Monitoring Amazon DataSync with manual tools - Amazon DataSync
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Monitoring Amazon DataSync with manual tools

You can track your Amazon DataSync transfers from the console or the command line.

Monitoring your transfer by using the DataSync console

You can monitor your DataSync transfer by using the console, which provides real-time metrics such as data transferred, data and file throughput, and data compression.

To monitor your transfer by using the DataSync console
  1. After you start your DataSync task, choose See execution details.

  2. View metrics about your transfer.

Monitoring your transfer by using the Amazon CLI

You can monitor your DataSync transfer by using the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI).

Copy the following describe-task-execution command. To use this example command, replace the user input placeholders with your own information.

aws datasync describe-task-execution \ --task-execution-arn 'arn:aws-cn:datasync:region:account-id:task/task-id/execution/task-execution-id'

This command returns information about a task execution similar to that shown following.

{ "BytesCompressed": 3500, "BytesTransferred": 5000, "BytesWritten": 5000, "EstimatedBytesToTransfer": 5000, "EstimatedFilesToDelete": 10, "EstimatedFilesToTransfer": 100, "FilesDeleted": 10, "FilesSkipped": 0, "FilesTransferred": 100, "FilesVerified": 100, "Result": { "ErrorCode": "??????", "ErrorDetail": "??????", "PrepareDuration": 100, "PrepareStatus": "SUCCESS", "TransferDuration": 60, "TransferStatus": "AVAILABLE", "VerifyDuration": 30, "VerifyStatus": "SUCCESS" }, "StartTime": 1532660733.39, "Status": "SUCCESS", "OverrideOptions": { "Atime": "BEST_EFFORT", "BytesPerSecond": "1000", "Gid": "NONE", "Mtime": "PRESERVE", "PosixPermissions": "PRESERVE", "PreserveDevices": "NONE", "PreserveDeletedFiles": "PRESERVE", "Uid": "NONE", "VerifyMode": "POINT_IN_TIME_CONSISTENT" }, "TaskExecutionArn": "arn:aws-cn:datasync:us-east-1:111222333444:task/task-aaaabbbbccccddddf/execution/exec-1234abcd1234abcd1", "TaskReportConfig": { "Destination": { "S3": { "BucketAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws-cn:iam::111222333444:role/my-datasync-role", "S3BucketArn": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/*", "Subdirectory": "reports" } }, "ObjectVersionIds": "INCLUDE", "OutputType": "STANDARD", "Overrides": { "Deleted": { "ReportLevel": "ERRORS_ONLY" }, "Skipped": { "ReportLevel": "SUCCESSES_AND_ERRORS" }, "Transferred": { "ReportLevel": "ERRORS_ONLY" }, "Verified": { "ReportLevel": "ERRORS_ONLY" } }, "ReportLevel": "ERRORS_ONLY" } }
  • If the task execution succeeds, the value of Status changes to SUCCESS. For information about what the response elements mean, see DescribeTaskExecution.

  • If the task execution fails, the result sends error codes that can help you troubleshoot issues. For information about the error codes, see TaskExecutionResultDetail.

Monitoring your transfer by using the watch utility

To monitor the progress of your task in real time from the command line, you can use the standard Unix watch utility. Task execution duration values are measured in milliseconds.

The watch utility doesn't recognize the DataSync alias. The following example shows how to invoke the CLI directly. To use this example command, replace the user input placeholders with your own information.

# pass '-n 1' to update every second and '-d' to highlight differences $ watch -n 1 -d \ "aws datasync describe-task-execution --task-execution-arn 'arn:aws-cn:datasync:region:account-id:task/task-id/execution/task execution-id'"