Delete an Amazon Direct Connect gateway
If you no longer require a Direct Connect gateway, you can delete it. You must first disassociate all associated virtual private gateways and delete the attached private virtual interface. Once you've disassociated any associated virtual private gateways and deleted any attached virtual private interfaces, you can delete the Direct Connect gateway using either the Amazon Direct Connect console or using the command line or API.
For the steps to disassociate a virutal private gateway, see Associate or disassociate virtual private gateways.
For the steps to delete a virtual interface, see Delete a virtual interface.
To delete a Direct Connect gateway
Open the Amazon Direct Connect console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Direct Connect Gateways.
Select the gateways and choose Delete.
To delete a Direct Connect gateway using the command line or API
delete-direct-connect-gateway (Amazon CLI)
DeleteDirectConnectGateway (Amazon Direct Connect API)