Viewing the Amazon Compute Optimizer dashboard - Amazon Compute Optimizer
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Viewing the Amazon Compute Optimizer dashboard

Use the dashboard in the Compute Optimizer console to evaluate and prioritize the optimization opportunities for the supported resource types in your account. The dashboard displays the following information, which is refreshed daily and generated by analyzing the specifications and utilization metrics of your resources.

Savings opportunity

The savings opportunity section displays the total estimated monthly USD amount and percentage that you could save (based on On-Demand Instance pricing) if you implement the Compute Optimizer recommendations for resources in your account. It also displays the estimated monthly savings for each resource type. If you prefer to evaluate your resources for cost savings, then prioritize the resource type that has the greatest savings opportunity.


If you enable Cost Optimization Hub in Amazon Cost Explorer, Compute Optimizer uses Cost Optimization Hub data, which includes your specific pricing discounts, to generate your recommendations. If Cost Optimization Hub isn't enabled, Compute Optimizer uses Cost Explorer data and On-Demand pricing information to generate your recommendations. For more information, see Enabling Cost Explorer and Cost Optimization Hub in the in the Amazon Cost Management User Guide.

Savings opportunity in the Compute Optimizer dashboard

The estimated monthly savings and savings opportunity for individual EC2 instances are listed in the EC2 instances recommendations page under the Estimated monthly savings (after discounts), Estimated monthly savings (On-Demand), and Savings opportunity (%) columns. For more information, including how estimated monthly savings is calculated, see Estimated monthly savings and savings opportunity.

Performance improvement opportunity

The performance improvement opportunity section displays a count and percentage of the resources in your account that Compute Optimizer found to be at risk of not meeting your workload performance needs. It also displays the performance risk classifications per resource type. Resources can have a performance risk of high, medium, and very low. If you prefer to evaluate your resources for performance improvements, then prioritize the resource types that have a high performance risk.

Performance risk reduction opportunity in the Compute Optimizer dashboard

The current performance risk for individual EC2 instances and Auto Scaling groups is listed in the EC2 instance details page under the Current performance risk column. For more information, see Current performance risk for EC2 instances.


The findings section displays the findings classifications count and percentage for different resources types in your account. Compute Optimizer classifies resource findings in the following ways:

  • Amazon EC2 instances, Auto Scaling groups, Lambda functions, Amazon ECS services on Fargate, and Amazon RDS DB instances and storage are classified as under-provisioned, over-provisioned, or optimized.

  • Amazon EBS volumes are classified as not optimized or optimized.

  • Commercial software licenses are classified as optimized, not optimized, and insufficient metrics.

For more information, see Findings classifications.

Findings in the Compute Optimizer dashboard

Findings classifications

The findings classifications in the Compute Optimizer console provide an at-a-glance view of how your resources performed during the analyzed period. The findings classifications differ based on the resource type. The following classifications apply to services and resources supported by Compute Optimizer.

EC2 instance finding classifications

Classification Description


An EC2 instance is considered under-provisioned when at least one specification of your instance, such as CPU, memory, or network, does not meet the performance requirements of your workload. Under-provisioned EC2 instances might lead to poor application performance.


An EC2 instance is considered over-provisioned when at least one specification of your instance, such as CPU, memory, or network, can be sized down while still meeting the performance requirements of your workload, and when no specification is under-provisioned. Over-provisioned EC2 instances might lead to unnecessary infrastructure cost.


An EC2 instance is considered optimized when all specifications of your instance, such as CPU, memory, and network, meet the performance requirements of your workload, and the instance is not over-provisioned. For optimized instances, Compute Optimizer might sometimes recommend a new generation instance type.


For instances, Compute Optimizer generates finding reasons that provide a greater level of detail into why an instance was found to be under-provisioned, or over-provisioned. For more information, see Finding reasons in the Viewing EC2 instance recommendations topic.

Auto Scaling group finding classifications

Classification Description

Not optimized

An Auto Scaling group is considered not optimized when Compute Optimizer has identified a recommendation that can provide better performance or cost for your workload.


An Auto Scaling group is considered optimized when Compute Optimizer determines that the group is correctly provisioned to run your workload, based on the chosen instance type. For optimized Auto Scaling groups, Compute Optimizer might sometimes recommend a new generation instance type.


For instances in Auto Scaling groups, Compute Optimizer generates finding reasons that provide a greater level of detail into why an Auto Scaling group was found to be not optimized. For more information, see Finding reasons in the Viewing EC2 instance recommendations topic.

EBS volume finding classifications

Classification Description

Not optimized

An EBS volume is considered not optimized when Compute Optimizer has identified a volume type, volume size, or IOPS specification that can provide better performance or cost for your workload.


An EBS volume is considered optimized when Compute Optimizer determines that the volume is correctly provisioned to run your workload, based on the chosen volume type, volume size, and IOPS specification. For optimized resources, Compute Optimizer might sometimes recommend a new generation volume type.

Lambda function finding classifications

Classification Description

Not optimized

A Lambda function is considered not optimized when Compute Optimizer has identified that its configured memory or CPU power (which is proportional to the configured memory) is under-provisioned or over-provisioned. In this case, Compute Optimizer generates a recommendation that can provide better performance or cost for your workload.

When a function is not optimized, Compute Optimizer displays a finding reason of either Memory under-provisioned or Memory over-provisioned.


A Lambda function is considered optimized when Compute Optimizer determines that its configured memory or CPU power (which is proportional to the configured memory) is correctly provisioned to run your workload.


Compute Optimizer was unable to generate a recommendation for the function. This could be because the function has not met the requirements of Compute Optimizer for Lambda functions, or the function does not qualify for a recommendation.

For this finding classification, Compute Optimizer displays one of the following finding reasons:

  • Insufficient data when the function does not have sufficient metric data for Compute Optimizer to generate a recommendation.

  • Inconclusive when the function does not qualify for a recommendation because the function has configured memory greater than 1,792 MB, or Compute Optimizer cannot generate a recommendation with a high degree of confidence.


Functions with a finding of Unavailable are not listed in the Compute Optimizer console.

Finding classifications for Amazon ECS services on Fargate

Classification Description


When Compute Optimizer detects that there’s not enough memory or CPU, an Amazon ECS service is considered under-provisioned. Compute Optimizer displays a finding reason of CPU under-provisioned or Memory under-provisioned. An under-provisioned Amazon ECS service might result in poor application performance.


When Compute Optimizer detects that there’s excessive memory or CPU, an Amazon ECS service is considered over-provisioned. Compute Optimizer displays a finding reason of CPU over-provisioned or Memory over-provisioned. An over-provisioned Amazon ECS service might result in additional infrastructure costs.


When both the CPU and memory of your Amazon ECS service meet the performance requirements of your workload, the service is considered optimized.

For more information about an under and over provisioned Amazon ECS services on Fargate, see Finding reasons in the Viewing recommendations for Amazon ECS services on Fargate topic.

Finding classifications for commercial software license

Classification Description

Insufficient metrics

When Compute Optimizer detects that your CloudWatch Application Insights isn't enabled or is enabled with insufficient permissions. Compute Optimizer displays a finding reason of InvalidCloudwatchApplicationInsights or CloudwatchApplicationInsightsError.

Not optimized

When Compute Optimizer detects that your EC2 infrastructure isn't using any of the Microsoft SQL server license features you're paying for, a license is considered not optimized. Compute Optimizer displays a finding reason of LicenseOverprovisioned. A license that isn't optimized might result in unnecessary additional costs.


When the license for your SQL server database meets your performance requirements, the license is considered optimized.

For more information about these finding classifications, see Finding reasons in the Viewing commercial software license recommendations topic.

Viewing the dashboard

Use the following procedure to view the dashboard and the optimization findings for your resources.

  1. Open the Compute Optimizer console at

  2. Choose Dashboard in the navigation pane.

    By default, the dashboard displays an overview of optimization findings for Amazon resources across all Amazon Web Services Regions in the account that you're currently signed in to.

  3. You can perform the following actions on the dashboard:

    • To view the optimization findings for resources in another account, choose Account, and then select a different account ID.


      The ability to view optimization findings for resources in other accounts is available only if you're signed in to a management account of an organization, you opted in all member accounts of the organization, and trusted access with Compute Optimizer is enabled. For more information, see Accounts supported by Compute Optimizer and Compute Optimizer and Amazon Organizations trusted access.

    • To show or hide the savings opportunity and performance improvement opportunity sections of the dashboard, choose the gear icon, choose the sections that you want to show or hide, and choose Apply.

    • To filter findings on the dashboard to one or more Amazon Web Services Regions, enter the name of the Region in the Filter by one or more Regions text box, or choose one or more Regions in the drop-down list that appears.

    • To clear the selected filters, choose Clear filters next to the filter.

    • To view optimization recommendations, choose the View recommendations link for one of the resource types displayed, or choose the number of resources listed next to a findings classification to view the resources for that classification. For more information, see Viewing resource recommendations.