TOKENIZATION - Amazon Glue DataBrew
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Splits text into smaller units, or tokens, such as individual words or terms.

  • sourceColumn – The name of an existing column.

  • delimiter — A custom delimiter that appears between tokenized words. (The default behavior is to separate each token by a space.)

  • expandContractions — If ENABLED, expands contracted words. For example: "don't" becomes "do not".

  • stemmingMode — Splits text into smaller units or tokens, such as individual lowercase words or terms. Two stemming modes are available: PORTER | LANCASTER.

  • stopWordRemovalMode — Removes common words like a, an, the, and more.

  • customStopWords — For StopWordRemovalMode, allows you to specify a custom list of stop words.

  • targetColumn — The name of a column to contain the results.


{ "Action": { "Operation": "TOKENIZATION", "Parameters": { "customStopWords": "[]", "delimiter": "- ", "expandContractions": "ENABLED", "sourceColumn": "dimensions", "stemmingMode": "PORTER", "stopWordRemovalMode": "DEFAULT", "targetColumn": "dimensions_tokenized" } } }