Getting NICE DCV Session screenshots - NICE DCV
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Getting NICE DCV Session screenshots

You can use the dcv get-screenshot command to get a screenshot of the desktop for the running session.


dcv get-screenshot --max-width pixels --max-height pixels --format JPEG|PNG --primary --json --output /path_to/destination session_name



Specifies the maximum width, in pixels, of the screenshot. If you don't specify a width or a height, the screenshot uses the session's display resolution. If you specify a height only, the width is automatically scaled to maintain the aspect ratio.

Type: Integer

Required: No


Specifies the maximum height, in pixels, of the screenshot. If you don't specify a width or height, the screenshot uses the session's display resolution. If you specify a width only, the height is automatically scaled to maintain the aspect ratio.

Type: Integer

Required: No


The file format of the screenshot. Currently, only the JPEG and PNG formats are supported. If you specify conflicting file types for the --format and --output options, the value specified for --format takes priority. For example, if you specify --format JPEG and --output myfile.png, NICE DCV creates a JPEG image file.

Type: String

Allowed values: JPEG | PNG

Required: No


Indicates whether to get a screenshot of the primary display only. To get a screenshot of the primary display only, specify --primary. To get a screenshot of all displays, omit this option. If you choose to get a screenshot of all of the displays, all of the displays are combined into a single screenshot.

Required: No

--json, -j

Indicates whether to deliver the output in JSON format encoded in base64. To get JSON output, specify --json. Otherwise, omit it.

Required: No

--output, -o

Specifies the destination path, file name, and file type for the screenshot. For example, for Windows, specify c:\directory\filename.format, and for Linux, specify /directory/filename.format. The format must be .png or .jpeg. If you specify conflicting file types for the --format and --output options, the value specified for --format takes priority. For example, if you specify --format JPEG and --output myfile.png, NICE DCV creates a JPEG image file.

Type: String

Required: no


Example 1

The following example command gets a screenshot of a session that's named my-session. The screenshot uses the resolution of the server.

dcv get-screenshot --output myscreenshot.png my-session
Example 2

The following example command takes a screenshot that's 200 pixels wide by 100 pixels high. It takes it of a session that's named my-session. It saves the screenshot in the current directory with the file name myscreenshot.png.

dcv get-screenshot --max-width 200 --max-height 100 --output myscreenshot.png my-session
Example 3

The following example command takes a screenshot of a session that's named my-session. The screenshot is only of the primary display. It saves the file in the current directory and names the screenshot myscreenshot.png.

dcv get-screenshot --primary --output myscreenshot.jpeg my-session
Example 4

The following example command gets a screenshot of a session that's named my-session. The command outputs the file encoded in base64 and in JSON format.

dcv get-screenshot --json --format png my-session