Amazon DataSync network requirements - Amazon DataSync
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Amazon DataSync network requirements

Configuring your network is an important step in setting up Amazon DataSync. Your network configuration depends on several factors, such as what kind of storage systems you're working with. It's also based on what kind of DataSync service endpoint that you plan to use.

Network requirements for on-premises, self-managed, other cloud, and edge storage

The following network requirements can apply to on-premises, self-managed, other cloud, and edge storage systems. These are typically storage systems that you manage or might be managed by another cloud provider.


Depending on your network, you might need to allow traffic on ports other than what's listed here for your DataSync agent to connect with your storage.

From To Protocol Port How it's used by DataSync
DataSync agent

NFS file server


2049 (for NFS versions 4.1 and 4.0)

111 and 2049 (for NFS version 3.x)

Mounts the NFS file server.

DataSync supports NFS versions 3.x, 4.0, and 4.1.

DataSync agent

SMB file server


139 or 445

Mounts the SMB file server.

DataSync supports SMB versions 1.0 and later.

DataSync agent

Object storage


443 (HTTPS) or 80 (HTTP)


Depending on your object storage, you might need to allow traffic on nonstandard HTTPS and HTTP ports (such as 8443 or 8080).

Accesses your object storage.

DataSync agent Hadoop cluster TCP

NameNode port (default is 8020)

In most clusters, you can find this port number in the core-site.xml file under the fs.default or property (depending on the Hadoop distribution).

Accesses the NameNodes in your Hadoop cluster. Specify the port used when creating an HDFS location.
DataSync agent Hadoop cluster TCP

DataNode port (default is 50010)

In most clusters, you can find this port number in the hdfs-site.xml file under the dfs.datanode.address property.

Accesses the DataNodes in your Hadoop cluster. The DataSync agent automatically determines the port to use.
DataSync agent Hadoop Key Management Server (KMS) TCP KMS port (default is 9600) Accesses the KMS for your Hadoop cluster.
DataSync agent Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) server TCP KDC port (default is 88) Authenticates with the Kerberos realm. This port is used only with HDFS.
DataSync agent Storage system's management interface TCP Depends on your network Connects to your storage system. DataSync Discovery uses this connection to collect information about your system.

Network requirements for Amazon storage services

The network ports required for DataSync to connect to an Amazon storage service during a transfer vary.

From To Protocol Port
DataSync service

Amazon EFS



DataSync service

FSx for Windows File Server

See file system access control for FSx for Windows File Server.

DataSync service

FSx for Lustre

See file system access control for FSx for Lustre.

DataSync service FSx for OpenZFS

See file system access control for FSx for OpenZFS.

DataSync service FSx for ONTAP TCP

111, 635, and 2049 (NFS)

445 (SMB)

DataSync service Amazon S3 N/A (DataSync connects to S3 buckets on your behalf)

Network requirements for public service endpoints

Your agent VM requires access to the following endpoints to communicate with Amazon when using public service endpoints. If you use a firewall or router to filter or limit network traffic, configure your firewall or router to allow these service endpoints.

From To Protocol Port How it's used Endpoints accessed

Your web browser

DataSync agent


80 (HTTP)

Allows your browser to obtain the DataSync agent's activation key. Once activated, DataSync closes the agent's port 80.

Your agent doesn't require port 80 to be publicly accessible. The required level of access to port 80 depends on your network configuration.


You can get the activation key without a connection between your browser and agent. For more information, see Getting an activation key.

DataSync agent Amazon TCP

443 (HTTPS)

Activates your DataSync agent and associates it with your Amazon Web Services account. You can block the endpoint after activation.

The activation-region is the Amazon Web Services Region where you activate your DataSync agent.


DataSync agent



443 (HTTPS)

Allows communication between the DataSync agent and DataSync service endpoint.

For information, see Choosing a service endpoint for your Amazon DataSync agent.

The activation-region is the Amazon Web Services Region where you activate your DataSync agent.

Data transfer endpoints:



Your client Amazon TCP 443 (HTTPS) Allows you to make DataSync API requests.

The activation-region is the Amazon Web Services Region where you activate your DataSync agent:


DataSync agent Amazon TCP 443 (HTTPS) Allows the DataSync agent to get updates from Amazon.

The activation-region is the Amazon Web Services Region where you activate your DataSync agent.




  • *

DataSync agent

Domain Name Service (DNS) server


53 (DNS)

Allows communication between the DataSync agent and DNS server.


DataSync agent



22 (Support channel)

Allows Amazon Web Services Support to access your DataSync agent to help you troubleshoot issues. You don't need this port open for normal operation.

Amazon Web Services Support channel:


DataSync agent

Network Time Protocol (NTP) server


123 (NTP)

Allows local systems to synchronize the VM time to the host time.







To change the default NTP configuration of your VM agent to use a different NTP server using the local console, see Synchronizing the time on your VMware agent.

Network requirements for VPC service endpoints

A virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint provides a private connection between your agent and Amazon that doesn't cross the internet or use public IP addresses. This also helps prevent packets from entering or exiting the network. For more information, see Choosing a VPC service endpoint.

DataSync requires the following ports for your agent to use a VPC service endpoint.

From To Protocol Port How it's used

Your web browser

Your DataSync agent


80 (HTTP)

Allows your browser to obtain the agent activation key. Once activated, DataSync closes the agent's port 80.

Your agent doesn't require port 80 to be publicly accessible. The required level of access to port 80 depends on your network configuration.


You can get the activation key without a connection between your browser and agent. For more information, see Getting an activation key.

DataSync agent

Your DataSync VPC service endpoint

To find the endpoint's IP address, open the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints, and select your DataSync VPC service endpoint. On the Subnets tab, locate the IP address for your VPC service endpoint's subnet. This is the endpoint's IP address.



For control plane traffic.

DataSync agent

Your DataSync task's network interfaces

To find the IP addresses of these interfaces, see Viewing your network interfaces.


443 (HTTPS)

For data plane traffic.

DataSync agent

Your DataSync VPC service endpoint


22 (Support channel)

To allow Amazon Web Services Support to access your DataSync agent for troubleshooting.

You don't need this port open for normal operation.

The following diagram shows the ports required by DataSync when using VPC service endpoints.

Shows the ports used by DataSync with VPC service endpoints.