Monitoring NICE DCV Performance and Statistics - NICE DCV
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Monitoring NICE DCV Performance and Statistics

Starting with NICE DCV 2023.1 server, you can use Windows Performance Counters to monitor various aspects of the protocol performance and collect the statistics about the NICE DCV sessions and connections.

Tools to Collect Performance Counters:

  • Performance Monitor (PerfMon): A Windows-native tool that lets you visualize performance data in real-time or from log files.

  • LogMan: A command-line tool that can start and stop logging based on specified criteria.

  • TypePerf: A command-line tool that writes performance data to the command window or to a log file.

  • PowerShell: Windows scripting language, which can be used to gather and manipulate performance data.

  • Third-party tools: There are several third-party monitoring solutions available that can gather these counters and provide in-depth insights.

DCV Performance counters are grouped in five counter sets.

Counter Sets

NICE DCV server

This counter set contains global statistics about the DCV Server service on the host. It also contains an aggregated variant of many counters that are also available in the other counter sets, providing a way to access the information aggregated over the full lifetime of the server, and with a static path (you don’t have to retrieve session or connection identifiers in order to read the counters in this counter set).


the aggregated instance from one of the other counter sets (e.g. "\DCV Server Connections(_Total)\Sent Bytes)" returns the sum over all active connections, while the global counter is accumulated since the server started, and includes connections that have been closed.

Counter name Description Unit Notes

Active Sessions

Number of active sessions on the host


Total Sessions

Incrementing number of sessions created on the host, including the session that have been closed


Active Connections

Number of active connections to the server


Total Connections

Incrementing number of connections to the server, including active, reconnected and disconnected clients


Idle Disconnections

Incrementing number of connections that were disconnected because of inactivity


Receive Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is received by the server


Received Bytes

Total number of bytes received since the service was started


Send Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is sent by the server


Sent Bytes

Total number of bytes sent since the service was started


HTTP Download Rate bits/sec

Bandwidth in bits per second for outgoing HTTP traffic


Client-to-server traffic for file storage is counted in Receive Rate

HTTP Downloaded Bytes

Total number of bytes sent over HTTP since the service was started


Client-to-server traffic for file storage is counted in Received Bytes

Round-Trip Time ms

Average round-trip latency between server and clients, in milliseconds


Measured and updated once every 5 seconds

Minimum Round-Trip Time ms

Minimum round-trip latency detected since the server started, in milliseconds


Updated once every 5 seconds

DCV Server Processes

This counter set contains information about the individual NICE DCV processes.

agent_type can be one of: session_agent, system_agent, user_agent

Counters are updated once per second.

Counter name Description Unit Notes

% Processor Time

Percentage of processor time used by the process


Percentage is relative to one CPU core (i.e. 100% means the process is hogging one thread).

Same as \Process(NAME)\% Processor Time

Physical Memory Bytes

Current amount of physical memory used by the process, in bytes


Same as \Process(NAME)\Working Set

Virtual Memory Bytes

Current size of the virtual address space of the process, in bytes


Process Identifier

Numeric process identifier (PID)


NICE DCV server sessions

Counters in this set provide information about a single session. There's one instance of this counter set for each created session, whether a user is connected or not.

If the administrator closes a session, the corresponding instance is removed; if the administrator re-creates a session with the same name, all the counters restart from zero.

Counter name Description Unit

Session Duration sec

Total number of seconds the session has been open


Total Pixels

Number of pixels in the display area, which is the sum of the number of pixels across all the displays in the session


Display Count

Number of displays in the session


The following counters are the same as the ones in NICE DCV Server counter set, with minor differences in the description:

Counter name Description

Active Connections

Number of active connections to the session instance

Total Connections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance, including active, reconnected and disconnected clients

Idle Disconnections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance that were disconnected because of inactivity

Ungraceful Disconnections

Incrementing number of connections to the session instance that were disconnected because of an error

Receive Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is received within the session

Received Bytes

Total number of bytes received since session start

Send Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is sent within the session

Sent Bytes

Total number of bytes sent since session start

HTTP Download Rate bits/sec

Bandwidth in bits per second for outgoing HTTP data within the session

HTTP Downloaded Bytes

Total number of bytes sent over HTTP within the session

Round-Trip Time ms

Average round-trip latency between server and clients within the session, in milliseconds

Minimum Round-Trip Time ms

Minimum round-trip latency detected since the session was established, in milliseconds

NICE DCV Server Connections

Counters in this set provide information about a single client connection. Counter set instances are created when a client connects to the server and deleted when the client disconnects. The connection_id is a number, and it is only unique within one server session.

Counter name Description Unit

Connection Duration sec

Total number of seconds the connection has been open


The following counters are the same as the ones in “DCV Server” counter set, with minor differences in the description:

Counter name Description

Receive Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is received within the connection

Received Bytes

Total number of bytes received since the connection was established

Send Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is sent within the connection

Sent Bytes

Total number of bytes sent since the connection was established

HTTP Download Rate bits/sec

Bandwidth in bits per second for outgoing HTTP data within the connection

HTTP Downloaded Bytes

Total number of bytes sent over HTTP since the connection was established

Round-Trip Time ms

Average round-trip latency for the connection, in milliseconds

Minimum Round-Trip Time ms

Minimum round-trip latency detected since the connection was established, in milliseconds

NICE DCV server channels

Counters in this set provide information about individual channels in a client connection. There can be additional channels for extensions.

Channel names are:

  • dcv::main

  • dcv::display

  • dcv::input

  • dcv::audio

  • dcv::filestorage

  • dcv::clipboard

Incoming filestorage traffic is attributed to the dcv::filestorage channel.

Outgoing filestorage traffic is included in the HTTP Download counters in DCV Server Connections.


Counters in this set are a subset of the ones in DCV Server Connections.

Counter name Description

Receive Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is received via the channel

Received Bytes

Total number of bytes received via the channel

Send Rate bits/sec

Rate in bits per second at which data is sent via the channel

Sent Bytes

Total number of bytes sent via the channel

NICE DCV Server Imaging

Counters in this set provide information about the subsystems responsible for screen grabbing, encoding and delivery.

Counters in this set are divided in two groups:

  • For those in the first group, NICE DCV collects one value for each session and publishes it in the $session_name instance.

  • For those in the second group, NICE DCV collects one value for each encoder in each session. There are three active encoders:

    • one full-frame encoder

    • one tile-based encoder

    • one lossless encoder

    These counters are published in the $session_name:$encoder_name instances.

Counter name Description Unit Instance

Grabbed Frames/sec

Captured frame rate in frames per second



Grabbed Frames

Total number of captured frames since the session started



Sent Frames/sec

Rate of screen frames sent per second to the connected client



Dropped Frames/sec

Rate of screen frames that were not sent to the connected client per second



Display Latency ms

Average time in milliseconds between frame capture and presentation



Available Bandwidth bits/sec

Estimated bandwidth available in the connection, in bits per second



Encoded Frames/sec

Rate of screen frames encoded per second



Encoding Time ms

Average time, in milliseconds, used for encoding one sceeen frame



Encoding Time per Megapixel ms

Average time, in milliseconds, used to encode one million pixels



Frame Quality %

Average frame compression quality, expressed as a percentage



Frame Compression Ratio %

Average frame compression ratio, defined as the ratio between the frame size, in bytes, and the size of the compressed frame

