NICE DCV end of support life - NICE DCV
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NICE DCV end of support life

The NICE DCV End of Support Life (EOSL) defines the point in time after which a specific major version (and all of its minor versions) of NICE DCV no longer receives support and is no longer tested for compatibility with newer versions.

Before the EOSL date, the NICE DCV support team continues to provide full support for configuration issues. Defect resolutions and feature requests are implemented for the most recent versions of the NICE DCV server and NICE DCV client only. They are not implemented for older versions.

After the EOSL date, no further support or maintenance is provided. We will also stop testing for compatibility issues. For continued support, you must upgrade to the latest NICE DCV version.

EOSL timeline

The following table shows the EOSL timeline for the NICE DCV major versions.

NICE DCV major version Initial release date EOSL date

NICE DCV 2016.x

December 31, 2015 March 31, 2021

NICE DCV 2017.x

December 18, 2017 December 31, 2021

NICE DCV 2019.x

August 5, 2019 December 31, 2022

NICE DCV 2020.x

April 16, 2020 December 31, 2023

NICE DCV 2021.x

April 12, 2021 December 31, 2024

NICE DCV 2022.x

February 23, 2022 December 31, 2025

NICE DCV 2023.x

May 3, 2023 December 31, 2026

EOSL paths for customers

If you are running NICE DCV on Amazon, you do not need a license for NICE DCV. You pay only for the underlying Amazon resources that you use for your workloads. If you are currently using a NICE DCV version that is past its EOSL date, upgrade to the latest NICE DCV version using the NICE download page or make use of a NICE DCV AMI from the Amazon Web Services Marketplace to continue receiving support.

If you are running NICE DCV on-premises or using a third-party cloud service providers, and the version of NICE DCV that you are currently using is past its EOSL date, contact your reseller or distributor to evaluate your available upgrade paths. If you have an active support contract, you can upgrade to the latest version of NICE DCV at no cost. For information about the NICE DCV distributors and resellers, see the NICE website..


1. I’m using a version of NICE DCV that has reached its EOSL on-premises or with a third-party cloud service provider, but I have an existing support contract. Will I be impacted by the EOSL?

If you have an active support contract, the terms of the NICE DCV support contract enable you to upgrade your NICE DCV licenses to the latest version at no additional charge. In this situation, there is minimal impact. If your support contract is expired, you can use one of the following methods to continue receiving full support:

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of NICE DCV version with a new paid license.

  2. Renew your support contract before the EOSL timeline to, which gives you an upgrade path to the latest versions of NICE DCV.

  3. Reinstate an old support contract by paying a reinstatement fee, which is equal to 70% of the current charge for support services for the period of time since your support contract expired.

2. I’m using a version of NICE DCV that has reached its EOSL on Amazon EC2, what should I do to upgrade to a supported version?

Upgrading to fully supported versions of NICE DCV for use on Amazon EC2 is available to customers at all times for no additional charge.

3. Can I use a version of the NICE DCV client that has reached its EOSL with a supported NICE DCV server, or vice versa?

Yes, but we strongly recommend that you upgrade both your client and server software to the latest versions as bug fixes are no longer applied to versions that have reached their EOSL.