viewing your export jobs

Follow these steps to view the export jobs created in the last seven days.

To view your export jobs
  1. Open the Compute Optimizer console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/compute-optimizer/.

  2. Choose Exports in the navigation pane.

    The Exports page displays the recommendation export jobs that were created in the last seven days.

    Export jobs can have one of the following statuses.

    • Queued - The export job didn't start yet. You can have only one recommendations export job in progress for each resource type, and for each Amazon Web Services Region.

    • In progress - The export job started but isn't complete. Export jobs can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to complete. This depends on the number of recommendations and fields that the export job includes.

    • Complete - The export job is complete. A link to the export CSV file in the destination Amazon S3 bucket is displayed for each complete export job under the export destination column.

    • Failed - The export job failed to start or complete. The message that's displayed under the failure reason column for the export job provides additional information about why the export job failed. For example, the export might have failed because the destination Amazon S3 bucket didn't have the required permissions. After resolving the issue, try to export your recommendations again. For more information, see Troubleshooting failed export jobs.

  3. You can perform the following actions on the page:

    • Choose the export destination link for a completed job to access the destination S3 bucket. The export destination displays only for successful export jobs. A dash (-) displays for export jobs that are in progress or that failed.

    • Scroll right to view the failure reason for failed export jobs. Use the failure reason to determine why your export job isn't complete.

Exported files

Recommendations are exported in a CSV file, and the metadata in a JSON file, to the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified when you created the export job.

Recommendations file

The recommendations file includes the recommendation data for the recommendation columns that you choose to include when you create the export job. The following tables list all of the recommendation columns that can be included in the export file for each resource type.

In the following tables, API field name column represents the fields that you can specify when requesting a recommendations export using the API. The Description column describes the data of each field, the name of the column as displayed in the Compute Optimizer console, and the name of the column as listed in the export CSV file. The recommendation data columns in the CSV file are numbered when multiple recommendations are generated for each resource. Ranked recommendation columns, in which <rank> is replaced with a ranking, correspond to each other. For example, recommendationOptions_1_memory, recommendationOptions_1_network, and recommendationOptions_1_vcpus correspond to each other, and are for the same recommendation.


By default, all export files include the following columns:

  • recommendations_count - The number of recommendations included in the export file.

  • errorCode - The error code for when a recommendation wasn't generated for a resource.

  • errorMessage - The error message that corresponds to the error in the errorCode column.

API field name Description


The account ID that the current instance was created under.

This field is displayed as the Account ID column in the EC2 instances recommendations and instance details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Account ID on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as accountId in the export CSV file.


The instance type of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the Current instance type column in the EC2 instances recommendations and instance details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current instance type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentInstanceType in the export CSV file.


The memory of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the Memory column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_memory in the export CSV file.


The network performance, or rate of data transfer, of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the Network column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current network on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_network in the export CSV file.


The On-Demand price of the current instance. The price listed might not reflect the actual price you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current On-Demand price column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current On-Demand price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_onDemandPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 1-year no upfront price of the current instance. The price listed might not reflect the actual price you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current 1-year RI price column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current 1-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_standardOneYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 3-year no upfront price of the current instance. The price listed might not reflect the actual price you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current 3-year RI price column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current 3-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_standardThreeYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The local storage volume of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the Storage column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current storage on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_storage in the export CSV file.


The number of vCPUs of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the vCPUs column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current vCPUs on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_vcpus in the export CSV file.


The finding classification for the current instance. Instances can be classified as under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized. For more information, see Instance finding classifications.

This field is displayed as the Finding column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as finding in the export CSV file.


The finding reasons describe which specifications of the current instance were under-provisioned or over-provisioned. Specifications include CPU, memory, local disk throughput, local disk IOPS, EBS volume throughput, EBS volume IOPS, network bandwidth, or network packets-per-second.

This field is displayed as the Finding reasons column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding reason codes on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as findingReasonCodes_<code> in the export CSV file. The <code> portion of the label identifies the instance specifications (CPU, memory, network, etc.) that are over-provisioned or under-provisioned.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current instance.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Instance ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as instanceArn in the export CSV file.


The state of the instance when the recommendation was generated.

This field is displayed as the Recommendation instance state column in the EC2 instance recommendation and detail pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation instance state on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled instanceArn in the export CSV file.


The name of the current instance.

This field is displayed as the Instance name column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Instance name on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as instanceName in the export CSV file.


The timestamp of when the instance recommendation was last refreshed.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Last refresh timestamp on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lastRefreshTimestamp_UTC in the export CSV file.


The number of preceding days for which Compute Optimizer analyzed metric data from the current instance to generate the recommendation.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Lookback period in days on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lookBackPeriodInDays in the export CSV file.


The instance type of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended instance type column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options Instance type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_instanceType in the export CSV file.


The memory of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Memory column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_memory in the export CSV file.


The network performance or rate of data transfer of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Network column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options network on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_network in the export CSV file.


The On-Demand price of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended On-Demand price column in the EC2 instance recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options On-Demand price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_onDemandPrice in the export CSV file.


The performance risk of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Performance risk column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options performance risk on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_performanceRisk in the export CSV file.


The platform differences column displays the configuration differences between the current instance and each recommended instance type option. The recommended instance type might use a different CPU architecture, hypervisor, instance store, network interface, storage interface, and virtualization type.

This field is displayed as the Platform differences column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options platform differences on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_platformDifferences_<difference> in the export CSV file. The <difference> portion of the label identifies the configuration that's different between the current instance and recommended instance type.


The projected maximum CPU utilization metric of the instance recommendation. This value defines the maximum CPU utilization of the recommended instance type if you used the recommended instance type during the look-back period.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the CPU utilization (percent) metric graph in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics CPU maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The projected maximum memory utilization metric of the instance recommendation. This value defines the maximum memory utilization of the recommended instance type if you used the recommended instance type during the look-back period.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the Memory utilization (percent) metric graph in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics memory maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 1-year no upfront price for the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended 1-year RI price column in the EC2 instance recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended options 1-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_standardOneYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 3-year no upfront price for the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended 3-year RI price column in the EC2 instance recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended options 3-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_standardThreeYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The local storage volume of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Storage column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options storage on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_storage in the export CSV file.


The vCPUs of the instance recommendation.

This field is displayed as the vCPUs column in the EC2 instance details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options vCPUs on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_vcpus in the export CSV file.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current resource.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation source ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationsSources_<rank>_recommendationSourceArn in the export CSV file.


The resource type of the current resource (for example, instance).

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation source type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationsSources_<rank>_recommendationSourceType in the export CSV file.


The maximum CPU utilization metric of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the CPU utilization (percent) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics CPU maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk read bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk read (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk read bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_READ_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk read operations per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk read (operations/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk read operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_READ_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk write bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk write (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk write bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk write operations per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk write (operations/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk write operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_WRITE_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum bytes read per second for volumes attached to an instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS read bandwidth (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read bandwidth bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_READ_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum number of read operations per second for volumes attached to an instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS read operations (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read throughput operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_READ_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum bytes written per second for volumes attached to an instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS write bandwidth (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write bandwidth bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum number of write operations per second for volumes attached to an instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS write operations (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write throughput operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_WRITE_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum memory utilization metric of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Memory utilization (percent) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics memory maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network in bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network in (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network in bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_IN_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network out bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network out (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network out bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_OUT_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network packets in per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network packets in (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network packets in per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_PACKETS_IN_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network packets out per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network packets out (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network packets out per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_PACKETS_OUT_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The status of the enhanced infrastructure metrics recommendation preference for the listed recommendation. An Active status confirms the recommendation listed is considering the longer three-month lookback period. An Inactive status confirms that the recommendation is not yet considering the longer lookback period. For more information, see Enhanced infrastructure metrics.

This field is displayed as the Effective enhanced infrastructure metrics column in the EC2 instance recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Effective recommendation preferences enhanced infrastructure metrics, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesEnhancedInfrastructureMetrics.


The status of the external metrics recommendation preference for the listed recommendation. For more information, see External metrics ingestion.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Effective recommendation preferences external metrics source, and in the export CSV file format it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesExternalMetricsSource.


The CPU vendor and architecture for an EC2 instance recommendation.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Effective recommendation preferences CPU vendor architectures, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesCpuVendorArchitectures.


The performance risk rating for a current instance.

This field is displayed as the Current performance risk column in the EC2 instances recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Current performance risk, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as CurrentPerformanceRisk.


The estimated monthly savings possible as a percentage of monthly cost by adopting Compute Optimizer recommendations for an instance.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options savings opportunity percentage, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage.


The currency of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings currency, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency.


The value of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings value, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue.


The status of the inferred workload type recommendation preference for the listed recommendation. For more information, see Inferred workload type.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Effective recommendation preferences inferred workload types, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesInferredWorkloadTypes.


The application that might be running on the instance as detected by Compute Optimizer. For more information, see Inferred workload types.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Inferred workload types, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as InferredWorkloadTypes.


The level of effort that might be required to migrate from the current instance type to the recommended instance type. For more information, see Inferred workload types.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options migration effort, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsMigrationEffort.

API field name Description


The account ID in which the current Auto Scaling group was created.

This field is displayed as the Account ID column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations and group details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Account ID on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as accountId in the export CSV file.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Auto Scaling group ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as autoScalingGroupArn in the export CSV file.


The name of the Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Auto Scaling group name column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Auto Scaling group name on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as autoScalingGroupName in the export CSV file.


The desired capacity of the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Desired number of instances column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current desired capacity on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentConfiguration_desiredCapacity in the export CSV file.


The instance type of instances in the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Current instancce type column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current instance type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentConfiguration_instanceType in the export CSV file.


The maximum size of the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Current maximum size column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current maximum size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentConfiguration_maxSize in the export CSV file.


The minimum size of the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Current minimum size column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current minimum size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentConfiguration_minSize in the export CSV file.


The memory of instances in the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Memory column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_memory in the export CSV file.


The network performance, or rate of data transfer, of instances in the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Network column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current network on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_network in the export CSV file.


The On-Demand price of instances in the current Auto Scaling group. The price that's listed might not reflect the actual price that you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current On-Demand price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current On-Demand price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_onDemandPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 1-year no upfront price of instances in the current Auto Scaling group. The price listed might not reflect the actual price you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current 1-year RI price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current 1-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_standardOneYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 3-year no upfront price of instances in the current Auto Scaling group. The price listed might not reflect the actual price you pay for the instance.

This field is displayed as the Current 3-year RI price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current 3-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_standardThreeYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The local storage volume of instances in the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Storage column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current storage on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_storage in the export CSV file.


The number of vCPUs of instances in the current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the vCPUs column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current vCPUs on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as current_vcpus in the export CSV file.


The finding classification for the current Auto Scaling group. Auto Scaling groups can be classified as not optimized or optimized. For more information, see Auto Scaling group finding classifications. This field is displayed as the Finding column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as finding in the export CSV file.


The timestamp of when the Auto Scaling group recommendation was last refreshed.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Last refresh timestamp on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lastRefreshTimestamp in the export CSV file.


The number of preceding days for which Compute Optimizer analyzed metric data from the current Auto Scaling group to generate the recommendation.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Lookback period in days on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lookBackPeriodInDays in the export CSV file.


The desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Desired number of instances column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options desired capacity on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_configuration_desiredCapacity in the export CSV file.


The instance type of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommendation instance type column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options Instance type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_configuration_instanceType in the export CSV file.


The maximum size of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Maximum number of instances column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options maximum size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_configuration_maxSize in the export CSV file.


The minimum size of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Minimum number of instances column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options minimum size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_configuration_minSize in the export CSV file.


The memory of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Memory column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_memory in the export CSV file.


The network performance, or rate of data transfer, of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Network column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options network on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_network in the export CSV file.


The On-Demand price of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended On-Demand price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options On-Demand price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_onDemandPrice in the export CSV file.


The performance risk of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Performance risk column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options performance risk on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_performanceRisk in the export CSV file.


The projected maximum CPU utilization metric of the Auto Scaling group recommendation. This value defines the maximum CPU utilization of the recommended instance type if you used the recommended instance type during the look-back period.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the CPU utilization (percent) metric graph in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics CPU maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The projected maximum memory utilization metric of the Auto Scaling group recommendation. This value defines the maximum memory utilization of the recommended instance type if you used the recommended instance type during the look-back period.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the Memory utilization (percent) metric graph in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics memory maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 1-year no upfront price for the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended 1-year RI price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended options 1-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_standardOneYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The Reserved Instances, standard 3-year no upfront price for the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended 3-year RI price column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended options 3-year RI price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_standardThreeYearNoUpfrontReservedPrice in the export CSV file.


The local storage volume of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Storage column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options storage on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_storage in the export CSV file.


The vCPUs of the Auto Scaling group recommendation.

This field is displayed as the vCPUs column in the Auto Scaling group details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options vCPUs on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_vcpus in the export CSV file.


The maximum CPU utilization metric of instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the CPU utilization (percent) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics CPU maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk read bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk read (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk read bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_READ_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk read operations per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk read (operations/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk read operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_READ_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk write bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk write (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk write bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum disk write operations per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Disk write (operations/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics disk write operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_DISK_WRITE_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum bytes read per second for volumes attached to instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS read bandwidth (MiB/second) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read bandwidth bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_READ_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum number of read operations per second for volumes attached to instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS read operations (per second) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read throughput operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_READ_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum bytes written per second for volumes attached to instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS write bandwidth (MiB/second) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write bandwidth bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum number of write operations per second for volumes attached to instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the EBS write operations (per second) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write throughput operations per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_EBS_WRITE_OPS_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum memory utilization metric of instances in the current Auto Scaling group observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Memory utilization (percent) graph in the Auto Scaling group details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics memory maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network in bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network in (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network in bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_IN_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network out bytes per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network out (MiB/second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network out bytes per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_OUT_BYTES_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network packets in per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network packets in (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network packets in per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_PACKETS_IN_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum network packets out per second of the current instance observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Network packets out (per second) graph in the EC2 instance details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics network packets out per second maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as utilizationMetrics_NETWORK_PACKETS_OUT_PER_SECOND_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The status of the enhanced infrastructure metrics recommendation preference for the listed recommendation. An Active status confirms the recommendation listed is considering the longer three-month lookback period. An Inactive status confirms that the recommendation isn't considering the longer lookback period. For more information, see Enhanced infrastructure metrics.

This field is displayed as the Effective enhanced infrastructure metrics column in the Auto Scaling group recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Effective recommendation preferences enhanced infrastructure metrics, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesEnhancedInfrastructureMetrics.


The CPU vendor and architecture for an Auto Scaling group recommendation.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Effective recommendation preferences CPU vendor architectures, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesCpuVendorArchitectures.


The performance risk rating for a current Auto Scaling group.

This field is displayed as the Current performance risk column in the Auto Scaling groups recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Current performance risk, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as CurrentPerformanceRisk.


The estimated monthly savings possible as a percentage of monthly cost by adopting Compute Optimizer recommendations for an Auto Scaling group.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options savings opportunity percentage, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage.


The currency of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings currency, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency.


The value of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings value, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue.


The status of the inferred workload type recommendation preference for the listed recommendation. For more information, see Inferred workload type.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Effective recommendation preferences inferred workload types, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesInferredWorkloadTypes.


The application that might be running on the instances in the Auto Scaling group as detected by Compute Optimizer. For more information, see Inferred workload types.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Inferred workload types, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as InferredWorkloadTypes.


The level of effort that might be required to migrate from the current instance type to the recommended instance type. For more information, see Inferred workload types.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options migration effort, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsMigrationEffort.

API field name Description


The Amazon account ID that the current EBS volume was created under.

This field is displayed as the Account ID column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations and volume details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Account ID on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as accountId in the export CSV file.


The baseline input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current IOPS column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current baseline IOPS on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeBaselineIOPS in the export CSV file.


The baseline throughput of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current throughput column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current baseline throughput on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeBaselineThroughput in the export CSV file.


The burst input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Burst IOPS column in the Amazon EBS volume details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current burst IOPS on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeBurstIOPS in the export CSV file.


The volume burst throughput of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Burst throughput column in the Amazon EBS volume details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current burst throughput on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeBurstThroughput in the export CSV file.


The current size (in GB) of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current size column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current volume size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeSize in the export CSV file.


The volume type of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current volume type column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current volume type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationVolumeType in the export CSV file.


The current monthly price of the current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current monthly price column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current monthly price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as currentMonthlyPrice in the export CSV file.


The finding classification for the current EBS volume. EBS volumes can be classified as optimized, or not optimized. For more information, see EBS volume finding classifications.

This field is displayed as the Finding column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as finding in the export CSV file.


The timestamp of when the EBS volume recommendation was last refreshed.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Last refresh timestamp on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lastRefreshTimestamp in the export CSV file.


The number of preceding days for which Compute Optimizer analyzed metric data from the current EBS volume to generate the recommendation.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Look-back period in days on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lookBackPeriodInDays in the export CSV file.


The baseline input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended IOPS column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended baseline IOPS on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeBaselineIOPS in the export CSV file.


The baseline throughput of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended throughput column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended baseline throughput on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeBaselineThroughput in the export CSV file.


The burst input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Burst IOPS column in the Amazon EBS volume details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended burst IOPS on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeBurstIOPS in the export CSV file.


The volume burst throughput of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Burst throughput column in the Amazon EBS volume details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended burst throughput on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeBurstThroughput in the export CSV file.


The current size (in GB) of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended size column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended volume size on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeSize in the export CSV file.


The volume type of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended volume type in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended volume type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationVolumeType in the export CSV file.


The monthly price of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended monthly price column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended monthly price on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_MonthlyPrice in the export CSV file.


The performance risk of the EBS volume recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Performance risk column in the Amazon EBS volume details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Performance risk on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as recommendationOptions_<rank>_performanceRisk in the export CSV file.


The maximum read bytes per second metric of the current EBS volume observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Read bandwidth (KiB/second) graph in the Amazon EBS volume details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read bytes per second (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsVolumeReadBytesPerSecondMaximum in the export CSV file.


The maximum read operations per second metric of the current EBS volume observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Read operations (per second) graph in the Amazon EBS volume details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS read operations per second (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsVolumeReadOpsPerSecondMaximum in the export CSV file.


The maximum write bytes per second metric of the current EBS volume observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Write bandwidth (KiB/second) graph in the Amazon EBS volume details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write bytes per second (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsVolumeWriteBytesPerSecondMaximum in the export CSV file.


The maximum write operations per second metric of the current EBS volume observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Write operations (per second) graph in the Amazon EBS volume details page. This field is labeled Utilization metrics EBS write operations per second (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsVolumeWriteOpsPerSecondMaximum in the export CSV file.


Contains the image used to boot the current instance during launch.

This field is displayed as the Root volume column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Root volume on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled rootVolume in the export CSV file.


Contains the image used to boot the instance during launch.

This field is displayed as the Root volume column in the Amazon EBS volumes recommendations and volume details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Root volume on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled rootVolume in the export CSV file.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current EBS volume.

This field is not displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled EBS volume ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as VolumeArn in the export CSV file.


The performance risk rating for a current EBS volume.

This field is displayed as the Current performance risk column in the EBS volumes recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Current performance risk, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as CurrentPerformanceRisk.


The estimated monthly savings possible as a percentage of monthly cost by adopting Compute Optimizer recommendations for an EBS volume.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options savings opportunity percentage, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage.


The currency of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings currency, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency.


The value of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings value, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue.

API field name Description


The Amazon account ID in which the current Lambda function was created.

This field is displayed as the Account ID column in the Lambda functions recommendations and function details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Account ID on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as accountId in the export CSV file.


The amount of memory (in MB) currently configured on the current Lambda function.

This field is displayed as the Current configured memory column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current configured memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationMemorySize in the export CSV file.


The timeout time currently configured on the current Lambda function.

This field is displayed as the Timeout column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Timeout on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentConfigurationTimeout in the export CSV file.


The average current cost of the current Lambda function.

This field is displayed listed as the Current cost (average) column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current cost (average) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentCostAverage in the export CSV file.


The total current cost of the current Lambda function.

This field is listed as the Current cost column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current cost (total) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as CurrentCostTotal in the export CSV file.


The finding classification for the current Lambda function. Lambda functions can be classified as under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized. For more information, see Lambda function finding classifications.

This field is listed as the Finding column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as finding in the export CSV file.


The finding reason for the current Lambda function. Lambda functions can have a finding reason of memory under-provisioned, memory over-provisioned, insufficient data, or inconclusive. For more information, see Lambda finding classifications.

This field is listed as the Finding reason column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding reason on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as FindingReasonCodes in the export CSV file.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current Lambda function.

This field is not listed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Function ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as FunctionArn in the export CSV file.


The version of the current Lambda function.

This field is listed as the Function version column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Function version on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as FunctionVersion in the export CSV file.


The timestamp of when the Lambda function recommendation was last refreshed.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Last refresh timestamp on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lastRefreshTimestamp in the export CSV file.


The number of preceding days for which Compute Optimizer analyzed metric data from the current Lambda function to generate the recommendation.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Look-back period in days on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as lookBackPeriodInDays in the export CSV file.


The number of invocations for the current Lambda function during the look-back period.

This field is displayed as the Invocations (count) graph in the Lambda function details page. This field is labeled Number of invocations on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as NumberOfInvocations in the export CSV file.


The amount of memory (in MB) of the Lambda function recommendation.

This field is listed as the Recommended configured memory in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended configured memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ConfigurationMemorySize in the export CSV file.


The upper range cost of the Lambda function recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended cost (high) column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended cost (high) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_CostHigh in the export CSV file.


The lower range cost of the Lambda function recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Recommended cost (low) column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommended cost (low) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_CostLow in the export CSV file.


The projected duration of the Lambda function recommendation.

This field is listed as the Projected duration (expected) column in the Lambda functions details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda duration milliseconds expected on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ProjectedUtilizationMetricsDurationExpected in the export CSV file.


The projected minimum amount of time that the recommended Lambda function spends processing events if the recommended Lambda function is used during the look-back period. The lower bound together with the upper bound form a range of time that the Lambda function recommendation option is projected to spend processing an event.

This field is listed as the Projected duration (low) column in the Lambda functions details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda duration milliseconds (lower bound) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ProjectedUtilizationMetricsDurationLowerBound in the export CSV file.


The projected maximum amount of time that the recommended Lambda function spends processing events if the recommended Lambda function is used during the look-back period. The lower bound together with the upper bound form a range of time that the Lambda function recommendation option is projected to spend processing an event.

This field is listed as the Projected duration (high) column in the Lambda functions details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda duration milliseconds (upper bound) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as RecommendationOptions_<rank>_ProjectedUtilizationMetricsDurationUpperBound in the export CSV file.


The average duration metric of the current Lambda function observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Duration (average) column in the Lambda function details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda duration milliseconds (average) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsDurationAverage in the export CSV file.


The maximum duration metric of the current Lambda function observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Duration (maximum) column in the Lambda function details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda duration milliseconds (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsDurationMaximum in the export CSV file.


The average memory utilization metric of the current Lambda function observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Used memory (average) column in the Lambda function details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda memory used MB (average) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsMemoryAverage in the export CSV file.


The maximum memory utilization metric of the current Lambda function observed during the lookback period (up to 14 days).

This field is displayed as the Memory (maximum) column in the Lambda function details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Utilization metrics Lambda memory used MB (maximum) on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as UtilizationMetricsMemoryMaximum in the export CSV file.


The performance risk rating for a current Lambda function.

This field is displayed as the Current performance risk column in the Lambda functions recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, it's labeled as Current performance risk, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as CurrentPerformanceRisk.


The estimated monthly savings possible as a percentage of monthly cost by adopting Compute Optimizer recommendations for a Lambda function.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options savings opportunity percentage, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage.


The currency of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings currency, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency.


The value of the estimated monthly savings.

On the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, this field is labeled as Recommendation options estimated monthly savings value, and in the export CSV file, it's labeled as RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue.

API field name Description


The Amazon account ID that created the current Amazon ECS service on Fargate.

This field is displayed as the Account ID column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations and details pages of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Account ID on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled accountId in the export CSV file.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the current Amazon ECS service.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Service ARN on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled serviceArn in the export CSV file.


The number of preceding days Compute Optimizer analyzed metric data from the current service to generate the recommendation.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Lookback period in days on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled lookBackPeriodInDays in the export CSV file.


The timestamp of when the Amazon ECS service recommendation was last refreshed.

This field isn't displayed in the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Last refresh timestamp on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled lastRefreshTimestamp_UTC in the export CSV file.


The capacity provider for the current Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the Launch type column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Launch type on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and as launchType in the export CSV file.


The performance risk rating for the current Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the Current performance risk column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current performance risk on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled CurrentPerformanceRisk in the export CSV file.


The memory size of the current Amazon ECS service tasks.

This field is displayed as the Current configured memory size column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current configured memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled currentServiceConfiguration_memory in the export CSV file.


The CPU size of the current Amazon ECS service tasks.

This field is displayed as the Current configured CPU size column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Current configured CPU on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled currentServiceConfiguration_cpu in the export CSV file.


The task definition ARN of the current Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the Task definition name column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Task definition name on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled currentServiceConfiguration_taskDefinitionArn in the export CSV file.


The Auto Scaling configuration of your current Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the Auto Scaling configuration column in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Auto Scaling configuration on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled currentServiceConfiguration_autoScalingConfiguration in the export CSV file.


The current container configurations of the current Amazon ECS service task.

This field is displayed in the Compare current settings with recommended container size table of the Compute Optimizer console's service details page. This field is labeled Container configurations on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. In the export CSV file, the following labels are populated:

  • currentServiceContainerConfiguration_container_number_containerName

  • currentServiceContainerConfiguration_container_number_memory

  • currentServiceContainerConfiguration_container_number_memoryReservation

  • currentServiceContainerConfiguration_container_number_cpu


The maximum percentage of CPU capacity that's used in the Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the CPU utilization (percent) graph in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Projected utilization max CPU metric on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled utilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The maximum percentage of memory capacity that's used in the Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as the Memory utilization (percent) graph in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Projected utilization max memory metric on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled utilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The finding classification for the Amazon ECS service. Amazon ECS services on Fargate can be classified as under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized. For more information, see Finding classifications.

This field is displayed as the Findings column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Findings on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled findings in the export CSV file.


The finding reasons column describes which specifications of the current Amazon ECS service were under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized.

This field is displayed as the Finding reasons column in the Amazon ECS services recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Finding reason codes on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled findingReasonCodes_<code> in the export CSV file. The <code> portion of the label identifies the service specifications (CPU or memory) that are under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized.


The memory size of the Amazon ECS service recommendation.

This field is displayed as the Memory size column in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options memory on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled recommendationOptions_<rank>_memory in the export CSV file.


The CPU size of the Amazon ECS service recommendation.

This field is displayed as the CPU size column in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options CPU on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled recommendationOptions_<rank>_cpu in the export CSV file.


The approximate monthly cost savings percentage after you adjust the configurations of your Amazon ECS service to Compute Optimizer's recommended configuration.

This field is labeled Recommendation options savings opportunity percentage on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage in the export CSV file.


The currency of the estimated monthly savings.

This field is labeled Recommendation options estimated monthly savings currency on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency in the export CSV file.


The value of the estimated monthly savings.

This field is labeled Recommendation options estimated monthly savings value on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue in the export CSV file.


The recommedned memory and CPU size of the containers in the Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed in the Compare current settings with recommended container size table of the Compute Optimizer console's service details page. This field is labeled Container recommendations on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console. In the export CSV file, the following labels are populated:

  • recommendationOptions_<index>_containerName_<index>

  • recommendationOptions_<index>_containerMemory_container_number

  • recommendationOptions_<index>_containerMemoryReservation_container_number

  • recommendationOptions_<index>_containerCpu_container_number


The projected maximum CPU utilization metric of the Amazon ECS service recommendation. If you used the recommended Amazon ECS service during the look-back period, this value defines the maximum CPU utilization of the recommended Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the CPU utilization (percent) metric graph in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics CPU maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.


The projected maximum memory utilization metric of the Amazon ECS service recommendation. If you used the recommended Amazon ECS service during the look-back period, this value defines the maximum memory utilization of the recommended Amazon ECS service.

This field is displayed as an overlay on the Memory utilization (percent) metric graph in the Amazon ECS service details page of the Compute Optimizer console. This field is labeled Recommendation options projected utilization metrics memory maximum on the Export recommendations page of the Compute Optimizer console, and labeled recommendationOptions_<rank>_projectedUtilizationMetrics_MEMORY_MAXIMUM in the export CSV file.

  • AccountId

  • ResourceArn

  • LookbackPeriodInDays

  • LastRefreshTimestamp

  • Findings

  • FindingReasonCodes

  • NumberOfCores

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationInstanceType

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationOperatingSystem

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationLicenseName

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationLicenseEdition

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationLicenseModel

  • CurrentLicenseConfigurationLicenseVersion

  • MetricsSource

  • RecommendationOptionsOperatingSystem

  • RecommendationOptionsLicenseEdition

  • RecommendationOptionsLicenseModel

  • RecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage

  • RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency

  • RecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue

  • Tags

  • AccountId

  • ResourceArn

  • Engine

  • EngineVersion

  • Idle

  • MultiAZDBInstance

  • CurrentDBInstanceClass

  • CurrentStorageConfigurationStorageType

  • CurrentStorageConfigurationAllocatedStorage

  • CurrentStorageConfigurationMaxAllocatedStorage

  • CurrentStorageConfigurationIOPS

  • CurrentStorageConfigurationStorageThroughput

  • CurrentInstanceOnDemandHourlyPrice

  • CurrentStorageOnDemandMonthlyPrice

  • LookbackPeriodInDays

  • UtilizationMetricsCpuMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsMemoryMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsEBSVolumeStorageSpaceUtilizationMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsNetworkReceiveThroughputMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsNetworkTransmitThroughputMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsEBSVolumeReadIOPSMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsEBSVolumeWriteIOPSMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsEBSVolumeReadThroughputMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsEBSVolumeWriteThroughputMaximum

  • UtilizationMetricsDatabaseConnectionsMaximum

  • InstanceFinding

  • InstanceFindingReasonCodes

  • StorageFinding

  • StorageFindingReasonCodes

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsDBInstanceClass

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsRank

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsPerformanceRisk

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsProjectedUtilizationMetricsCpuMaximum

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsStorageType

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsAllocatedStorage

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsMaxAllocatedStorage

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsIOPS

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsStorageThroughput

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsRank

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsInstanceOnDemandHourlyPrice

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityAfterDiscountsPercentage

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrencyAfterDiscounts

  • InstanceRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValueAfterDiscounts

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsOnDemandMonthlyPrice

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityPercentage

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrency

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValue

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsSavingsOpportunityAfterDiscountsPercentage

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsCurrencyAfterDiscounts

  • StorageRecommendationOptionsEstimatedMonthlySavingsValueAfterDiscounts

  • EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesCpuVendorArchitectures

  • EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesEnhancedInfrastructureMetrics

  • EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesLookBackPeriod

  • EffectiveRecommendationPreferencesSavingsEstimationMode

  • LastRefreshTimestamp

  • Tags

Metadata file

A metadata JSON file is output with every export job. The file includes the schema information for the associated recommendations file, such as the dialect of the data, column definitions, and column descriptions. The file is meant to help parse the export file, and describe its contents. The metadata file is saved in the same S3 bucket and prefix that you specified for the export file.

The metadata file includes the following properties for each exported column or field:

  • Name - The export field recommendations column name.

  • Titles - The user-friendly recommendations column name.

  • Datatype - The type of data for the column.

  • Null - The string to expect if the column is null.

  • Required - Indicates if the column data is required.

The following is an example of the information that's included in the metadata file.

{ "@context": [ "http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw" ], "url": "us-east-1-2020-05-18T001229Z-f264881a-bfb3-4676-9b14-8d1243599ebb.csv", "dc:title": "EC2 Instance Recommendations", "dialect": { "encoding": "utf-8", "lineTerminators": [ "\n" ], "doubleQuote": true, "skipRows": 0, "header": true, "headerRowCount": 1, "delimiter": ",", "skipColumns": 0, "skipBlankRows": false, "trim": false }, "dc:modified": { "@value": "2020-05-20", "@type": "xsd:date" }, "tableSchema": { "columns": [ { "name": "accountId", "titles": "Account ID", "datatype": "string", "null": "", "required": false }, { "name": "instanceArn", "titles": "Instance Arn", "datatype": "string", "null": "", "required": false }, { "name": "utilizationMetrics_CPU_MAXIMUM", "titles": "Cpu Maximum Utilization Metrics", "datatype": "double", "null": "", "required": false }, { "name": "recommendations_count", "titles": "Number of recommendations", "datatype": "integer", "required": true }, { "name": "recommendationOptions_1_instanceType", "titles": "Recommendation 1 Instance Type", "datatype": "integer", "null": "", "required": false }, { "name": "lastRefreshTimestamp_UTC", "titles": "Last Resfreshed Timestamp UTC", "datatype": "datetime", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "null": "", "required": false }, { "name": "errorCode", "titles": "Error Code", "datatype": "string", "required": true }, { "name": "errorMessage", "titles": "Error Message", "datatype": "string", "required": true } ] } }

Troubleshooting failed export jobs

When you try to export your resource recommendations, you might experience one of the following error messages or issues. Use the information provided to try to resolve the error before trying to export your recommendations again.

You don't have permissions to the Amazon S3 bucket specified. Confirm the permissions of your S3 bucket and try again.

Confirm that you have configured the required permissions on your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 bucket policy for Amazon Compute Optimizer.

The Amazon S3 bucket specified is public. Only private S3 buckets are supported.

Your Amazon S3 bucket must be set to block public access. For more information, see Blocking public access to your Amazon S3 storage in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

You created a scripted or automatic export job but there is recommendation data missing from your Amazon S3 bucket.

Call the DescribeRecommendationExportJobs API to verify the final status of the export job. If the export job failed, try to call the ExportResourceRecommendations API again. For more information, see DescribeRecommendationExportJobs in the Amazon Compute Optimizer API Reference.