Get an access token and make an API request - NICE DCV Session Manager
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Get an access token and make an API request

First we import the models needed for the application.

Then we declare variables for the client ID (__CLIENT_ID), client password (__CLIENT_SECRET), and the Broker URL, including the port number (__PROTOCOL_HOST_PORT).

Next, we create a function called build_client_credentials that generates the client credentials. To generate the client credentials, you must first concatenate the client ID and client password and separate the values with a colon (client_ID:client_password), and then Base64 encode the entire string.

import swagger_client import base64 import requests import json from swagger_client.models.describe_sessions_request_data import DescribeSessionsRequestData from swagger_client.models.key_value_pair import KeyValuePair from swagger_client.models.delete_session_request_data import DeleteSessionRequestData from swagger_client.models.update_session_permissions_request_data import UpdateSessionPermissionsRequestData from swagger_client.models.create_session_request_data import CreateSessionRequestData __CLIENT_ID = '794b2dbb-bd82-4707-a2f7-f3d9899cb386' __CLIENT_SECRET = 'MzcxNzJhN2UtYjEzNS00MjNjLTg2N2YtMjFlZmRlZWNjMDU1' __PROTOCOL_HOST_PORT = 'https://<broker-hostname>:8443' def build_client_credentials(): client_credentials = '{client_id}:{client_secret}'.format(client_id=__CLIENT_ID, client_secret=__CLIENT_SECRET) return base64.b64encode(client_credentials.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')

Now that we have our client credentials, we can use it to request an access token from the Broker. To do this, we create a function called get_access_token. You must call a POST on https://Broker_IP:8443/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials, and provide an authorization header, which includes the Basic-encoded client credentials, and a content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

def get_access_token(): client_credentials = build_client_credentials() headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(client_credentials), 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } endpoint = __PROTOCOL_HOST_PORT + '/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials' print('Calling', endpoint, 'using headers', headers) res =, headers=headers, verify=True) if res.status_code != 200: print('Cannot get access token:', res.text) return None access_token = json.loads(res.text)['access_token'] print('Access token is', access_token) return access_token

Now, we create the functions needed to instantiate a client API. To instantiate a client API, you must specify the client configuration and the headers to be used for requests. The get_client_configuration function creates a configuration object that includes the Broker's IP address and port and the path to Broker's self-signed certificate, which you should have received from the Broker administrator. The set_request_headers function creates a request header object that includes the client credentials and the access token.

def get_client_configuration(): configuration = swagger_client.Configuration() = __PROTOCOL_HOST_PORT configuration.verify_ssl = True # configuration.ssl_ca_cert = cert_file.pem return configuration def set_request_headers(api_client): access_token = get_access_token() api_client.set_default_header(header_name='Authorization', header_value='Bearer {}'.format(access_token)) def get_sessions_api(): api_instance = swagger_client.SessionsApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(get_client_configuration())) set_request_headers(api_instance.api_client) return api_instance

Finally, we create a main method that calls the DescribeSessions API. For more information, see DescribeSessions.

def describe_sessions(session_ids=None, next_token=None, tags=None, owner=None): filters = list() if tags: for tag in tags: filter_key_value_pair = KeyValuePair(key='tag:' + tag['Key'], value=tag['Value']) filters.append(filter_key_value_pair) if owner: filter_key_value_pair = KeyValuePair(key='owner', value=owner) filters.append(filter_key_value_pair) request = DescribeSessionsRequestData(session_ids=session_ids, filters=filters, next_token=next_token) print('Describe Sessions Request:', request) api_instance = get_sessions_api() api_response = api_instance.describe_sessions(body=request) print('Describe Sessions Response', api_response) def main(): describe_sessions( session_ids=['SessionId1895', 'SessionId1897'], owner='an owner 1890', tags=[{'Key': 'ram', 'Value': '4gb'}])